Forum | | | | ![: 09/24/06](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Halla in a body...
at that Durchstöbern of these [...] having itself by me a crowd on ask aufgehäuft - so one tappt im dunkeln rather work out can, I will tappt im dunkeln time number :
1.) It's all right me here around the Memmory-Scanning in the Kernel Mode. circa into Kernel Mode To gelangen, must I a service write - accurate said a service with the Flag SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER. has someone left To Quelltexten for Programming of Services (first times without this Flag) - alike in which Language? It's all right not around the Installierung, the can I, only around the service self.
2.) there Profan of itself from already User-APIs aufruft (u.a. from the User32) and these APIs with one Kernel Mode-driver not available stand, is the Programming a service with the Flag SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER in Profan you don't say so - I see the correctly.?
3.) [quote:f7bf3be205]Unfortunately, some of the important APIs needed for memory scanning are hardship exported by name from NTOSKRNL.EXE for the use of a Kernel fashion coachman.[/quote:f7bf3be205] Therefore might I only APIs from NTOSKRNL.EXE, the WIN32k.SYS and the HAL.DLL use, is the right (Native APIs)?
4.) for a service need I The API RegisterServiceCtrlHandler. declared comes from the ADVAPI32 and standing me therefore with the Programming one Kernel Mode-Treibers not available, I see the correctly.? which function use I instead?
5.) [quote:f7bf3be205]When a User fashion application calls the KERNEL32.DLLÞVirtualQueryEx() API the call is redirected to the NTDLL.DLLÞNtQueryVirtualMemory() function. Diese API is hardship available from NTOSKRNL.EXE.[/quote:f7bf3be205] I faith, the have I understood . [quote:f7bf3be205]A coachman can solve this trouble in two different ways. It can be linked against NTDLL.DLL. is the easiest way.[/quote:f7bf3be205] simply is imer well - still How verlinke I against NTDLL? standing me NTDLL at all available ? How verlinke I against NTDLL without the me LoadLibrary available standing?
6.) [quote:f7bf3be205]NtQueryVirtualMemory() queries the pages of a particular process. It is hardship documented but is only a translation of the VirtualQueryEx() API. ZwQueryVirtualMemory() is placed in NTOSKRNL.EXE and its name is shown by the windows NT kernel debugger since the debug information contains the name of the function.[/quote:f7bf3be205] The Funkton, The I means to that to determine the allocated pages need, is means ZwQueryVirtualMemory(), correctly.? |
| | | | |
| | ![: 09/24/06](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | so, question number 1 has already time Done . have strain a (integrally) small service written ... |
| | | | |
| | ![Frank Abbing: 09/24/06](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Frank Abbing | here one Assemblercode, circa a service To proggen: CompileMarkSeparation!; --------------------------------------------
; Framework for Windows NT/2000/XP service application
; Written by Franck hitchhikr Charlet 10-2002.
; --------------------------------------------
; This is a skeleton for an auto loading/shutting down NT service.
; That service will un/register itself too.
; --------------------------------------------
; buildblock RELEASE
; CAPT [BINDIR]ml.exe /c /coff "%1.asm"
; buildblockend
; buildblock DEBUG
; CAPT [BINDIR]ml.exe /Zd /Zi /c /coff "%1.asm"
; buildblockend
.model flat,stdcall
option casemap:none
; --------------- Includes
includelib masm32libkernel32.lib
includelib masm32libuser32.lib
includelib masm32libadvapi32.lib
; Not defined in (as usual)
lpDescription LPSTR 0
; --------------- Service datas
ServiceHandle dd 0
ServicesDatabase dd 0
ServiceCurrentStatus dd 0
ServiceEvent dd 0
hServiceThread dd 0
ServiceDesc dd 0
ServiceStatus dd 0
; must be grouped
ServiceTable SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY <0,0>
ServiceStatusTable SERVICE_STATUS <>
FileName db MAX_PATH + 1 dup (0)
ErrStartMsg db "Cant initialize control dispatcher.",0
ErrServiceDBMsg db "Cant open services database.",0
ErrCreateServiceMsg db "Cant create service.",0
ErrOpenServiceMsg db "Cant open service.",0
ErrRemoveServiceMsg db "Cant remove service.",0
ServiceInstalledMsg db "Service installed.",0
ServiceRemovedMsg db "Service removed.",0
; --------------- User datas
; Real name of the service
ServiceName db "MyService",0
; Description shown in windows 2000 and above
ServiceDescription db "Service description here",0
; The service should start as soon as it is installed or not
ServiceStartRightNow dd TRUE
; How and when the service should start
; SERVICE_DEMAND_START < Start it with the service manager of Windows.
; Type of service
; --------------------------------------------
; User code
; --------------------------------------------
; --------------- Perform tasks right before service effective creation
; Out: 0 = Stop install process
; 1 = Proceed with install
; ---------------
; ServicesDatabase variable is initialized
; ---------------
; (Tip: This routine can be used to display dialogs or whatever)
ServiceStart proc
xor eax,eax
inc eax
ServiceStart endp
; --------------- Perform tasks right before service effective removal
; Out: 0 = Stop removal process
; 1 = Proceed with removal
; ---------------
; ServicesDatabase variable is initialized
; ServiceHandle variable is initialized
; ---------------
; (Tip: This routine can be used to display dialogs or whatever)
ServiceRemove proc
xor eax,eax
inc eax
ServiceRemove endp
; --------------- Background Thread (infinite) of the service
ServiceThread proc param:dword
; Put your code here
ThreadLoop: invoke Sleep,1
jmp ThreadLoop
ServiceThread endp
; --------------------------------------------
; Background code
; --------------------------------------------
; --------------- Display an error and terminate process
RaiseError proc ErrorMsg:dword
invoke MessageBoxA,0,ErrorMsg,addr ServiceName,MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR
invoke ExitProcess,0
RaiseError endp
; --------------- Display an informative message
RaiseInformation proc InfoMsg:dword
invoke MessageBoxA,0,InfoMsg,addr ServiceName,MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION
RaiseInformation endp
; --------------- Service entry point
; Must run 3 in ways with the same procedure:
; 1. Install
; 2. Start
; 3. Remove
start: invoke OpenSCManager,0,0,SC_MANAGER_CREATE_SERVICE
mov ServicesDatabase,eax
test eax,eax
jnz DatabaseObtained
invoke RaiseError,addr ErrServiceDBMsg
DatabaseObtained: ; Check if the service is in starting state
invoke OpenService,ServicesDatabase,addr ServiceName,SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS
mov ServiceHandle,eax
test eax,eax
jz InvalidService
invoke QueryServiceStatus,ServiceHandle,addr ServiceStatusTable
test eax,eax
jz NoServiceState
mov eax,ServiceStatusTable.dwCurrentState
; Feed service manager with our thread if starting state
je ServiceStartup
NoServiceState: invoke CloseServiceHandle,ServiceHandle
jmp InstallProceed
InvalidService: ; Call user procedure
call ServiceStart
test eax,eax
jnz InstallProceed
invoke CloseServiceHandle,ServicesDatabase
invoke ExitProcess,0
InstallProceed: invoke GetModuleFileName,0,addr FileName,MAX_PATH
; Try to install
invoke CreateService,ServicesDatabase,addr ServiceName,addr ServiceName,SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS,ServiceTypeFlag,ServiceStartFlag,SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL,addr FileName,0,0,0,0,0
mov ServiceHandle,eax
test eax,eax
jnz ServiceCreated
invoke GetLastError
jne ServiceAlreadyExists
; Perform removal
invoke OpenService,ServicesDatabase,addr ServiceName,SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS or DELETE
mov ServiceHandle,eax
test eax,eax
jnz ServiceOpened
invoke CloseServiceHandle,ServicesDatabase
invoke RaiseError,addr ErrOpenServiceMsg
ServiceOpened: invoke QueryServiceStatus,ServiceHandle,addr ServiceStatusTable
mov eax,ServiceStatusTable.dwCurrentState
je ServiceAlreadyStopped
invoke ControlService,ServiceHandle,SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP,addr ServiceStatusTable
invoke Sleep,500
ServiceAlreadyStopped: ; Call user procedure
call ServiceRemove
test eax,eax
jnz RemoveProceed
invoke CloseServiceHandle,ServiceHandle
invoke CloseServiceHandle,ServicesDatabase
invoke ExitProcess,0
RemoveProceed: invoke DeleteService,ServiceHandle
test eax,eax
jnz ServiceRemoved
invoke CloseServiceHandle,ServiceHandle
invoke CloseServiceHandle,ServicesDatabase
invoke RaiseError,addr ErrRemoveServiceMsg
ServiceRemoved: invoke CloseServiceHandle,ServiceHandle
invoke CloseServiceHandle,ServicesDatabase
invoke RaiseInformation,addr ServiceRemovedMsg
invoke ExitProcess,0
ServiceAlreadyExists: invoke CloseServiceHandle,ServicesDatabase
invoke RaiseError,addr ErrCreateServiceMsg
ServiceCreated: mov [OsVer.dwOSVersionInfoSize],sizeof OsVer;
invoke GetVersionEx,addr OsVer
test eax,eax
jz CantObtainOSVersion
.if [OsVer.dwOSVersionInfoSize] >= 5
; Add a description if OS >= Win2k
.if [OsVer.dwPlatformId] == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT
mov eax,offset ServiceDescription
mov [ServiceDesc], eax
invoke ChangeServiceConfig2, ServiceHandle, SERVICE_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION, addr ServiceDesc
CantObtainOSVersion: .if ServiceStartRightNow != FALSE
invoke StartService,ServiceHandle,0,0
invoke CloseServiceHandle,ServiceHandle
invoke CloseServiceHandle,ServicesDatabase
invoke RaiseInformation,addr ServiceInstalledMsg
invoke ExitProcess,0
ServiceStartup: invoke CloseServiceHandle,ServiceHandle
invoke CloseServiceHandle,ServicesDatabase
mov ServiceTable.lpServiceName,offset ServiceName
mov ServiceTable.lpServiceProc,offset ServiceMain
invoke StartServiceCtrlDispatcher,addr ServiceTable
test eax,eax
jnz ServiceDispatch
invoke RaiseError,addr ErrStartMsg
ServiceDispatch: invoke ExitProcess,eax
; --------------- Initialize service thread
InitServiceThread proc
local ThreadID:dword
invoke CreateThread,0,0,addr ServiceThread,0,0,addr ThreadID
mov hServiceThread,eax
test eax,eax
jz Err_InitThread
xor eax,eax
inc eax
or ServiceCurrentStatus,eax
Err_InitThread: ret
InitServiceThread endp
; --------------- Resume service
ResumeService: and ServiceCurrentStatus,0fffffffdh
invoke ResumeThread,hServiceThread
; --------------- Pause service
PauseService: or ServiceCurrentStatus,2
invoke SuspendThread,hServiceThread
; --------------- Stop service
StopService: and ServiceCurrentStatus,0fffffffeh
invoke SetEvent,ServiceEvent
; --------------- Send message to system
SendStatus proc dwCurrentState:dword,dwWin32ExitCode:dword,dwServiceSpecificExitCode:dword,dwCheckPoint:dword,dwWaitHint:dword
mov ServiceStatusTable.dwServiceType,SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS
push dwCurrentState
pop ServiceStatusTable.dwCurrentState
jne SStatusStartPending
mov ServiceStatusTable.dwControlsAccepted,0
jmp CheckSStatusPending
CheckSStatusPending: cmp dwServiceSpecificExitCode,0
jne SStatusSetExitCode
push dwWin32ExitCode
pop ServiceStatusTable.dwWin32ExitCode
jmp CheckSStatusExitCode
SStatusSetExitCode: mov ServiceStatusTable.dwWin32ExitCode,ERROR_SERVICE_SPECIFIC_ERROR
CheckSStatusExitCode: push dwServiceSpecificExitCode
pop ServiceStatusTable.dwServiceSpecificExitCode
push dwCheckPoint
pop ServiceStatusTable.dwCheckPoint
push dwWaitHint
pop ServiceStatusTable.dwWaitHint
invoke SetServiceStatus,ServiceStatus,addr ServiceStatusTable
xor eax,eax
inc eax
SendStatus endp
; --------------- Terminate service
TerminateService proc ProvidedErr:dword
mov eax,ServiceEvent
test eax,eax
jz NoEventToTerminate
push eax
call CloseHandle
NoEventToTerminate: mov eax,ServiceStatus
test eax,eax
jz NoWorkingService
invoke SendStatus,SERVICE_STOPPED,ProvidedErr,0,0,0
NoWorkingService: mov eax,hServiceThread
test eax,eax
jz NoThreadToTerminate
push eax
call CloseHandle
NoThreadToTerminate: xor eax,eax
TerminateService endp
; --------------- Answer to system messages
CtrlHandler proc CtrlCode:dword
local StatetoSend:dword
mov StatetoSend,0
jne HandleServStop
invoke SendStatus,SERVICE_STOP_PENDING,NO_ERROR,0,1,5000
call StopService
jmp SCHandler
HandleServStop: cmp CtrlCode,SERVICE_CONTROL_PAUSE
jne HandleServPause
cmp ServiceCurrentStatus,1
jne HandleServPause
invoke SendStatus,SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING,NO_ERROR,0,1,1000
call PauseService
mov StatetoSend,SERVICE_PAUSED
jmp SCHandler
HandleServPause: cmp CtrlCode,SERVICE_CONTROL_CONTINUE
jne HandleServResume
cmp ServiceCurrentStatus,3
jne HandleServResume
call ResumeService
jmp SCHandler
je SCHandler
jne SCHandler
SCHandler: invoke SendStatus,StatetoSend,NO_ERROR,0,0,0
CtrlHandler endp
; --------------- Service main handler
ServiceMain proc ArgC:dword,ArgV:dword
invoke RegisterServiceCtrlHandler,addr ServiceName,addr CtrlHandler
mov ServiceStatus,eax
test eax,eax
jnz RegisteredCtrlHandler
invoke GetLastError
invoke TerminateService,eax
RegisteredCtrlHandler: invoke SendStatus,SERVICE_START_PENDING,NO_ERROR,0,1,5000
invoke CreateEvent,0,TRUE,FALSE,0
mov ServiceEvent,eax
test eax,eax
jnz RegisteredEvent
invoke GetLastError
invoke TerminateService,eax
RegisteredEvent: invoke SendStatus,SERVICE_START_PENDING,NO_ERROR,0,2,1000
invoke SendStatus,SERVICE_START_PENDING,NO_ERROR,0,3,5000
invoke InitServiceThread
test eax,eax
jnz RegisteredThread
invoke GetLastError
invoke TerminateService,eax
RegisteredThread: invoke SendStatus,SERVICE_RUNNING,NO_ERROR,0,0,0
invoke WaitForSingleObject, ss=s4 href='./../../Function-References/XProfan/serviceevent/'>ServiceEvent, INFINITE
invoke TerminateService, 0
ServiceMain endp
end start
| | | | |
| | ![: 09/24/06](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | best Thanks! whom I will yet use can!
PS: to all Things on the Proc, The on The Statusmessages reacted, have I in Contrast To your ASM-code extreme gespart . |
| | | | |
| | ![: 10/07/06](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | question 4 and 5 having itself Done. |
| | | | |
| | ![: 10/08/06](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | [quote:3a9089c8fa][quote:3a9089c8fa]A coachman can solve this trouble in two different ways. It can be linked against NTDLL.DLL. is the easiest way.[/quote:3a9089c8fa] simply is imer well - still How verlinke I against NTDLL? standing me NTDLL at all available ? How verlinke I against NTDLL without the me LoadLibrary available standing? [/quote:3a9089c8fa] The Author the Artikels veil here from Sicherheitsgründen apparently purposely something: naturally can not against NTDLL verlinken, if NTDLL none available standing - but there's a further Native-API, with the one defined Module into Kernel recharge can (and the is not erwähnt). About these API is it too possible a driver to start, without this as service To Register. i'm really of it gone out, that one to that Perform this special API one bestimmtes privilege enable must and was then first very terrified, that the none the case is. These privilege must but definitiv (and to that Happiness) present his.
Andreas |
| | | | |
| | ![Sebastian König: 10/08/06](.././../../i/a/95394891549b7cb32600d3.png) Sebastian König | Hello Andreas,
I have to a couple Meet [...] very interessanten item red. naturally white I do not, whether there something drinsteht, what You not yet know... ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498551.gif)
Sebastian |
| | | Windows XP, XProfan/Profan² 4.5 bis 11 Profan2Cpp-Homepage: [...] ![](/intl/i/lnk.gif) Alte Profan²-Seite: [...] ![](/intl/i/lnk.gif) | 10/08/06 ▲ |
| |
| | ![: 10/08/06](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | I catch Yes grade first on - since so! |
| | | | |
| | ![Sebastian König: 10/08/06](.././../../i/a/95394891549b7cb32600d3.png) Sebastian König | [quote:0e34cddc70]I catch Yes grade first on - since so![/quote:0e34cddc70] follow simply the Link - too The others Article on the Page (different Topics) find I very worth reading. |
| | | Windows XP, XProfan/Profan² 4.5 bis 11 Profan2Cpp-Homepage: [...] ![](/intl/i/lnk.gif) Alte Profan²-Seite: [...] ![](/intl/i/lnk.gif) | 10/08/06 ▲ |
| |
| | ![: 10/08/06](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Have whom Link overlooking - sees well from, thanks! |
| | | | |
| | ![: 10/08/06](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | is even very the, I yet needed. thanks! |
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