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| Hi, can me Please someone help i will whom way from the the Aktuellle runs read. the should with GetDir(@) weg. white unfortunately not How one whom commands einsetzt. would be over Answer very grateful!!!! mfg Julian57 |
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Dietmar Horn | in the "Baby-Box" (F3-Button) the XProfan-Managers simply whom Suchbegriff "Ordner" prompt, then find You there z.B. too moreover Codes, The You you only yet properly adjust need, How z.B.: CompileMarkSeparationdeclare text$
text$ = "Programmverzeichnis:\t" + $ProgDir
text$ = text$ + "\nWindowsverzeichnis:\t" + $WinPath
text$ = text$ + "\nWindows-System-Verzeichnis:\t" + $SysPath
text$ = text$ + "\nTemporäres Verzeichnis:\t" + $TempDir + "\n"
text$ = text$ + "\nTemporäres Verzeichnis:\t" + $TempDir + "\n"
text$ = text$ + "\nJulians Lieblingsordner:\t" + $ProgDir + "JULIAN"
Messagebox(text$,"I N F O",4160) >
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 10/14/10 ▲ |
Julian Schmidt | Hi, wants only whom Laufwerbuchstaben read, only whom Laufwerkbuchstaben, and of/ one Variable Save
Julian57 |
| ˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗ Webseite [...] | 10/14/10 ▲ |
Dietmar Horn | |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 10/14/10 ▲ |
Julian Schmidt | Hi, is unfortunately still wrong, it should not always C: read, separate whom Laufwerkbuchstaben from the the Script started d.h. if I the Script the drive E starte should it E: read and if I it on F: save and starte should it too F:spend
Julian57 |
| ˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗ Webseite [...] | 10/14/10 ▲ |
Dietmar Horn | which "Script" want Thou of where reading, started, evaluate, or How or what?
there müßtest You yourself already something verständlicher squeeze out ... |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 10/14/10 ▲ |
Julian Schmidt | Hi, I have one Script CompileMarkSeparationWindow 10,10-100,260
WindowStyle 536
WindowTitle " Unlock_by Julian57 :-)"
declare prgpfad$
declare e%,x%,y%,Edit&,weiter&,exit&,passwort$,admin&,gast&
declare text$
text$ = "Programmverzeichnis:\t" + $ProgDir
Cls rgb(0,255,0)
Print ""
Print " Wähle einen "
Print " Benutzer aus "
admin& = Create("Button",%hwnd,"Admin",5,60,100,30)
gast& = Create("Button",%hwnd,"Gast",5,100,100,30)
print ""
print ""
print ""
print ""
print ""
print ""
print " Optionen "
exit& = Create("Button",%hwnd,"Beenden",5,165,100,30)
While 1
If Clicked(admin&)
Cls rgb(0,0,0)
x% = 260
y% = 115
passwort$ = "Passwort von Admin"
WindowStyle 16
WindowTitle "Passwort-Abfrage"
Window (%MaxX- x%) / 2,(%MaxY - y%) / 2 - x%,y%
Edit& = Create("Edit",%HWnd,"",5,5,245,(-1) * 20)
weiter& = Create("Button",%HWnd,"Log in",5,Height(%HWnd) - 30,100,25)
exit& = Create("Button",%HWnd,"Beenden",Width(%HWnd) - 105,Height(%HWnd)- 30,100,25)
clear e%
whilenot e%
if Clicked(exit&)
e% = 1
elseif Clicked(weiter&)
ifnot GetText$(Edit&) = passwort$
Messagebox("Falsches Passwort!!!","I N F O",4160)
e% = 1
e% = 999
var lw$ = Left$($ProgDir,2)
ElseIf Clicked(gast&)
Cls rgb(0,0,0)
x% = 260
y% = 115
passwort$ = "Passwort von Gast"
WindowStyle 16
WindowTitle "Passwort-Abfrage"
Window (%MaxX- x%) / 2,(%MaxY - y%) / 2 - x%,y%
Edit& = Create("Edit",%HWnd,"",5,5,245,(-1) * 20)
weiter& = Create("Button",%HWnd,"Log in",5,Height(%HWnd) - 30,100,25)
exit& = Create("Button",%HWnd,"Beenden",Width(%HWnd) - 105,Height(%HWnd)- 30,100,25)
clear e%
whilenot e%
if Clicked(exit&)
e% = 1
elseif Clicked(weiter&)
ifnot GetText$(Edit&) = passwort$
Messagebox("Falsches Passwort!!!","I N F O",4160)
e% = 1
e% = 999
var lw$ = Left$($ProgDir,2)
ElseIf Clicked(exit&)
what a Passwortabfrage power (with two Benutzern) and i will the the Script a (really two,a for a user) designed Ordner on my USB-Stick (where itself too the Script befindet) opens. unfortunately is the Laufwerkbuchstabe of my Stick variable and changes itself constantly(because I often on others computer go where the Laufwerkbuchstabe differently is).therefore must I the actually Laufwerkbuchstaben read!!!!
hope you have my border understood
Julian57 |
| ˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗ Webseite [...] | 10/14/10 ▲ |
Jörg Sellmeyer | If you the Skript (prf-File )by Double click launch, becomes it as Parameter on the tuned Profanprogramm transfer. Par$(0) is the program yourself, Par$(1) - Par$(n) are The übergebenes Parameter. Left$(Par$(1),3) yields means the first three characters the Strings for prf-File. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 10/14/10 ▲ |
Julian Schmidt | OK with the the drive functions (determined correctly.) opens but then nevertheless not whom desired Ordner here Codeabschnitt CompileMarkSeparation what must I do, the it functions?
Julian57 |
| ˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗ Webseite [...] | 10/14/10 ▲ |
Jörg Sellmeyer | you mußt you time durchlesen, How one FreeDll? Strings together joins!
way$ = lw$ + "LEXAR" |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 10/14/10 ▲ |
Julian Schmidt | Hello, OK super, now functions!!! thanks all mfg
Julian57 |
| ˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗ Webseite [...] | 10/14/10 ▲ |
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