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![Matz Progger: 08/23/08](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Matz Progger | Hi. first gesten be I on these presumably marvellous Programming-Language bumped.
have 6years Blitz Basic behind me, therefore is me the Basic dialect not new.
first thing would like I a small SpaceShooter program.
and already with the first instruction come I do not moreover.
How power man one 1024x768ger Vollbildmodus. what would rather/faster Sprites To using or ogl Quads with Textur.
How can man a Pixelgenaue Kollision make.
And then Maybe yet circa how much is the Full Version faster. so quick How C++? Gibs really too for OGL Shader.
Achso Yes. yet what. How siehts with Online from. means UDP or TCP |
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![Jörg Sellmeyer: 08/23/08](.././../../i/a/8132362004294faafc5e8c.jpg) Jörg Sellmeyer | Hello Matz, its rather, if you Your Thread a aussagekräftigeren cover give. You want Yes nothing To SpaceShooter know and here white too nobody what To SpaceShooter. Sinnvoller would: "Vollbildmodus - how does that?". And then quiet a second Thrad open: "Sprites / Kollision - some ask To ogl"
To your first question ought to you that here help on: CompileMarkSeparation your dritte question: The Full Version is Perhaps something faster as The 7it-Version but just as quick, How XPRofanFree. If you More speed benötigst can You you time P2CCP standing [...] or XPSE [...] together with XPIA [...] benefit. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... ![](https://www.wuestensand.info/images/CoverFataMorganaklein.jpg) | 08/23/08 ▲ |
![Matz Progger: 08/23/08](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Matz Progger | @Jörg Sellmeyer. thanks for your Tipp. |
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![: 08/23/08](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | @Hello Matz Perhaps can You whom code need... CompileMarkSeparation
PARAMETERS win_breit%,win_hoch%,win_stil%,win_titel$,win_icon$
Abfangen von zu grossen Eingaben
Case win_breit% > %MaxX:win_breit% = %MaxX
Case win_hoch% > %MaxY:win_hoch% = %MaxY
1. Parameter - Breite
2. Parameter - Höhe
3. Parameter - Stil
4. Parameter - Überschrift
5. Parameter - Icon
WindowStyle win_stil%
WINDOW (%MaxX/2 - (win_breit%/2)),(%MaxY/2 - (win_hoch%/2)) - win_breit%,win_hoch%
Das Fenster wird immer zentriert ausgegeben
WindowTitle win_titel$
UseIcon win_icon$
FREE_WINDOW 800,600,26,"Zentriertes Hauptfenster","Gesicht"
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![Matz Progger: 08/23/08](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Matz Progger | |
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![Frank Abbing: 08/23/08](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Frank Abbing | Matz, 2D-Games in XProfan desires some on Programmkenntnissen, if later everything tidy and ruckelfrei walk should. I have very for such Games a Dll in Assembler written, The Free ProSpeed.dll. so can you very simply a arbitrary amount Sprites using - like then on the C64 agieren these right independent of your Hauptprogramm. here one game of me, with the XProfan7 and the ProSpeed.dll emerged is: [...] ![](.././../../i/lnk.gif) |
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![Matz Progger: 08/23/08](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Matz Progger | Frank. thanks for your nice Tipp.
whom SpaceShooter I will Yes make circa ersteinmal The Grundlagen of XProfan to understand. former or later I will the everything in 3D oGL make. |
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![Frank Abbing: 08/23/08](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Frank Abbing | Yes, understand. so one game is always well suitable, a Programmsprache To erlernen, alone already because of the Grafikausgaben. ![](.././../../i/s/-smile.png) |
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![Matz Progger: 08/23/08](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Matz Progger | I have straight time a Test made. in the Test went it therefore as many as possible Polygone darzustellen. either have I what falch made or XProfan is mega langsamm.
with one Test of 100x100 Triangles *10 means 100000 Triangles Runs my PC on 100% can the his? 6GHz. but only one core becomes used means 3GHz. CompileMarkSeparationprint %maxx,%Maxy
Declare TriProLayer%
proc DrawGLScene
declare GesTriangles%
oGL("Origin", 0, 0, -15)
WhileLoop 0,9
oGL("DrawXPGL", 0,TriProLayer%)
Add GesTriangles%,TriProLayer%
Return GesTriangles%
Proc CreatePlane
Parameters PosX%,PosZ%,SegX%,SegZ%
Declare VPos%,X!,Y!,Z!
Declare MoveX!
WhileLoop 0,SegZ%
WhileLoop 0,SegX%
Float Vertex#,VPos%+ 0=X!
Float Vertex#,VPos%+ 8=Y!
Float Vertex#,VPos%+16=Z!
Float Vertex#,VPos%+24=X!
Float Vertex#,VPos%+32=Y!+0.1
Float Vertex#,VPos%+40=Z!
Add VPos%,48:X!=X!+MoveX!
Inc TriProLayer%
declare hWnd&, ende%
declare vertex#, color#
Declare Plane&
Declare VMaxSize%
Dim Vertex#,VMaxSize%
Dim Color#,20000
oGL("Init", %hWnd, 0, 0, 0, 1)
Declare Text$,Text2$
Declare GesTriangles%
WhileNot %ScanKey=27
WindowTitle "GesammtTriangles:"+Text$
+" Triangles Pro Layer:"+Text2$
Edit: Source code possible with the code-day umschließen (not quote). Habs time angepaßt. Dietmar |
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![iF: 08/23/08](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | ex so in a ogl-list and the GPU produce let... |
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![Matz Progger: 08/23/08](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Matz Progger | gavel!! That the list is fully quick.
@IF thanks. |
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![Matz Progger: 08/24/08](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Matz Progger | Hi. I Have there again a question.
gives it a possibility Vertexpunkte and Triangles sebst To settle
means so ungefär
A_B_C_ D
And then each Vertexpunkte with Triangles To contact.
means Triangle A,B,C
Triangle E,F,I etc.
Have now already attempts directly oGl To using, but the goes somehow too not.
oGL("Clear") oGL("Origin", 0, 0, -15) oGl("glBegin","GL_TRIANGLES") OGl("glVertex3f",-1,-1,0) OGl("glVertex3f",1,-1,0) OGl("glVertex3f",0,1,0) Ogl("glEnd")
oGL("Show") |
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