
Animated background-bräuchte ne fast DLL

I have me time attempts with the ProSpeed.dll (super DLL) on nem little Jump & Run game (stand yet at the beginning) ..... I slopes yet on the Speed the Animated Hintergrunggrafik ... create with my Amd 700 but straight time 10 Frames per Sek. . can me Maybe of/ one ne Dll write, where because the of me erstellte Profancode directly in Maschiene written is. i think for erfarende into couple minutes made. Vieleicht Yes even ne idea circa tappt im dunkeln into Prospeed aufzunehmen.....

means here the Source.
X%=0 Hier soll die X-Pos des Spielfeldes stehen
y%=0 Hier soll die Y-Pos des Spielfeldes stehen
Variablen für unterschiedliche Hintergrundanimation
------- Hier müßte ein befehl stehen um die Variablen a0%-a6% zu übernehmen oder aber nur x% und der Rest wird vor Ort berechnet
HintergrundAnimationsBmp(HHg1&) in den ShadowSpeicher(HHg0&) Kopieren
CopyExtBmp (HHg0&,0,0 ,640,40, HHg1&,a5%,0 ,0)1
CopyExtBmp (HHg0&,0,40 ,640,32, HHg1&,a2%,40 ,0)2
CopyExtBmp (HHg0&,0,72 ,640,16, HHg1&,a3%,72 ,0)3
CopyExtBmp (HHg0&,0,88 ,640,8 , HHg1&,a0%,88 ,0)4
CopyExtBmp (HHg0&,0,96 ,640,72, HHg1&,a1%,96 ,0)5
CopyExtBmp (HHg0&,0,168,640,48, HHg1&,a2%,168,0)6
CopyExtBmp (HHg0&,0,216,640,48, HHg1&,a3%,216,0)7
CopyExtBmp (HHg0&,0,264,640,24, HHg1&,a4%,264,0)8
CopyExtBmp (HHg0&,0,288,640,48, HHg1&,a5%,288,0)9
CopyExtBmp (HHg0&,0,336,640,48, HHg1&,a6%,336,0)10
.... und die SpielfeldBitmap(HHg2&) drüberlegen
CopyExtBmp (HHg0&,0,0 ,640,384,HHg2&,x%,y%,-1)SpielfeldBitmap
nun den sichtbaren Bildschirm verschieben
.... und den im Shadow erzeugten Bildschirm in die HintergrundKopien(HHgC1&,HHgC2&) übergeben
CopyExtBmp (HHgC1&,x%,y%,640,384,HHg0&,0,0,0)
CopyExtBmp (HHgC2&,x%,y%,640,384,HHg0&,0,0,0)
------- Hier müßte ein befehl stehen um die Variablen x%,y% zu übernehmen und um den gesammten Kopiervorgang zu starten
Frames pro Sekunde berechnen und ausgeben
Drawtext 0,400," "
Drawtext 0,400,fps%
Bild um 4 schritte rüberschieben
________________ Ende____________

if someone gesammten Source with the Bitmaps having wants circa itself accordingly a better Überblick verschaffen to the should me Mailen.

PS:Nen little but only NEN little know I in C++ from.
If me someone say could How I The address the individual Bitmaps detect can if I whom deal the Bmp have.
Vieleicht can I me then indeed yourself help

means thanks in the advance.
Cu Andy

Hello Andreas,

I slopes yet on the Speed the Animated Hintergrunggrafik ... create with my Amd 700 but straight time 10 Frames per Sek.

straight a large Hintergrunds-graphic claim plenty System-Time, as they animiert or gescrollt becomes. the are hold large Datenmengen, The then changed go must.

can me Maybe of/ one ne Dll write, where because the of me erstellte Profancode directly in Maschiene written is. i think for erfarende into couple minutes made. Vieleicht Yes even ne idea circa tappt im dunkeln into Prospeed aufzunehmen.....

This will you hardly Geschwindigkeits-advantages bring! so slow is Profan not, the The couple Befehlszeilen in Assembler integral faster wären.
into couple minutes is the neither made, you mußt first LIB and INC Files to DLL create, a DLL structure etc... and bring becomes it hardly what.
an faster method would it, whom background as Sprite darzustellen, then can you whom Sprite-background Yes automatically animate let (with the InitSprite Parameters)
then is everything in Maschinensprache and a faster Possibility there not by GDI.
faster GEHTS only yet with DirectX, but the detriments are then naturally, that you no Buttos, Menüs, etc using can, because DirectX not normalen Windows operates.

PS:Nen little but only NEN little know I in C++ from.
If me someone say could How I The address the individual Bitmaps detect can if I whom deal the Bmp have.
Vieleicht can I me then indeed yourself help

each Bmp has only a Bitmap!
Dummerweise gives GDI The Bitmapadressen not very gladly since, this is a quite aufwendige Programming. If the Adressen the Bitmaps spare available wären, would much plainer and faster.
around the address at all experienced to, must You absolutely with geräteunabhängigen Bitmaps works.
How the very goes, must You in the API Help look over, there Gibts already some Examples in C++.

then Gibts there another old windows 3.x function, The DirectX too using. but Info hierrüber are hardly To get, Microsoft wants to well not...

hope, the helps you something moreover.

Greeting, Frank


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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