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![Clemens Meier: 04/27/06](.././../../i/a/16359372644350793491fe.gif) Clemens Meier | I have already sought, but nothing to the Topic found. recently went it in a Thread circa Bildchen and icons on Buttons. me would in general interested, whether Dialogfelder (static, buttons, listboxen...) too animated Bildchen ala GIF or ANI verkraften. I take at times, there .ani-Files the Tooltip-example in a static functions (unfortunately know I the View source the ttip.pcu not), generally functions could. with GIF-Images be I sooner skeptical, presumably not.
If GIF-Images not functions, can sure through thread.pcu on vorgeladene Bildchen zurückgreifen and these nacheinander present. but there a Possibility, not only the first Image, separate too The others Images in a GIF-File To extract? |
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![Clemens Meier: 04/27/06](.././../../i/a/16359372644350793491fe.gif) Clemens Meier | have at least a Teillösung found. GIFs weg not, one can but the GDIPlus using, The I by chance in the Download-area found have. unfortunately there there none Info, ex which windows-Version these GDIPlus at all functions. would be nice, if one me the communicating could. in the Gif-example there becomes the GIF though directly in the Mainwindow displayed, must yet testing, whether it in Dialog-Window functions. give again message. |
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![Clemens Meier: 04/27/06](.././../../i/a/16359372644350793491fe.gif) Clemens Meier | and here already The response: The GDIPlus can each Frames one GIFs extract. though must one in its Program self for care, that The Images to that right Time showing, what thoroughly very tricky go can, if one several Images with unterschiedlichen Zeitintervallen has.
my hint, with the thread.pcu on kleinster level a procedure Call, in the through one Stacks examined becomes, which GIF on welchem lever updated go must and it then present. one ought to but not zuviele GIFs with unterschiedlichen Zeitintervallen using. best such, The integrally regelmässig to 1/10 second or so run out. then configures the procedure right simply. |
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![iF: 04/27/06](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | GDPlus is faith ex XP available. mind too The GDI-Unit under Units. |
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![Clemens Meier: 04/27/06](.././../../i/a/16359372644350793491fe.gif) Clemens Meier | first ex XP? Schade, I will the trouble well with changing BMPs solve. |
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![iF: 04/27/06](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | |
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![Uwe Pascal Niemeier: 04/28/06](.././../../i/a/1470490353453dc4c350ec9.jpg) Uwe ''Pascal'' Niemeier | Hello people!
let itself GIFs not one HTML-Control wiedergeben? or mach ne AVI draus and use one SysAnimate32-Control.
PS: GDI+ runs already under Win95, must but nachgerüstet go.
HTH Pascal |
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![Rolf Koch: 04/28/06](.././../../i/a/11.gif) Rolf Koch | Hi.
[quote:4736d91f7e]unfortunately know I the View source the ttip.pcu not[/quote:4736d91f7e] know You then whom Objekt Creator not? ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498557.gif) there there under Icon create (animiertes Icon). or look directly in the suitable Include The then in Roc eingebunden becomes. there can z.B. *.ani dial. |
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![Clemens Meier: 04/28/06](.././../../i/a/16359372644350793491fe.gif) Clemens Meier | good tommorrow,
a HTML-Box setting whom IE ahead, the fails means already once on my computer. additionally befürchte I, that the control then not any more so reacted, How I me the vorstelle. The Button must everywhere clickable his, means too in the Box and there white I do not, whether The HTML-Box there mitmacht.
still Object Creator have I installs and use I, circa a first Version the Window To make. I have already Icons on Buttons staid. Dass it ANI-Files accepted, I had yet not yet ausprobiert. but with ANI-Files know I not very good well from. are too 256 colours in unterschiedlichen sizes possible? I have attempts with my Bildbearbeitungsprogrammen one ANI produce, still the went unfortunately not. Perhaps can you me one Freewareprogramm (or at least one günstiges), which ANI-Files create can. |
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