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![Georg Hovenbitzer: 08/16/07](.././../../i/a/199623250643725492e11ec.jpg) Georg Hovenbitzer | Hello together,
I have there one Geschwindigkeitsproblem ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498502.gif) with the code let I a Animation in the Status Bar Show, only The runs not straight quick ex. Looks one the ANI directly on, is tappt im dunkeln super quick. in the Program with the I The ANI prepares have, have I The speed already integrally high turned.
Perhaps can of/ one of you me help. CompileMarkSeparationDef Getsyscolor(1) !USER32,GetSysColor
Def Loadimage(6) !USER32,LoadImageA
Declare Ani$,Ani&,AniControl&,Status&,Status#,RECT#
WindowStyle 2 + 8 + 16 + 128 + 256 + 512
Window 0,0-1024,768
Ani$ = \Progress_11.ani
Ani& = LoadImage(%hInstance,@Addr(Ani$),2,0,0,$10)
Dim Status#,8
Dim RECT#,16
Long Status#,0 = 984,-1
Status& = @Create(StatusWindow,%hWnd,,2,Status#)
AniControl& = @Control(Static,,$50000003,(Long(RECT#,0) + 0),(Long(RECT#,4) + 2),0,0,Status&,0,%hInstance)
WhileNot %Key = 2
DeleteObject Ani&
Dispose Status#
Dispose RECT#
![](/intl/i/dw.gif) |
| Viele Grüsse, Georg Hovenbitzer(Windows XP Pro, XProfan 11.2, Profan2Cpp 1.6a) | 08/16/07 ▲ |
![Frank Abbing: 08/16/07](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Frank Abbing | with whom Program have you got The Animation because prepares? Perhaps power the Yes a Error. my Eigenschaftsdialog shows The Animation just as quick on How your code tappt im dunkeln too shows... |
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![Jörg Sellmeyer: 08/16/07](.././../../i/a/8132362004294faafc5e8c.jpg) Jörg Sellmeyer | by me ists How with Frank. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... ![](https://www.wuestensand.info/images/CoverFataMorganaklein.jpg) | 08/16/07 ▲ |
![iF: 08/16/07](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | by me ists How with Jörg. |
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![Georg Hovenbitzer: 08/16/07](.././../../i/a/199623250643725492e11ec.jpg) Georg Hovenbitzer | Hello zusamnen,
i'm now something confused !! Runs The Ani File in the program quick or slow ?
my target would it, The Animation in the program faster walk To let. as externes Program to display I am always IrfanView and there runs tappt im dunkeln very quick. with the Creation the Animation with ArtCursors have I as Wiedergabegeschwindigkeit 60 Images per second tuned. |
| Viele Grüsse, Georg Hovenbitzer(Windows XP Pro, XProfan 11.2, Profan2Cpp 1.6a) | 08/16/07 ▲ |
![Jörg Sellmeyer: 08/16/07](.././../../i/a/8132362004294faafc5e8c.jpg) Jörg Sellmeyer | by me ists How with Georg.... ![](.././../../i/s/qq8.gif)
and How with Frank... ![](.././../../i/s/qq5.gif)
Irfanview shows a speedy Animation, in the Eigenschaftsdialog and in the program runs it slow. have You you already times the Animationsbeispile of Andreas Miethe respected. Perhaps helps you there something moreover. [...] ![](/intl/i/lnk.gif) |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... ![](https://www.wuestensand.info/images/CoverFataMorganaklein.jpg) | 08/16/07 ▲ |
![GDL: 08/16/07](.././../../i/a/163757696547b07eee29838.gif) GDL | if your whom small green beam,the with Rechtsklick in the Zeitausgabe runs means, the need for a running of left to right by me ca. 8sec.otherwise is the kommplette screen empty.too without Rechtsklick is everything Empty,too The Taskbar.
Hello Georg |
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![Jörg Sellmeyer: 08/16/07](.././../../i/a/8132362004294faafc5e8c.jpg) Jörg Sellmeyer | now be so did i something confused. what mean You with Zeitausgabe? Why Rechtsklick?? Why Taskbar??? your Program power still nothing rechtsklickspezifisches. I see right under in the Statusbar to beliebiger input (mouse/keyboard) The Animation. too by me lasts tappt im dunkeln ca.6-8 sec (only counted, the semi Schätzwert) under Irfanview is the Animation objectively faster. Perhaps can with of/ one Message the Control yet communicating How quick The Ani walk should. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... ![](https://www.wuestensand.info/images/CoverFataMorganaklein.jpg) | 08/16/07 ▲ |
![Rolf Koch: 08/16/07](.././../../i/a/11.gif) Rolf Koch | nothing mere garnichts To see. everything in a way. |
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![Michael Wodrich: 08/16/07](.././../../i/a/8.gif) Michael Wodrich | |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 08/16/07 ▲ |
![Rolf Koch: 08/17/07](.././../../i/a/11.gif) Rolf Koch | *lol* Michael is correct was time again To quick ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498557.gif) means if I it under Roc as animiertes Icon load, remaining The speed very The same as here in the Beispielprogramm. becomes well so his, as Jörg described has. The Framedauer becomes in a To erstellenden Ani really Yes fix indicated. |
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![Michael Wodrich: 08/17/07](.././../../i/a/8.gif) Michael Wodrich | finds everything in the ComCtrl.DLL instead of. The Process-Monitor helps there unfortunately neither moreover.
Best wishes Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 08/17/07 ▲ |