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Web Scanner | mmmm....give yes to, The cover-question is very generally, the trouble is: i don't know so correctly., How I it at all programmtechnisch concern should.
means to Fragestellung:
On my screen see I now z.B. a circle and a rectangle. with the Cursor would like I only whom circle enable and it should through You can then The colour change. the rectangle should nothing do
with one second Clic I will the rectangle too The colour change let. If I again the rectangle clicke, should The old colour again since etc. so could one itself through clicken and some items farblich Change.
(the whole must naturally later then with my Vektoren hinterlegt go...)
my question How always, gives something like already? in the Search i was unfortunately not successful..
Web |
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| is To komplex for a Fertigsuppe.
you become whom Click self converting and one Objekt zuordnen must - and suitable Rechtecke draw.
here Gibts many take action, with speziellerer Fragestellung can there sure too under The poor grab.
Since I ahne the You this for your HPGL-Spielereien benötigst my hint: Nimm XProfan 11 and wandle any Objects in Own hPics circa - the need of course More memory but You can on einfachstem ways over one Hilfsarray The Klickposition exakt one Objekt zuordnen and even herausbekommen, whether You now on The line the ellipsis or The edge of Arc clicked watts...
the can of course everything too with less Speicherbedarf mere mathematical solve, but the Time have You do not. |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | Hello Web, have You already something of Prfellow heard? Since there it a bunch Vorlagen, The in none Profanentwicklungsumgebung are missing should. among other things these, The you evtl. help on can: CompileMarkSeparation yet watts The software with Bernd Haase ( [...] ) to that Download offered. white someone, where one the thing in the meantime runterladen can?
Greeting Jörg |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 07/24/08 ▲ |
| @Jörg: Bernd game of course constantly with wCMSsseseses rum, but the File [...] lying always somehow on seinem Webspace. |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | Ah - first time secure! thanks. Habs of course yet, must but Thanks neuaufgesetztem system The Regnr. again new prompt. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 07/24/08 ▲ |
| Jörg Sellmeyer
Ah - first time secure! thanks. Habs of course yet, must but Thanks neuaufgesetztem system The Regnr. again new prompt.
Habs here time abstracted [...]
see strain The license:Jegliche auch auszugsweise Weitergabe von Quelltexten ist untersagt.
Die unkompilierte Weitergabe von Quelltexten mit anderen Produkten ist untersagt.
Die Klartextveröffentlichung von Quelltexten ist in jeglicher Form untersagt.
means can I,may I here garkeine Auszüge dulden? |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | I lösch my Codezitat again. I had it only posted, I whom Link To Prfellow not any more found have. now can Web itself the program Yes runterladen. The Presentation is movergn.prv. so far I remind can, has Bernd even the exklusive right, Prfellow anzubieten. there it it in the momentum but not anbietet, is it well a läßlich sin, if you it here temporarily hostest. Perhaps äußert Bernd itself Yes time. I have it already a pM skillful. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 07/24/08 ▲ |
Web Scanner | time ne ketzerische question, there a angedachten Releasetermin for X11? would be me then very gladly the Update buy want
The Variante with the circle is interestingly, but unfortunately not the, I Search. The circle and the rectangle only simple shape, as Besipiel.
How IF already noticed goes it circa my HPGLs. there can arbitrary shape appear. lines, spots and closed Konturen The Kreisauschnitte, lines etc, in a row include. it could several 100 (!) Konturen on one Bildschirmbild his, The machine his want. an previous Definition eachone einzelenen Kontur is therefore by Bildschirmausschnitt you don't say so, since the Konturen too ineinander grab can, without itself however To touching. z.B. one semicircle as line comprising a Kreislinie geringeren Duchmessers.
PRfellow is a editor, similar the Profaneditor? in the momentum see I there not through what there More goes... |
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| would be Yes pity somehow... me goes it too not at all ums "Löschen" separate sooner therefore, How "Thomas" the today viewing... (time independent of it that I no pleasure have because of Quelltextzeilen me wohlmöglich financial justify To must *g*) |
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| @Webs: Prfellow is a IDE for Profan² (not XProfan) - unfortunately already forever not any more updated, foreseeable is a updating imho neither there Thomas itself well sometime time with irgendwem herumgestritten having. (everything to ours Community-Time) The Vorlagen however should often very very helpful his, one Download rewards certainly allemale!
You can to the of Jörg gepostetem principle but not only "Ellipsen" process separate too others arbitrary Objects - look you simply times the different Region-APIs on.
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time ne ketzerische question, there a angedachten Releasetermin for X11?
Imho can already long ago eachone XProfan11 dank the Subscriptionangebotes own there it with Roland [...] simply available for order is. (as long as the supply reicht) I can Yes time a Page for unverbindliche Vorratsbestellungen touch down - then ists vlt. everything something klarer. |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | iF
would be Yes pity somehow... me goes it too not at all ums "Löschen" separate sooner therefore, How "Thomas" the today viewing... (time independent of it that I no pleasure have because of Quelltextzeilen me wohlmöglich financial justify To must *g*)
considering the fact, that here anyhow already -zig Codes of T.H. are, without that You yet numbers had to, is the probability lowly. into Codeausschnitten yourself is too no Verweis on these license, so that You only this Thread edit must, circa you hereon rausreden to, You would have of nothing known. I venture time To insist, that the whole Topic Profan, Thomas in the meantime on the A. past goes.
The Subskriptionphase is incidentally already läger past and How Roland wrote, wait it only yet on Rolf (drängel), so it the whole rausbringen can.
circa again aufs Topic back To come. If I it correctly. understood have, want You do not any pattern, The You yourself bestimmst, on the screen bring, separate Files loading, The such pattern include. so about, like a Vektorprogramm?
and again OT
[offtopic]otherwise were in the Postbearbeitungsansicht too The others Posts To see. now must one always whom Posting one second time open, if one itself on others Beittäge relating wants. Also would it komfortabel, if the "Speichern"-Button in the Headline (z. B. next to Preview) is. [/offtopic] |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 07/24/08 ▲ |
Web Scanner | Jupp, so is it.
there are Vektoren, The on-screen displayed go, in beliebiger manner, length and order. I must means something on-screen anclicken and the vector-Datenfeld on the right place too The Änderung take off. Later I will too whom Endpunkt one Vektors anclicken and one manner Gummibandeffekt wander can. |
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