
Batch-File and what do I?

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I write with a XProfan Prog data in a .DAT File circa these with a 2. Prog aufzurufen , and to execute.
around the appeal the 2.Prog leichter To make, lass I at the same time a Batchdatei produce Prog2.exe data.DAT still with the appeal becomes always the störende windows CMD Bilschirm displayed.
Can the prevent, or there others Opportunities?
Gruß Detlef Tussing
Windows XP, XProfan 10

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now I mean the the Error (if one it at all so name must) not Betriebssystem self lying - sooner on either a) the Konfiguration which or b) on the verwendeten 3rd-party-software. Therefore is it means not auszuschliessen the Selbiges on one XP (what incidentally NT-Based is) appear becomes.

The cause must means clarified go - and then - if these clarified is - becomes it on Your NT (4? 5?) and warscheinlich on one XP walk...

what I now but not understand is the following - I zitiere you time erlaubter point in umgekehrter Order:

still How said with NT Perform goes it

NT Perform relais.exe DL.dat goes only from the ongoing Program not

the Ereigniss is Relais.exe DL.dat and the Parameter Passing (DL.dat) can NT not.


have me Maybe wrong framed
meant Start-Perform Relais.exe DL.dat functions
only from the constantly laufendem Program (FMS-Auswerter of HEIRO)
the my Program Call should goes not, at least not Parameter Passing. another of me written exe File without Paramterübergabe runs

I have XP

the computer on the the walk should back us on the Feuerwache
Gruß Detlef Tussing
Windows XP, XProfan 10

OK times for me Yes?!

windows2000 Program FMS-Auswerter (i.F. Fms) launch from itself out one Program. is the program definierbar in Fms? - or standing the name already solid? I suppose - if you of Parameters promise - the the appeal definierbar is - jupp?

If you whom appeal definierst with a Parameter (means with a Freizeichen in the string) - then fails it under Win2000 - however the same String (and so the same appeal) functions XP?

If the so is - then would my question from welchem reason You a Parameter indicate must, or depends Fms whom Parameter of itself from intern heran?

the FMS-Program evaluates over The Soundkarte(connected a walkie - talkie) whom status the wheeler from, shows this in Listenform on and can with status 2 one Ereigniss trigger, d.h. it can one weiters Program Call.
now have I one Prog written, the when calling the incident one Relais chid should the the suitable Hallentor to open. there we More as 10 wheelers and have correspond to many Tore, Have I the Prog so written the it with the suitable DAT File wisely which goal it open should.

I hope, that I whom object of my Prog herewith explain could
Gruß Detlef Tussing
Windows XP, XProfan 10

Jup i see slow. and these .Dat want You gladly in FMS determine - velvet exe - Yes?

and for is there so one Input (?!) where You eingibst my.exe blub.dat ?

understand I it correctly. the You so only lane want from the principle the ~10 Exen?

alas and then yet The question - have You Schonmal probiert ALLES in quotation marks type - quasi instead of my.exe blub.dat rather my.exe blub.dat?

very so
I had time 10 EXE´n written, The ran too, but How always man wants Yes what improve. now open I do not only the right goal, sonder mach too yet the light on, abernicht on the day. and therefore have I one 2.Prog written in the to the wheeler , the goal and the Time of when To when the light not on goes select can. this 2.Prog save The data into suitable DAT File.

With the whom Have I not yet probiert

I had but probiert The Relais.exe DL.Dat into DL.BAT To write and then of FMS-Prog The Batchdatei aufzurufen but self the went not because of the Parameter Passing. an Batchdatei in the only z.b EDITOR.exe stood runs The EDITOR.exe watts called.

everything right strange
Gruß Detlef Tussing
Windows XP, XProfan 10

OK I Have understood.

Verify we time obs on whom Params - or on the envPfad lying.

If you means adopted start perform %comspec% [enter] eingibst - and eingibst:

c:>cd c:
c:>echo >Test.bat echo %1 lala %1
c:>Test bibo

should The Console you

c:>bibo lala bibo

. Spend

does tappt im dunkeln the?

the can I today unfortunately not any more testing I only freiwilliger fireman be and all this only honorary make. i'll but into next Meet of it report.
should I because The Umstellung on XP first give up???
Gruß Detlef Tussing
Windows XP, XProfan 10

The latest question I will you not answer can.

i'm yet something invaded, I had The Relais.exe so rewritten the tappt im dunkeln The data the DAT File einliest, means of FMS only relais.exe the währen of course too 10 exe Files still too there bleats Dr. Watson

have straight the bibo lala bibo testing let, it functions

what now
Gruß Detlef Tussing
Windows XP, XProfan 10

wisely none a council, Why Dr. Watson bleats ??
Gruß Detlef Tussing
Windows XP, XProfan 10

what says because Watson very and what gives the Crashdump of it for Info?

there c:>bibo lala bibo functions is Schonmal ensured the it nothing with the Parameters To do has.

Kompiliere time the following Program and let it on the Zielrechner walk. becomes The bibo lala bibo Message here displayed?

Source matching...


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Jürgen Strahl06/08/22


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