
Batch-File and what do I?

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I write with a XProfan Prog data in a .DAT File circa these with a 2. Prog aufzurufen , and to execute.
around the appeal the 2.Prog leichter To make, lass I at the same time a Batchdatei produce Prog2.exe data.DAT still with the appeal becomes always the störende windows CMD Bilschirm displayed.
Can the prevent, or there others Opportunities?
Gruß Detlef Tussing
Windows XP, XProfan 10

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CompileMarkSeparationan Messagebox with lala ought to showing. If too this works can weitertesten.

the functions

have my Prog rewritten poste it time, though without Relay Card functions not correctly..
with editor.prf prepares is a *.DAT File The from the zB zBV.exe or DL.exe when calling red becomes(these EXE`S werdenvon the FMS-software called, The NT runs), these writes data into data.dat The from the constantly ongoing Prog relais.exe red and carryed out wwerden. under XP no trouble but NT
I hope that I my Prog`s verständlich described have
in the attachment The Prog´s

5 kB
Gruß Detlef Tussing
Windows XP, XProfan 10

I have me this Thread very durchgelesen, still to Solution are missing me simply Information.

What exactly power The externe software?
- calls tappt im dunkeln only one einziges definiertes Program on or becomes for each wheeler one own program called?
- writes these software data into Datenfile?
-- when go these data written (What is the releases for)
-- How quick erfolgen further Entries? Each second?
-- What happens if The Datendatei not there's? becomes tappt im dunkeln automatically new laid out?
-- which data go written?

apparently go 2 Relaiskarten angesteuert. here are missing genauere Information - what becomes How geschaltet.

The Data from whom erfolgten Schaltungen on the Relais should protokolliert go, so one see can when The software which Relais betätigt has.
the could in a DBF-File stored go.

I see me your Programming time accurate on - probably becomes there already some klarer go.
but The Information over the, what the externe Program there very power, The are missing naturally.
which data can because over the Funk any worn go.

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

the FMS-Auswerteprogramm reads data over The Soundkarte one and position tappt im dunkeln in Listenform there. as option can this program with one eingetragenen wheeler the whom status 2 sends one action trigger. D. h. it calls one of 10 of my Exe-Files on, The then directly The Relaiskarten steer, the runs too very well.
now have I something changed.
The 10 Exe-Dateinen steer not any more The Relay Card, separate write date, Uhrzeit, Tornummer and of when To when the light not eingeschaltet go should in a *.DAT File. means The DL. Exe into DL.Dat, The TLF.Exe into TLF.Dat, The zbv.exe ind The zbv.Dat
in the background runs The Relais.Exe, The The Anderung into *.DAT Files observes, these data ausliest and then correspond to machine and to Relay Card sends. and with the whom DAT Files running NT not.
under XP have I a Batch File written The nacheinander The 10 Exe-(wheeler)Files aufruft, the entpricht the, as if 10 wheelers almost zeitgleich einrücken. this recognize The Relais.exe and opens by degrees any 10 Tore
Gruß Detlef Tussing
Windows XP, XProfan 10

Hello Michael, and all the rest of them The me help want.

Have whom Error found

If I any of me written Files whom Ordner the FMS-Program copy functions it, soga with the Version Relais.exe DL.DAT

again Thank you all

will be bestimt yet often on eure Help dependent his, map what new(altes improve) where I already on Problems thrust
Gruß Detlef Tussing
Windows XP, XProfan 10

an further idea:

in the Help under Par$() standing one Programmteil, the you whom names the ongoing Program name.

If you The 10 EXEn means with NAME01 To NAME10 benennst, then get You inside the Program over the names out which of it called watts.

write means only one Program and steuere intern over the abgefragten names The To bearbeitenden data (parameterfrei).

then will need you one and the same Program only yet 9 time copy (the can itself over a Stapeldatei solve).

therefore machine You any wheelers in only of/ one only File - the Programmname self is then sozusagen the Parameter.

If one then The data in a DBF save can also one area to that unnhook adopted go.
z.B. one 1-characters area:
A - this Datensatz watts straight laid out (from the NAMEnn.exe)
B - Datensatz watts of Relais.exe processing
X - these one Testdatensatz of NAMEnn
Y - this Testdatensatz is processing
so has one then too automatically one log. Hierfür You can then one independent Program building, thats data (with or without Testdaten) indicating.
such Protokolle can very helpful his.

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

Hello Michael

That the DBF is a good idea, will be time try the To verwirklichen.

whom others part Have I already changed.
there's only yet The Relais.exe The with Parameters for the jeweilige wheeler called becomes. The Parameter stand z.B. in the DL.DAT these becomes against from the editor.exe created b. z. w. changed. accordingly can I too new wheelers insert. what me not yet been successful is, new wheelers in the editor.exe view, for need I well a ListBox and no ChoiceBox but the does not work for me. must yet something exercise
Gruß Detlef Tussing
Windows XP, XProfan 10

there be I again with of/ one new question

can man the, because it so simply looks

AddFiles *.DAT
electoral$ = @ListBox$(dial File:, 7)

in lieu of of my ChoichBox wheeler in the supra named EDITOR.PRF
install, with the function CREATE(LISTBOX,%HWND,LISTBOX,0013,0023,0132,0255) komm I do not clear
Gruß Detlef Tussing
Windows XP, XProfan 10

@Hello Detlef

with the function CREATE(LISTBOX,%HWND,LISTBOX,0013,0023,0132,0255) komm I do not clear

Why come You lest clear ? - You must the Listbox one lever% give. then have You More Opportunities. If the Listbox the Mainwindow comes, then %HWnd. should tappt im dunkeln but on one Dialog-Window, then on place of %HWND the lever% the Dialogfensters:
DECLARE list&,x%,y%,xb%,yh%,font%
font%=CREATE(FONT,ARIAL,16,6,0,0,0) Font auswählen
x%=20 diese 4 Werte anpassen
WINDOW 0,0-%MaxX,%MaxY
SetFont list&,font%
AddFiles *.dat wenn nötig mit Pfad
MoveListToHandle(list&)ab XProfan10

Hello Horst

MovelisttoHandle(list&)ex XProfan10

bekomm I The Error Message

function not this Fensterobjekt applicable
Gruß Detlef Tussing
Windows XP, XProfan 10

You must first one Window create-
Sorry Have I forget.

Füge to the first CLEARLIST one CLS one.

then ought to it klappen.
naturally can You too with

WINDOW left%,supra%-right%,under%

one Mainwindow with your Maßen create

Hello Horst
but The Fuktion The I with

AddFiles *.DAT
electoral$ = @ListBox$(dial File:, 7)

score Have I not yet !

in the editor.prf, having me IF helped The ChoiceBox5 wheeler editierbar To make, the runs too but I Have not understood Why. now bräuchte I The function that I first any wheelers aufgelistet get, tappt im dunkeln veränder can, vein too new wheelers abspeichern can. yet could I only The in the Prog gelisteten wheelers see, however too new present but not see.

can you me moreover help ?

5 kB
Gruß Detlef Tussing
Windows XP, XProfan 10


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Jürgen Strahl06/08/22


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