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![: 11/09/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hello together,
The List view.dll V1.4 is almost ready. because another couple Error auftauchten, The but now fixed his should, make I a abschliessenden Betatest. here can The Beta runtergeladen go, yet yet without Beispielsources. be tensely, whether your yet Bugs finds.
Greeting, Frank |
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![: 11/09/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hi Frank
The Problems with Initmessages/Closemessages and any from it arisen further Problemchen are disappeared.
Aufgefallen is me only the in the new HilfeDatei under Raise Line one Tippfehler is,there standing the example with Raisecolums....and at einfachen blinden copy the Beispiels Gibts Ärger
Well and otherwise ??? ... ne otherwise is me nothing noticed
Greeting Klaus |
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![: 11/09/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hi,
oh, thanks ! Tippfehler are me yet The dearest Error
Greeting, Frank |
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![: 11/09/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hi,
has otherwise yet someone a Error found or wants otherwise yet someone its Source to that List view.dll pkg give ? becomes then now slow Time.
yet something: I have yet installed, the one during the Editierens one Listviews with the Cursortasten (high/down) The To editierende row change can. with Cursor left/rechs went the too, where but one Cursor left/right inside the Editfelds then not any more possible is. want your the ??? or rather not ?
Sincerely, Frank Abbing |
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![: 11/09/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hello Frank,
want your the ??? Yes! or rather not ? Yes!!!
Klare response, or?
Ne, in the serious: if to the by Parameter of Anwendungsfall To Anwendungsfall decide could, would not badly. i think here z.B. on your example with the Stammtischkasse, means only Zahlenwerte, if one there edited becomes one hardly in the Editfeld with the Cursortasten rumwuseln, because whole number eintippen plainer, faster and intuitiver is. has one against many Textfields with long Texten is naturally one verfügbarer Cursor in the Editfeld not ill ...
only so a Überlegung
Greeting Bernd |
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![: 11/09/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hi,
here Schonmal The Trial the Dll with the Cursortasten. with EnableEdits Flag 16 can Cursortaste left/right prohibit. The Button Entf deletes now whom kompletten Text (except with Flag 16).
[...] ![](.././../../i/lnk.gif)
Funktionierts everywhere ?
Greeting, Frank |
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