Forum | | | | KHR | Hello together,
momentarily Have I there some programs in the make, The bitmaps or Icons from Ner DLL use. the works dank Eurer Help Yes integrally well.
now come I but slow into area, where I The contents this DLLs not only with a Ressourcen-Tool separate too of a XProfan-Program from Change or quite lay out can ought to.
Have I there NEN einfachen lane overlooking?
or means your: red The fingers lane - is To komplex?
who can me hints give? |
| | | Gruß Karl-Heinz WIN XP home/Pro / XPROFAN 11 / P2CPP ATMEL + BASCOM Fan | 02/23/09 ▲ |
| |
| | Andreas Miethe
| i'd say go on ! isn't so heavy. CompileMarkSeparation#############################################
Bitmaps als Resource in eine Dll einbinden
nur für NT-basierende Windows-Versionen
cls ~GetsysColor(~COLOR_BTNFACE)
Print Ich bin ein Test
Bitmap zu Testzwecken anlegen
Var Testname$ = Test.bmp
Var Testpic& = Create(hPic,0,&SCRBMP)
SavePic Testname$,Testpic&
Var hUpdate& = ~BeginUpdateResource(Leer32.dll,0)
Parameter 1 = Pfad zur Dll ( anpassen )
Parameter 2 = BOOL fuer alle Resourcen loeschen (1 oder Null)
Declare FileData#,Size&
Dim FileData#,FileSize(Testname$)
Assign #1,Testname$
OpenRW #1
Size& = @BlockRead(#1,FileData#,0,FileSize(Testname$))
CloseRW #1
UpdateResource für alle Resourcen ausführen die eingefügt werden sollen
sind die beiden letzten Parameter = NULL wirddie Resource gelöscht
Dispose FileData#
EndUpdateResource fügt alle Resourcen in die Dll ein und schliesst die Operation ex
| | | Gruss Andreas ________ ________ ________ ________ _ Profan 3.3 - XProfanX2 Win 95,98,ME,2000,XP,Vista - Win 7 32 / 64 Bit ASUS X93S - Intel Core I7-NVIDIA GForce 540M 8GB Arbeitsspeicher Homepage : [...] | 02/23/09 ▲ |
| |
| | | so simply(?) |
| | | | |
| | Andreas Miethe
| iF
so simply(?)
Yes clear, but only if one knows as goes |
| | | Gruss Andreas ________ ________ ________ ________ _ Profan 3.3 - XProfanX2 Win 95,98,ME,2000,XP,Vista - Win 7 32 / 64 Bit ASUS X93S - Intel Core I7-NVIDIA GForce 540M 8GB Arbeitsspeicher Homepage : [...] | 02/23/09 ▲ |
| |
| | | hearing I now with To! |
| | | | |
| | Uwe ''Pascal'' Niemeier | Hi Andreas!
would be the too with Interpreter / Runtime (ungelinkt) klappen (over %HInstance or in lieu of the dll loaded)? Z.B. around the Size the encompassed Icons To Change or. selbige To supplant?
SeeYou Pascal |
| | | | |
| | KHR | Hello Andreas,
sure can I now not say, that I dazugehöre I kanns of course utilize, but I there then make white I do not so right.
to that others go it by me simply not yet. mandatory another slightly try. If it then not works komm I again to that rumheulen since.
whom code with the read the Bitmap-names Have I indeed long not understands. and the umstricken has only worked, because I to eachone code-Änderung ausprobiert have obs yet runs. if so - one step moreover, unless - 1 step back. and each Zwischenversion abgespeichert. |
| | | Gruß Karl-Heinz WIN XP home/Pro / XPROFAN 11 / P2CPP ATMEL + BASCOM Fan | 02/23/09 ▲ |
| |
| | Andreas Miethe
| Uwe Pascal Niemeier
Hi Andreas! would be the too with Interpreter / Runtime (ungelinkt) klappen (over %HInstance or in lieu of the dll loaded)? Z.B. around the Size the encompassed Icons To Change or. selbige To supplant? SeeYou Pascal
You must moreover Schreibrechte having. the means The File must to the Time not carryed out go. it'll too no lever separate one Filename$ as Parameter expects. directly to Laufzeit goes it means not. One Program To write, that The Resources to the left changes is possible, thereafter can the Linker Yes by hand called go. with Icons becomes it allerding already tougher ( cue MultiIcons ).
I have here yet a middle-aged code present. time see whether I it create whom to XProfan to portieren. |
| | | Gruss Andreas ________ ________ ________ ________ _ Profan 3.3 - XProfanX2 Win 95,98,ME,2000,XP,Vista - Win 7 32 / 64 Bit ASUS X93S - Intel Core I7-NVIDIA GForce 540M 8GB Arbeitsspeicher Homepage : [...] | 02/23/09 ▲ |
| |
| | Andreas Miethe
| I have whom middle-aged code umgefummelt. is Perhaps a good idea whom simply as Include einzubinden. hope it having itself no Error eingeschlichen. CompileMarkSeparation $H
Proc ClearAll
Parameters Filename$
Declare hUpdate&
hUpdate& = ~BeginUpdateResource(ADDR(FileName$),1)alle Resourcen loeschen
Proc AddBmp
Parameters FileName$,ResFile$
Declare FileData#,Size&,IsBMP$
ResFile$ = Upper$(Resfile$)
Dim FileData#,FileSize(ResFile$)
Assign #1,ResFile$
OpenRW #1
Size& = @BlockRead(#1,FileData#,0,FileSize(ResFile$))
IsBMP$ = Chr$(Byte(Filedata#,0))+ Chr$(Byte(Filedata#,1))
If IsBMP$ = BM
CloseRW #1
Dispose FileData#
Proc DelBmp
Parameters FileName$,ResFile$
Declare Mod&
ResFile$ = Upper$(Resfile$)
Mod& = UseDll(Filename$)
If ~FindResource(Mod&,Addr(Resfile$),~RT_BITMAP)
FreeDll Mod&
Proc AddUSER
Parameters FileName$,ResFile$,My$
Declare FileData#,Size&
ResFile$ = Upper$(Resfile$)
Dim FileData#,FileSize(ResFile$)
Assign #1,ResFile$
OpenRW #1
Size& = @BlockRead(#1,FileData#,0,FileSize(ResFile$))
CloseRW #1
Dispose FileData#
Proc DelUSER
Parameters FileName$,ResFile$,My$
Declare Mod&
ResFile$ = Upper$(Resfile$)
Mod& = UseDll(Filename$)
If ~FindResource(Mod&,Addr(Resfile$),Addr(My$))
FreeDll Mod&
Proc AddCursor
Parameters Filename$,Resfile$
Declare FileData#,size&
ResFile$ = Upper$(Resfile$)
Dim FileData#,FileSize(ResFile$)
Assign #1,ResFile$
OpenRW #1
Size& = @BlockRead(#1,FileData#,0,FileSize(ResFile$))
CloseRW #1
Dispose FileData#
Proc DelCursor
Parameters FileName$,ResFile$
Declare Mod&
ResFile$ = Upper$(Resfile$)
Mod& = UseDll(Filename$)
If ~FindResource(Mod&,Addr(Resfile$),~RT_CURSOR)
FreeDll Mod&
Proc AddIcon
Parameters Filename$,Resfile$
Proc GetLastIconNum
Parameters hModul&
Proc ResNames
Parameters hModul&,lpszType&,lpszName&,lParam&
If lpszName& & $FFFF0000
Return 1
Proc GetIconZahl
Declare Ret&,Size#
Parameters file$
Dim Size#,2
FileMode 0
Assign #1,file$
OpenRW #1
Seek #1,4
wieviele Icons sind im File ?
Ret& = @Word(Size#,0)
close #1
Dispose size#
Return Ret&
Proc GetIconDimensions
Declare Icons&,x%,Size#
Parameters file$
Dim Size#,16
FileMode 0
Let x% = 0
Assign #1,file$
OpenRW #1
whilenot x% = anzahl%
zum Einstiegspunkt der einzelnen Icons
Seek #1,6+(x%*16)
Breite%[x%] = @Byte(size#,0)
hoehe%[x%] = @Byte(size#,1)
farben%[x%] = @Byte(size#,2)
reserved%[x%] = @Byte(size#,3)
colplanes%[x%] = @word(size#,4)
bitspixel%[x%] = @word(size#,6)
bytesinres%[x%] = @long(size#,8)
offset%[x%] = @word(size#,12)
Inc x%
CloseRW #1
FileMode 2
Dispose Size#
Proc DrawSingleIcon
Parameters Ico$,x%
Declare FileHeader#,Dummy#
Dim Fileheader#,22
Fileheader fuer Icon anlegen
word fileheader#,0 = 0
word fileheader#,2 = 1Icon
word fileheader#,4 = 1How many Images
byte fileheader#,6 = Breite%[x%]width
byte fileheader#,7 = Hoehe%[x%]height
byte fileheader#,8 = farben%[x%]colorcount
byte fileheader#,9 = reserved%[x%]reserved
word fileheader#,10 = colplanes%[x%]colorplanes
word fileheader#,12 = bitspixel%[x%]bitcount
long fileheader#,14 = bytesinres%[x%]BytesInRes
long fileheader#,18 = 22ImageOffset
Daten EinzelIcon auslesen
Dim Dummy#,bytesinres%[x%]
assign #1,ico$
OpenRW #1
Seek #1,offset%[x%]
close #1
Dispose FileHeader#
Proc DrawMultiIcon
Parameters Ico$,anzahl%
Declare FileHeader#,xxxx%,x%
Dim Fileheader#,(20*anzahl%)
xxxx% = 0
word fileheader#,0 = 0
word fileheader#,2 = 1Icon
word fileheader#,4 = anzahl%How many Images
Whilenot x% = anzahl%
byte fileheader#,6+xxxx% = Breite%[x%]width
byte fileheader#,7+xxxx% = Hoehe%[x%]height
byte fileheader#,8+xxxx% = farben%[x%]colorcount
byte fileheader#,9+xxxx% = reserved%[x%]reserved
word fileheader#,10+xxxx% = colplanes%[x%]colorplanes
word fileheader#,12+xxxx% = bitspixel%[x%]bitcount
long fileheader#,14+xxxx% = bytesinres%[x%]BytesInRes
word fileheader#,18+xxxx% = x%+Lasticon&+1ID
xxxx% = xxxx% + 14
Inc x%
Dispose FileHeader#
ResFile$ = Upper$(Resfile$)
Declare d&,l&
d& = UseDll(Filename$)
l& = Create(SortedListBox,%hwnd,,0,0,0,0)
Var LastIcon& = val(GetString$(l&,GetCount(l&)-1))
Freedll d&
Declare anzahl%
anzahl% = GetIconZahl(ResFile$) Anzahl der enthaltenen Icons holen
Arrays deklarieren
Declare breite%[anzahl%]
Declare hoehe%[anzahl%]
Declare farben%[anzahl%]
Declare colplanes%[anzahl%]
Declare reserved%[anzahl%]
Declare bitspixel%[anzahl%]
Declare bytesinres%[anzahl%]
Declare offset%[anzahl%]
Declare Ico&[anzahl%]
Werte der einezelnen Icons in die Arrays bringen
Declare xxx%
Whilenot xxx% = anzahl%
inc xxx%
Proc DelICON
Parameters FileName$,ResFile$
Declare Mod&
Declare hFind&,hGlobal&,hLock&,Icons&,X%,xxxx%,Index$
ResFile$ = Upper$(Resfile$)
Mod& = UseDll(Filename$)
hFind& = ~FindResource(Mod&,Addr(Resfile$),~RT_GROUP_ICON)
If hFind&
hGlobal& = ~LoadResource(Mod&,hFind&)
hLock& = ~LockResource(hGlobal&)
Icons& = word(hLock&,4)
Declare IconIndex&[icons&]
Whilenot x% = Icons&
IconIndex&[x%] = Word(hLock&,18+xxxx%)
xxxx% = xxxx% + 14
Inc x%
X% = 0
Whilenot x% = Icons&
Inc x%
FreeDll Mod&
Var hUpdate& = ~BeginUpdateResource(Leer32.dll,0)
AddUser(Leer32.dll,Test.bmp,Mein Bild)Userresource, name spare wählbar
| | | Gruss Andreas ________ ________ ________ ________ _ Profan 3.3 - XProfanX2 Win 95,98,ME,2000,XP,Vista - Win 7 32 / 64 Bit ASUS X93S - Intel Core I7-NVIDIA GForce 540M 8GB Arbeitsspeicher Homepage : [...] | 02/23/09 ▲ |
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| | Uwe ''Pascal'' Niemeier | Hi Andreas!
This will itself sure yet as useful erweisen!
SeeYou Pascal |
| | | | |
AnswerThemeninformationenthis Topic has 4 subscriber: |