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Detlef Tussing | Hello together
I have former ca. 1980 my Epson FX 85 9 needle paralell printer (then 1600,-- DM)over Basic with ESC-Sequenzen directly addressed z.B. Wagenvorlauf and Rücklauf or only a row spend without Seitenvorschub the would like I today too again have however only USB one Adapter USB-Paralell have I, the printer functions so integrally normal. but over ESC-Sequenzen does itself nothing except z.B with CHR$(27)& CHR$(14) druckt it one Kästchen and power a Seitenvorschub though these sequence a einmaligen Zeilenvorschub mean should loudly IBM Standart. can the on the USB-Paralell Adapter lying or on X-Profan?? has someone itself already time with ESC in Profan engage? it were former already time 2 or 3 similar Posts here angefragt but without Ergebniss |
| Gruß Detlef Tussing Windows XP, XProfan 10 | 11/05/09 ▲ |
| have You already something like How CompileMarkSeparationprobiert?
Perhaps. too time look what a copy textdatei LPT1 auslöst. |
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Detlef Tussing | Guter hint will be it tommorrow time try
thanks you are always the fastest !! |
| Gruß Detlef Tussing Windows XP, XProfan 10 | 11/05/09 ▲ |