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GDL | Hello and again I,
In manchen Applications, where little Space is, sees one often several Check boxes on Ner scrollbaren record, The How ne Listbox looks.
now The question,
If the record really ne Listbox is, How get one then The Check boxes on The Listbox, or becomes one Listboxähnliches Control uses?
Thank you.
Hello Georg |
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| the name itself Scroll-Area. For this becomes mostly one Static with HSCROLL and VSCROLL Style taken. with Entry / You can then The Checkboxes To Childs the Scroll-Area make. Have unfortunately yet no suitable Codes in Profan seen, ought to but funzen
//Edit I faith, you mean still one List view, then Forget about that before written first. I Have on what other virtual |
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Frank Abbing | Hi.
with my List view.dll Demos is a example thereby, what ähnliches power. must time run through, komm now not whom detailed names. |
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| The List view.Dll is this naturally inspired suitable.
too inframes (with CodeSnippets) can you help if You something Komplexeres scroll want.
salvo, iF. |
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GDL | thanks you all for Tipps, will be me time durchwursteln.
Hello Georg |
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GDL | have it with inframe hinbekommen.The Proc inframe has NEN Syntaxfehler
should: in_yr& CompileMarkSeparationIn_hd&=Control(STATIC,,1409286400,0,0,If(In_xr&<In_xs&,In_xs&,In_xr&),In_yr&+10,In_hd&,0,%Hinstance,$0)Handle inneres Fenster > is: in _yr& CompileMarkSeparationIn_hd&=Control(STATIC,,1409286400,0,0,If(In_xr&<In_xs&,In_xs&,In_xr&),In _yr&+10,In_hd&,0,%Hinstance,$0)Handle inneres Fenster > Hello Georg |
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GDL | Hello iF,
still yet NEN trouble found.with your Snippet move the Checkkästchen at Anklicken, once one once before irgendeinen Scroll bar betätigt has. If one thereafter then again whom Scroll bar betätigt, voices The orders again.sees Real jolly from The hüpfenden Check boxes.
Hello Georg |
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Michael Dell | Hi,
could that here help? (List&CheckBox Fake) CompileMarkSeparationOrginal: Richard Maurukas
bearbeitet: Michael Dell
ListView Funktionen
Def GSC(1) !User32.Dll,GetSysColor
Def gSelAnz(1) sendmessage (&(1),$1032,0,0)
Def dItemAnz(1) sendmessage (&(1),$1004,0,0)
Def gItemTxt(3) Sendmessage (&(1),$102D,&(2),&(3))
Def DelCol(2) sendmessage (&(1),$101C,%(2),0)
Def DelItem(2) sendmessage (&(1),$1008,%(2),0)
Def DelAllItems(1) sendmessage (&(1),$1009,0,0)
Def gItemState(3) sendmessage (&(1),$102C,%(2),%(3))
Def sColWidth(3) sendmessage (&(1),$101E,%(2),%(3))
Def gLVTxtcol(1) sendmessage (&(1),$1023,0,0) hole Text-Farbe
Def gLVTxtbkcol(1) sendmessage (&(1),$1025,0,0) hole TextHintergrund-Farbe
Def gLVbkcol(1) sendmessage (&(1),$1000,0,0) hole Hintergrund-Farbe
Def sLVTxtcol(2) sendmessage (&(1),$1024,0,&(2)) setze Text-Farbe
Def sLVTxtbkcol(2) sendmessage (&(1),$1026,0,&(2)) setze TextHintergrund-Farbe ($FFFFFFFF = -1 [Transparent?])
Def sLVbkcol(2) sendmessage (&(1),$1001,0,&(2)) setze Hintergrund-Farbe
Def sLVStyle(2) sendmessage (&(1),$1036,0,&(2)) setze Style - $01 GRIDLINE | $02 SUBITEMIMG | $04 CHECKBOX
$08 TRACKSEL | $20 Fullrowsel (Report)
Declare Lview&,Zeile#
Struct zInhalt = Mask&,Ind&,d01&,d02&,d03&,ptrText&,LenTxt&,d08&
LView& = control(SysListView32,Hallolo!!,$50814803,10,10,sub(%winright,26),sub(%Winbottom,46),%Hwnd,$0100,%Hinstance)
PROC AddZeile
Parameters LVHndl&,Index&,Text$
Dim Zeile#,zInhalt
Clear Zeile#
Zeile#.Mask& = $0001
Zeile#.Ind& = Index&
Zeile#.ptrText& = Addr(Text$)
Zeile#.LenTxt& = Len(Text$)
dispose Zeile#
WindowStyle 26
Window Add(%maxX,10),0-400,300
Windowtitle ListCheckbox
Window 0,0-400,300
Cls GSC(15)
AddZeile(LView&,0,1. Dies ist ein Test. Dies ist ein Test. Dies ist ein Test. Dies ist ein Test.)
AddZeile(LView&,1,2. Dies ist ein Test. Dies ist ein Test. Dies ist ein Test. Dies ist ein Test.)
AddZeile(LView&,2,3. Dies ist ein Test. Dies ist ein Test. Dies ist ein Test. Dies ist ein Test.)
AddZeile(LView&,3,4. Dies ist ein Test. Dies ist ein Test. Dies ist ein Test. Dies ist ein Test.)
AddZeile(LView&,4,5. Dies ist ein Test. Dies ist ein Test. Dies ist ein Test. Dies ist ein Test.)
Sleep 4000
DelItem(LView&,2) Löscht die 3. Zeile
whilenot Equ(%Key,2)
ss=s4 href='./../../Function-References/XProfan/end/'>End
| Salu Michael...
Hab zwar krumme Fieß awer dofir e' ecklich Gsicht! | 09/21/05 ▲ |
| best Thanks Michael,
the code takes me very plenty work ex!!!
an Checklistbox can itself too directly with Profan a normalen Listbox produce (Check boxes mehrzeilig next to each other, rechtsbündig etc.). I had the control already time here on my computer - have then unfortunately virtual, that the note the Codes not necessary is (was stinkeinfach To produce), and now come I do not More on it (son Scheiß ).
AH |
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Michael Dell | Hello Andreas,
therefore I ment already time. Meinst You whom code: [...]
Stell whom it time here moreover: CompileMarkSeparationAutor: Jörg Sellmeyer
window 80,30-650,500
declare Liste%,Check%[20],Zähler%,Text$,Position%
sendmessage(Liste%,416,0,20)---Zeilenhöhe 20 = Höhe einer Checkbox
while Zähler%<21
addstring(Liste%, )-------Dummy-Eintrag
Text$=Feld +str$(Zähler%)
Position%=Zähler%*20--------20 > Höhe einer Checkbox
inc Zähler%
Salu Michael...
Hab zwar krumme Fieß awer dofir e' ecklich Gsicht! | 09/21/05 ▲ | |
| No, my I do not. the goes too without Check boxes To produce. I had then with Messages and Stiles herumgespiel and be through chance on a Listbox of these properties come... |
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GDL | Hello Michael,
so like your letztes Posting(means ne Checkbox on NEN clear Listboxeintrag create), I had already tested. but everywhere the same thing, with my previous try,with Ifs Inframe and with your last code.
The Check boxes can enable and deaktivieren, as long as the Scroll bar not moving becomes, when the Scroll bar moving and is thereafter a Checkbox klicked becomes, verscjiebt itself these on the Listboxcontrol. Perhaps again NEN ME trouble? mean I but net, in others Programs weg Scrollbare Checkboxfelder indeed.
Hello Georg |
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