
Check boxes

Hello Frank,
gives it a function with the on The Zeilennummern all marked or with
Check boxes marked Entries sustain? in the momentum help I me with of/ one
Listbox in the I The Zeilennummern sammle.
Also becomes the Wallpapers partly again of List view overlay.
The first row is o.k., thereafter Better get going covers.
If I The CSV-File not load is everything o.k.
gives it there einschlägige Experience.
otherwise power it really Fun with the Dll to program and is
already quite ausgeschlafen.

Hello Jörg,

> gives it a function with the on The Zeilennummern all
> marked or with
> Check boxes marked Entries sustain?

Wow, the must You please again accurate explain
Habs not understood...

> Also becomes the Wallpapers partly again of
> List view overlay.
> The first row is o.k., thereafter Better get going covers.
> If I The CSV-File not load is everything o.k.
> gives it there einschlägige Experience.

have you got Perhaps one kurzes example parat, in the the effect appears ? then seh I mirs at times.
background integrate is in the Grunde Yes only a windows-Message and not of me program.

> otherwise power it really Fun with the Dll To
> program and is already quite ausgeschlafen.

thanks !
slow weg me too The ideas from.
for Proposals be I but always open.

Greeting, Frank

Aua! one ought to itself its Texts still again durchlesen, before one tappt im dunkeln abschickt.
In of my list with 50 Einträgen have I 10 markiert b. z. w. with Checkbox markiert (tick on).
now I will The Indizes this Entries having.
mandatory I with GetCheckState(or so...) The list scour or Gibts
a function, The me any in a area returns?
unless, then would the still a Why stay

with the Wallpapers must I yet look what this is.
Perhaps have so did i what wrong program.

The Idea with the Trackmenü on the Spaltenköpfen is incidentally genial!!


> In of my list with 50 Einträgen have I 10 markiert b. z.
> w. with Checkbox markiert (tick on).
> now I will The Indizes this Entries having.
> mandatory I with GetCheckState(or so...) The list scour > or Gibts
> a function, The me any in a area returns?
> unless, then would the still a Why stay

Yes, you mean a vergleichbare function GetAllSelected(), only for Check boxes, z.B. GetAllChecked().
the there not yet, but I take it gladly as Why stay for next Version.

> with the Wallpapers must I yet look what this is.
> Perhaps have so did i what wrong program.


> The Idea with the Trackmenü on the Spaltenköpfen is
> incidentally genial!!

Yes, thanks. Gefällt me too well !

Greeting, Frank


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