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Gerhard Praher | Hello wiedermal from Österreich !
says time Please How becomes a Childwindows (@Create("Childwindow",...) the active Window ? the Parentwindow watts with @Create("Window",...") prepares.
here the code:
$H windows.ph
Declare wide%, Hoehe%, Top%, Left%
Declare hMainWin&, hChildWin&
Breite% = 1024
Hoehe% = 768
Top% = 0
Left% = 0
Window Style 27
hMainWin& = @Create("Window",0,"Irgend so a text",Top%,Left%,wide%,Hoehe%)
hChildWin& = @Create("ChildWindow",hMainWIn&, "Child", 80, 60, wide% / 2, Hoehe% / 2)
I habs already with @SetActiveWindows(hChildWin&) attempts, but always is the Parentwindow active.
Vielen Thanks for eure Help Gerhard |
| Windows XP Pro, SP3 Jetzt: XProfan 11 Was ich liebe sind 3 "F": meine Familie, meine Firma, meine Freizeit. | 08/18/08 ▲ |
| SetForegroundWindow?
One hWnd ought to but not are missing, beget one unsichtbares z.B. with Style 1024 | 2048 |
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Frank Abbing | SetFocus functions too in manchen Make, likewise How ShowWindow. |
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Gerhard Praher | Vielen Thanks on iF and Frank.
is Yes somehow interestingly. I have in the Childfenster a couple Steuerelemente kreiert and spring the first of it with Setfocus on. thereby behave it itself so, that it whom appearance has, that still the Childfenster the actually Window ist; if too The Rahmendarstellung something other suppose can.
here the code moreover: CompileMarkSeparation $H Windows.ph
Declare Breite%, Hoehe%, Top%, Left%
Declare hMainWin&, hChildWin&
Declare hD%, hB%, Edit1%, Edit2%, Edit3%
Breite% = 1024
Hoehe% = 768
Top% = 0
Left% = 0
WindowStyle 27
hMainWin& = @Create("Window",%hWnd,"Irgend so a text",Top%,Left%,Breite%,Hoehe%)
hChildWin& = @Create("ChildWindow",hMainWin&, "Child", 80, 60, Breite% / 2, Hoehe% / 2)
hB% = @Create("Button",hChildWin&,"&OK",50,50,20,20)
Edit1% = @Create("Edit",hChildWin&,"",100,100,150,20)
Edit2% = @Create("Edit",hChildWin&,"",100,130,150,20)
Edit3% = @Create("Edit",hChildWin&,"",100,160,150,20)
i'd gladly eure very geschätzte opinion above experienced.
thanks Gerhard |
| Windows XP Pro, SP3 Jetzt: XProfan 11 Was ich liebe sind 3 "F": meine Familie, meine Firma, meine Freizeit. | 08/19/08 ▲ |
Gerhard Praher | I Please you in this thing over again circa eure Help.
is it so OK ? is the behaviour the Childfensters so pseudo, means normal ?
Vielen Thanks in the ahead for eure Help and eure patience with me. Gerhard |
| Windows XP Pro, SP3 Jetzt: XProfan 11 Was ich liebe sind 3 "F": meine Familie, meine Firma, meine Freizeit. | 08/20/08 ▲ |
E.T. |
is it so OK ? is the behaviour the Childfensters so pseudo, means normal ?
whether it so pseudo or. normal is, wisely so did i not.
I can your Feststellung but confirm: Lt. welt is the Child inaktiv, The items can but angesprungen go.
Have even too time a little bit EnableWindow... etc. probiert, the Child I get not active.
Mario |
| Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte... | 08/21/08 ▲ |
Dietmar Horn | I habs yet neither hinbekommen. i think, To this Topic would Rolands opinion angesagt ...
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 08/21/08 ▲ |
Gerhard Praher | thanks Mario for the testing.
Perhaps has yet someone a idea what the reason for is. would be Real interestingly.
Greeting Gerhard |
| Windows XP Pro, SP3 Jetzt: XProfan 11 Was ich liebe sind 3 "F": meine Familie, meine Firma, meine Freizeit. | 08/21/08 ▲ |
Gerhard Praher | these now only one Test to see whether the Thread then again visible is. |
| Windows XP Pro, SP3 Jetzt: XProfan 11 Was ich liebe sind 3 "F": meine Familie, meine Firma, meine Freizeit. | 08/23/08 ▲ |
Gerhard Praher | Hello and lovely sunday !
I wanted to only time inquiries whether it concerning the supra named Problems any News gives and Roland it itself possible already respected has.
greetings from Österreich. Gerhard |
| Windows XP Pro, SP3 Jetzt: XProfan 11 Was ich liebe sind 3 "F": meine Familie, meine Firma, meine Freizeit. | 08/24/08 ▲ |
Jörg Sellmeyer | who your Posting already seen has, can You check, if you your Posting editierst. under right is then a Rubrik "bereits seen von". |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 08/24/08 ▲ |
Gerhard Praher | thanks Jörg !
again what dazugelernt. |
| Windows XP Pro, SP3 Jetzt: XProfan 11 Was ich liebe sind 3 "F": meine Familie, meine Firma, meine Freizeit. | 08/24/08 ▲ |