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Frank Abbing | ...but mail me now Please no Videos of you one or other Schweinkram.
No, for my new Program be I on the Search to whom best Teilprogrammen (maximum 10 Lines). means Lines or routines, The your in each Program over ands over again uses. The you vital attend, without The eure programs not gelingen would. even something like How that here:
there falls you still too certainly what a? |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | are partly with XProfan10 obsolet become but under utterly useful: CompileMarkSeparationDef CharCount(2) Int(Sub(Len(@$(1)),Len(translate$(@$(1),@$(2),""))))
Def VerzeichnisTiefe(1) Int(Sub(Len(@$(1)),Len(Translate$(@$(1),"\",""))))
Def PfadTeil(2) SubStr$(@$(1),@%(2),"\")
Vorher sollte man die Verzeichnistiefe ermitteln
Def DateiName(1) SubStr$(@$(1),Add(VerzeichnisTiefe(@$(1)),1),"\")
Def DateiPfad(1) Translate$(@$(1),Add$("\",DateiName(@$(1))),"")
Def Home(0) Translate$(Upper$(Par$(0)),Upper$(FindFirst$(Par$(0))),"")
ausgewählter Listboxeintrag
Def ListBoxStringSel(1) GetString$(@&(1),SendMessage(@&(1),$0188,0,0))
Def ListClear(1) SendMessage(@&(1),$184,0,0)
scrollt den übergebenen String an die obere Listboxkante (Position in der Liste bleibt!)
Def SelectTop(2) SendMessage(@&(1),~LB_SETTOPINDEX,SelectString(@&(1),-1,@$(2)),0)
Def SetCursel(2) SendMessage(@&(1),$0186,@&(2),0)
Def SubStrRight(3) SubStr$($(1),If(GT(Len($(1))-Len(Translate$($(1),$(3),""))
+ 2,%(2)),Len($(1))-Len(Translate$($(1),$(3),""))+2-%(2),%(2)),$(3))
Par1= Der zu bearbeitende String
Par2= Nummer des Teilstrings von rechts
Par3= Trennzeichen
Par2 Anzahl von Zeichen aus Par1 löschen
Def DelLast(2) Mid$(@$(1),1,Sub(Len(@$(1)),@&(2))s=s2>)
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 10/20/06 ▲ |
Nico Madysa | Phh, if Jörg More as 10 Lines mail, then so did i! CompileMarkSeparationFenster, bei dem die zukünftige Größe des
CLIENT-Bereiches angegeben wird.
declare OWin#
proc OptWindow
if Upper$($(1)) = "START HWND"
parameters w$ , style% , titel$ , dx% , dy%
Dim OWin# , 4
WindowTitle titel$
WindowStyle style%
Window (2 * %MaxX) , (2 * %MaxY) - dx% , dy%
cls SysColor(15)
Word OWin# , 0 = dx%
Word OWin# , 2 = dy%
elseif Upper$($(1)) = "END"
declare hwin& , x% , y% , dx% , dy%
dx% = (2 * Long(OWin#,0)) - width(hwin&)
dy% = (2 * Long(OWin#,2)) - height(hwin&)
if %pCount = 1
x% = (%MaxX - dx%) / 2
y% = (%MaxY - dy%) / 2
SetWindowPos %hWnd = x% , y% - dx% , dy%
Dispose OWin#
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Frank Abbing | Please not To many Lines! The 10it-boundary can I of course strain, but the power The story unübersichtlich.
i will my Program with some ausgesuchten Snipseln furnish, if I it for Download enable. whom remainder can eachone User hereafter yourself take on. |
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Frank Abbing | Have The boundary on 24 Lines heraufgehoben and hope, that yet Einsendungen come. Go, opens eure Schatzkisten...! |
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Torsten Rümker | Registry read without Problems: CompileMarkSeparation Special Folder read: CompileMarkSeparation
Proc Getspecialfolder
Parameters Csidl%
%Csidl_desktop 0, %Csidl_programs 2, %Csidl_controls 3, %Csidl_printers 4, %Csidl_personal 5, %Csidl_favorites 6
%Csidl_startup 7, %Csidl_recent 8, %Csidl_sendto 9, %Csidl_bitbucket 10, %Csidl_startmenu 11, %Csidl_desktopdirectory 16
%Csidl_drives 17, %Csidl_network 18, %Csidl_nethood 19, %Csidl_fonts 20, %Csidl_templates 21, %Csidl_common_startmenu 22
%Csidl_common_programs 23, %Csidl_common_startup 24, %Csidl_common_desktopdirectory 25, %Csidl_appdata 26, %Csidl_printhood 27
Def Shgetspecialfolderlocation(3) !"SHELL32","SHGetSpecialFolderLocation"
Def Shgetpathfromidlist(2) !"SHELL32","SHGetPathFromIDListA"
Def Cotaskmemfree(1) !"OLE32","CoTaskMemFree"
Declare Lpidl&,Result$
Declare Buffer#
Dim Buffer#,255
If Shgetspecialfolderlocation(Getactivewindow(),Csidl%,Addr(Lpidl&))=0
Print lpidl&
Ifnot Shgetpathfromidlist(Lpidl&,Buffer#)=0
Let Result$=String $(Buffer#,0)
Dispose Buffer#
Return Result$
so the wärs first.
MfG Torsten |
| Ich lerne, ob ich will oder nicht! Betriebssystem: - Ubuntu 15.x - Windows (diverse) XProfan Version: X2 | 10/21/06 ▲ |
Michael Dell |
| Salu Michael...
Hab zwar krumme Fieß awer dofir e' ecklich Gsicht! | 10/21/06 ▲ |
Frank Abbing | I bedanke me with all Einsendern!!!
my Tool SnippetAdmin, the under the Arbeitstitel Profan for rotten running, standing now short to the accomplishment. |
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| Since I me for Quickies always particularly plenty Time let, here too yet of what me: CompileMarkSeparation the best keep I but nevertheless rather for me . |
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Carlo Keil | @ Andreas: could you me please times over the object the REMs enlighten?
thanks Carlo |
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