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ByteAttack | Hello! Something like is well not somehow with a super-ploy possible? |
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Frank Abbing | You would gladly Gemeinsamkeiten highlight? I knows not whether the possible is, Have it Yes not probiert. i think already, that it somehow goes. What exactly have you got to? |
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ByteAttack | Well! really so How on the Image! defined Textsegmente highlight or differently coloured make. |
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Frank Abbing | somehow wants me moreover no suitable management and Syntax to occur... |
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ByteAttack | Frank? my great hero? it wants nothing to occur? *Heul* *Schnief* entrapment Yes almost of believe ex....
... but only almost! |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | Syntax would Perhaps MarkText(LV&,B#,Sp%,Z%,Text$). Fundstellen in area B# as Long: address0 = slot,address1 = row1,address2 = row2,address4,ZeileXX Return Value the function is the Number of Fundstellen in the slot. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 10/27/07 ▲ |
Frank Abbing | No, so becomes not klappen. the Umfärben must Yes live in the Subclassing occur, means always if the List view new drawn becomes. moreover must each Itemtext examined go, whether pieces of it one second time in another colour drawn go must. and the check must anhand of/ one data base erfolgen. accordingly becomes sooner something like necessary his:
I werd time Verify, whether the Einfärben in the form at all goes. |
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Thomas Freier | @ Frank: is it because now already possible one einzelndes Item andersfarbig darzustellen? this was indeed already once one Topic in the past tense. |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 10/27/07 ▲ |
Frank Abbing | Bislang is it possible, whole Split or Lines einzufärben. I make me but time Thoughts the thing. |
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Thomas Freier | only so as Gedankenspielerei: or there's The Possibility one Item To selektieren. so could any Fundstellen highlighted go. |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 10/27/07 ▲ |
Thomas Freier | @Frank: ziehe my thoughts back. is now already possible with: GetOwnControlParas(B,H,s,Z) and @Create(Text,n,s,X1,Y1,X2,Y2) here in the ListView example : Text_suchen.prf CompileMarkSeparationSelectLine(listview&,y&,0) darauf verzichten wir
Clear bereich#
n_x&=Long(bereich#,12) X Offset
n_y&=Long(bereich#,16) Y Offset
b&=Long(bereich#,20)-4 Breite etwas kleiner sieht besser aus
h&=Long(bereich#,24)-5 Höhe etwas kleiner sieht besser aus
font&=Long(bereich#,28) Font Handle
n_text$=String$(bereich#,64) Itemtext
edit&=@Create(Text,listview&,n_text$,n_x&,n_y&,b&,h&) Text nach den Parametern erstellen
SetFont edit&,font&
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
on the place müssten itself too coloured Textteile Show let. somewhere was me The Berechnung the Textlängen to that Font already once under come. Backgroundcolor, Listviewfont are famous and a others Schriftfarbe can itself take on. |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 10/28/07 ▲ |
Frank Abbing | with static Listviews a Notlösung. but probier still time with scrollbaren Listviews... |
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