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Bernd Haase | Moin Frank !
Currently entwickel I one Wahlhelferprogramm and use here The List view. with the attitude the Column, with Help the mouse, is it one Tester been successful, a schmale slot with of/ one breiteren To overlay. The Schmale wasn't More visible. can I this somehow avoid, because they say the The slot always with 10 Pixeln or so, To see his must.
Greeting Bernd |
| Mit freundlichem Gruß Bernd Sind schon viele erfroren, aber noch keiner ist erstunken !![...] | 05/29/06 ▲ |
Frank Abbing | No, but You can prevent, that The wide at all changed go can. moreover there with CreateListview() yes a entsprechendes Flag.
In Version 1.9 have I two User Messages installed. so can you yourself Verify, whether a wide To small is, and these then new take on. statement from the new Help.
List view.dll and User Messages:
since Version 1.9 sent The List view.dll different User Messages on the Hauptprogramm, if defined Events occur. on this place go these Messages called and declared:
$1400: determined each Tastendruck in a beliebigen List view. uwParam = List view-lever ulParam = Tastencode
$1401: left Mouse button watts on one Column Button pressed. uwParam = List view-lever ulParam = Spaltenindex (nullbasierend)
$1402: users wants straight Column change. uwParam = List view-lever ulParam = Spaltenindex (nullbasierend)
$1403: users has Column changed. uwParam = List view-lever ulParam = Spaltenindex (nullbasierend)
example: CompileMarkSeparationI schick you The Betaversion, if You like. |
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| [quote:052af1d6b2]I schick you The Betaversion, if You like.[/quote:052af1d6b2] Hello Frank where is the Version 1.9 ? - in the actually Version of your HP (1.8) is the commands GetKeyState(..... not include - get always a Error Message |
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Frank Abbing | I see, Horst. can his, the it there still not thereby was. If ichs considerate, is still sooner The supra beschriebene User Message $1400 interessanter, for your trouble. can Yes both test times. |
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Bernd Haase | Moin !
would be it because not so bad such a Parameter list view with To transfer. say we time, the The SP-wide with 10 Pixel ( can also optional his ) lying should ?
as improvement before the new Beta rauskommt:
Greeting Bernd |
| Mit freundlichem Gruß Bernd Sind schon viele erfroren, aber noch keiner ist erstunken !![...] | 05/30/06 ▲ |
Frank Abbing | Moin moin!
The Idea is Yes not so bad. only need some people Listviewspalten of 0 Pixeln wide, z.B. circa temporarily Split auszublenden. So not simply it all right To make. I could but something like make How:
SetColumnWidthLimit(breite&) and the Gegenstück SetColumnWidthMax(breite&). Voreingestellt could here The values 0 and 32768 his..... Gefällt me! |
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Frank Abbing | Have The Voraussetzungen for created and it functions fine. About The Funktionsnamen be I me not yet in the Klaren, probably becomes it only a function.
or Gibts kürzere Proposals? |
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Rolf Koch | SetColLimits() |
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Frank Abbing | Yes, is kürzer. but not aussagekräftig. I use in the rule Column, if a slot meant is. are it several or any, use I Columns. the Limit becomes for Column staid, not for for slot. this is then To generally. name me quiet pingelig. but rather a long name, the some over The function verrät, as one To kurzer, nichtssagender name. i think, i'll whom long take. Sorry..... |
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Rolf Koch | was still ne super testimony and Überzeugend |
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Frank Abbing | |
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Bernd Haase | Moin !
who writes, the remaining !! good Solution
... and when can The bring into action ??
p.s. who are because The nice smilie-cut[ed] ?? |
| Mit freundlichem Gruß Bernd Sind schon viele erfroren, aber noch keiner ist erstunken !![...] | 05/31/06 ▲ |