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Uwe ''Pascal'' Niemeier | Hi people!
here a question on The JavaScript / HTML-Experten:
How can by JS a comment in the manner <!-- comment --> in a HTML-Qelltext insert? Bisherige try with insertAdjacent... and Ähnlichem broke nichts; either get The clinging as Umlaute kodiert, the Text not as TAG recognized or it emerged komische Konstrukte with Start- and End-TAG.
there Gibts still sure a Solution?
BTW: It's all right not really about JS, separate around the suitable ActiveX-functions, The on one geladenes HTML-document applied go. but erfahrungsgemäß ought to the jerkin How pants his.
SeeYou Pascal |
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Christian Eichler | If one whom HTML - code within one Elementes Change wants, does it with JS really integrally simply, How with the ActiveX is, white I do not.
One Beispielchen: [...]
with the here ought to the too yet gehn, something like avoid I but always, there me the whole To opaque is I verwend on the dearest innerHTML, has yet really always functions !
Regards Christian |
| Debian Lenny, Intel Celeron 2,8 Ghz, 768 MB Ram && Win XP Pro, Intel C2D 1,66Ghz, 2 GB Ram ... PROFAN² 6.6 | 02/23/09 ▲ |
Uwe ''Pascal'' Niemeier | Hi Christian!
thanks for Tipp! objectively shining it To klappen, if one a Link o.Ä. voranstellt.
though I had not erwähnt, that I the comment into Header write must. now have I seen, that the not at all possible is, because...
a) InnerHTML / outerHTML there only ReadOnly are b) generally in the Header only few TAGs allows are
It's all right me therefore, into Header one marrow of the Web (on the best time thereafter googeln) einzufügen. this is one comment, the so looks: <-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet --> and bewirkt, that a offline vorliegende Page the Sicherheitszone internet in IE zugeordnet becomes. If to the not power, can each JS-shred to a Warnmeldung because of Gefährdung lead.
so pointed looks I will well to the Save on normal point into File reinschreiben must
SeeYou Pascal |
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| is it enough, if you the Header one new JS-Child with externem SRC hinzufügst, if in the SRC The suitable <!-- notice stored is? |
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Uwe ''Pascal'' Niemeier | Hi iF!
If you me erkärst, what the konkret means...
I suspect time, You think on it, whom besagten TAG somehow (as amendment in < SCRIPT> or so) into Header To smuggle?
so far I understood have, is the IE quite severe, what the stature this marrow of the Web angeht. want time know, what M$ itself thereby virtual has still means the, that Websites in the WWW in the Zweifelsfall More rights than such, The pub stored are
but I faith, I have a useful Workaround (without JS) found.
SeeYou Pascal |
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| must the REM in the HTML-File self stand, or is it z.B. enough if it in a external JS called becomes? |
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Uwe ''Pascal'' Niemeier | Hi iF!
can I not sagen; I faith but not, that the reicht. would be me but too To costly
Since I The Website by COM/OLE a HTML-Control save, can I whom TAG probably during the Speicherns insert.
BTW: it's about a new Version the Cachers. The problem with the StyleSheets shining meanwhile resolved, but the dauernden Warnungen the IE at reading the gespeicherten pages nerves
SeeYou Pascal |
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| even if not More your Topic concerns, but would it already klappen from XProfan out the value of/ one JS-variables one JavaScripts one own HTML-Wins To detect and To settle?
so would it then possible plenty plainer Fensterinhalte To designen and Problems How Control-Einfärben heard objectively the past tense on what about me could my jUI moreover pursue. |
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Uwe ''Pascal'' Niemeier | |
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| Jau! |
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