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Erasmus.Herold | Hallöchen ...
The following is me noticed. Nutze I The function "Create("PicButton",n,H,X1,Y1,X2,Y2)" functions the Button on itself. click I but at Button very into middle aufs photo, has the button no function.
means: is the photo right big, remaining little edge, whom the User You can can.
can the others confirm or quite a remedy afford?
Greeting Erasmus |
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Georg Teles | good evening,
How big is the photo and can you a Beispielcode post, where the zutrifft ?
Regards |
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Erasmus.Herold | Hallöchen ...
enclosed the code and a Screenshot.
temp& = Create("HPIC", -1, "fotoapparat.jpg")
fotoanzeige_button% = Create("PICBUTTON", %hWnd, temp&, 1550, 57, 90, 94)
How described, it functions, if I on the "Rand" click, but not this Fotoapparat.
Greeting and Thanks Erasmus |
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H.Brill | means by me (X4) functions it, alike where I there click and alike whether Originalgröße or minimizes.
Declare temp&, fotoanzeige_button%, end%
ende% = 0
temp& = Create("HPIC", -1, "button.jpg")
' fotoanzeige_button% = Create("PICBUTTON", %hWnd, temp&, 10, 50, %BmpX, %BmpY) ' Originalgröße the Bildes
fotoanzeige_button% = Create("PICBUTTON", %hWnd, temp&, 10, 50, 90, 94)
WhileNot end%
If Clicked(fotoanzeige_button%)
MessageBox("PicButton pressed !", "Info", 0)
Case %Key = 2 : end% = 1
Have now only The x-Koordinate (1550) minimizes, I no so breiter screen have. one could yet the image in a Image List Save. there becomes it properly the Coordinates the ImageList minimizes. |
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Erasmus.Herold | is correct - with the small code works it free from problems. strange - must I moreover checken.
thanks for your trouble. |
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Georg Teles | X4, X3, X2 and 10.0a functions - Interpreter and finished Exe
Regards |
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