
date format

Hello Frank
there come I again with a question...

If I a dbf file einlese, is it possible and fals Yes, How, z.b. the date To formatiern, if it in the dbf standing 20020327 in 2002:03:27 umzuwandeln and whom List view display?

In my List view have I it so,

Let Data$ = @dbGet$(DATUM)
Let Data$ =

Dar with your List view the reading automatically in the memory happens, see I not yet The Possibility it To format

thanks for each hint


Hello Fernando,

the could I as Flag release, z.B. as Flag 2.
would be then Flag 2 staid, then would the date automatically into new stature Translated.

would be not so bad, if You me by Email a dbf-File mail, The Datums-indicated contains, then could ichs rather testing.

Greeting, Frank

Hello together

2002:03:27 ?
would be not rather umzusetzen in 2002.03.27 ?

@Fernando: thanks again for File !

Greeting, Frank


so, Have the Flag now installed.
here the new Description the function, I hope the goes now so aale:


Wandelt a dBaseIII (.dbf) File circa in a CSV-File (in memory).

B : Long - Zeiger on a area, into with ReadFileQuick() a DBF-File loaded watts.
A : Long - amount Bytes in B.
s : Zeiger on a area, the The amount Split in the Dbf-File in B receiving (Long-Int) or 0.
Z : Zeiger on a area, the The Number of lines in the Dbf-File in B receiving (Long-Int) or 0.
F : Long - Flag.

Return-Ergebniss: Long - amount generierter Bytes in the new Csv-File (in B).

because many User gladly with dBase-Files works, watts these function implementiert.
A is the Size the File in B.
s must a variable his or one four byte great memory, into hereafter The amount Split registered is. standing here zero, then becomes the Parameter s ignoring.
Z is ditto a variable or one four byte great memory, only standing here hereafter The Number of lines.
F is a Flag. is bit zero deleted, then go too The boxes (Headerinformationen) the Dbf-File with read. The first Line in the Csv-File contain then The Feldnamen. is bit zero in F staid, then go The boxes ignoring and not into Csv-File übernommen. Feldnamen are vergleichbar with the Texten the Spaltenbuttons.
is bit one in F staid, then go Datumsfelder of Type 20020726 automatically inserted as 2002.07.26 (=26.07.2002).
here again The list all possible ? Happen? ( kombinierbar through OR link or addition).

0 = boxes not into Csv-File read / no Datumsfelder-converting
1 = boxes along into The Csv-File read
2 = Datumsfelder konvertieren, z.B. 20020726 becomes 2002.07.26

The new erstellte Csv-File standing hereafter in B, teh folks data in B go überschrieben. because a Dbf-File quasi always larger is, as a Csv-File, must with the Speicherbereichs-Size usually nothing mind go.

bytes&=@FileSize(Text$) Size the File detect (bytes&)
If bytes&>0
Dim area#,bytes&
ReadFileQuick(addr(Text$),area#,0,bytes&) Dbf-File loading
bytes&=DbfToCsv(area#,bytes&,addr(spalten&),0,0) Dbf konvertieren to Csv / bytes& new detect
CsvToListview(listview&,area#,bytes&,spalten&) Csv File as Items in list view reading
Dispose area#

Greeting, Frank


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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