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| Wilfried Friebe | CompileMarkSeparation-Begin------------------------------------------------------------------
Declare Anzahl%, i%, Name$, Browse$, länge%
TextColor @RGB(255, 0, 100), -1
Set(CharSet, 0)
UseFont ARIAL, 15, 10, 1, 0, 0
@db(Open, #1,Musik.DBF)
@db(Use, #1)
Print db-Struktur von Musik.DBF
Print Datensätze: ;&dbRecCount
Print Felder: ;%dbFCount
Print Satzgröße: ;%dbRecSize; Byte
Print Headergröße: ;%dbHeader; Byte
Print Letzte Änderung: ;$dbLUpdate
Anzahl% = %dbFCount
i% = 1
WhileNot i% > Anzahl%
@db(GetField, i%)
Print $dbFName,$dbFType,%dbFLen,%dbFDecs
Inc i%
@db(Close, #1)
Name$ = @LoadFile$(Welche Datei,*.DBF)
print Name$
@db(Open, #1,Name$)
@db(Use, #1)
Anzahl% = %dbFCount
i% = 1
WhileNot i% > Anzahl%
@db(GetField, i%)
länge%= länge%*5
Inc i%
@db(Browse, 10,10,ADRESS-TABELLE,10, Browse$ ,3)
print &dbRecCount
I have X Profan and Windows XP Bildschirmauflösung 1280-1024 and tested too with 1024-768 with both Auflösungen is the same Error aufgetreten me are missing under with the Toolbar a couple Pixel (see anhängendes Image) the same Program on one Notebook with windows ME with of/ one dissolution of 1024-768 correct who can me there help |
| | | Board MSI B450M BAZOOKA CPU AMD Ryzen 7 2700x 8 Core 3,7-4,2 GH 32 Gb Ram NVIDIA GeForce GTX 3060 12 GB Ram Window 11 Prof 64 Bit
Sun-Guru-Barebone CPU I7-9750H 16 GB Ram NVIDIA GeForce GTX1660TI 6 GB Ram Window 11 Hom 64 Bit
Profan 4.5 bis Xprofan 14 Ein frisch geschriebenes Programm hat meistens einen großen Fehler.Sollte man versuchen diesen großen Fehler zu beseitigen, hat man viele kleine Fehler "Grins" | 04/22/07 ▲ |
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| | | Jojo - functions tuts. nevertheless know too RGH over ands over again hereon there such instructions To clinging. in the principle have hierbei only Happiness that the first less on the right place sits. would You z.B. Parameter 4 and 3 swap (Sinnhaftigkeit be dahingestellt) would it already failure. and this is denk I time one very guter Info on a ebend incorrect Syntax.
I personally set me one for abolition of - and ; as Parametertrennzeichen. only and on my own the , ought to this necessary his. Perhaps bring Roland the seinem Parser with. |
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| | Wilfried Friebe | Sorry I thought the X to Profan sufficient I have XProfan 10 to that %CyCaption I can it now of course read its 30 and %Cymenu = 20 but How change I these values ? so well be I in programieren not on The sys-variables have I yet not getraut :--/ |
| | | Board MSI B450M BAZOOKA CPU AMD Ryzen 7 2700x 8 Core 3,7-4,2 GH 32 Gb Ram NVIDIA GeForce GTX 3060 12 GB Ram Window 11 Prof 64 Bit
Sun-Guru-Barebone CPU I7-9750H 16 GB Ram NVIDIA GeForce GTX1660TI 6 GB Ram Window 11 Hom 64 Bit
Profan 4.5 bis Xprofan 14 Ein frisch geschriebenes Programm hat meistens einen großen Fehler.Sollte man versuchen diesen großen Fehler zu beseitigen, hat man viele kleine Fehler "Grins" | 04/22/07 ▲ |
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| | | no trouble! These values are not virtual to that change - only benefit should You these!
If you z.B. one Window with a Innenbereich of 400 Pixel in Höhe want then must You, the Window means at least with window 0,0, x,400+%cycaption create. there the but too balderdash is because Fensterrahmen & Co. too add go müssten you can easily here so ne old function of me using: CompileMarkSeparation the goes then so: CompileMarkSeparationwindow 0,0 - 640,480
setinnersize 640,480
print Fensterinnenraum is:,width(%hwnd),x,height(%hwnd),Pixel large.
proc setinnersize
parameters x%,y%
setwindowpos %Hwnd = %winleft,%wintop - ((%winright-%winleft)-(width(%hwnd)-x%)),((%winbottom-%wintop)-(height(%hwnd)-y%));0
After Setinnersize has your HWND then guaranteeing a Anzeigebreich of 640x480 Pixeln. |
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| | Wilfried Friebe | OK so far so well normal Window are no trouble eigendlich goes it around the commands
@db(Browse,X,Y, s1,n1,s2,n2)
with of/ one GridBOX I had whom Error already once have through more x/y maße but hinbekommen
with @db(Browse,X,Y, s1,n1,s2,n2) does it but not whether one there matter can this is my eigendliche question
Greeting Wilfried |
| | | Board MSI B450M BAZOOKA CPU AMD Ryzen 7 2700x 8 Core 3,7-4,2 GH 32 Gb Ram NVIDIA GeForce GTX 3060 12 GB Ram Window 11 Prof 64 Bit
Sun-Guru-Barebone CPU I7-9750H 16 GB Ram NVIDIA GeForce GTX1660TI 6 GB Ram Window 11 Hom 64 Bit
Profan 4.5 bis Xprofan 14 Ein frisch geschriebenes Programm hat meistens einen großen Fehler.Sollte man versuchen diesen großen Fehler zu beseitigen, hat man viele kleine Fehler "Grins" | 04/22/07 ▲ |
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| | | I faith (ldr. not know) the dialog stick as Ressource in the Runtime. means Reshacker procure and dialogue in the prfrun32.exe Change (and the profane.exe for Interpretermodus). |
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| | RGH | iF
I faith (ldr. not know) the dialog stick as Ressource in the Runtime. means Reshacker procure and dialogue in the prfrun32.exe Change (and the profane.exe for Interpretermodus).
I fürchte, here becomes the Reshacker not wealthy, separate I must it me on The ToDo-list for next XProfan-Version take. for db(Edit,...) results already The automatic Anpassung, for db(Browse,...) unfortunately not yet.
Greeting Roland |
| | | Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 04/23/07 ▲ |
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| | | OK, what about me werd later time try this dialog as an afterthought To Change. Erstmal look How one whom DLG (whom I yet never called have ) at all To Gesichte get. |
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| | Wilfried Friebe | well well Erstmal thanks anyway lying not with empty restricted programierfähigkeiten GRINS will be me means gedulden wasn't allzuleicht The umgewöhnung of profane 4,5 on X Prfan 10 but slow GEHTS
Greeting Wilfried |
| | | Board MSI B450M BAZOOKA CPU AMD Ryzen 7 2700x 8 Core 3,7-4,2 GH 32 Gb Ram NVIDIA GeForce GTX 3060 12 GB Ram Window 11 Prof 64 Bit
Sun-Guru-Barebone CPU I7-9750H 16 GB Ram NVIDIA GeForce GTX1660TI 6 GB Ram Window 11 Hom 64 Bit
Profan 4.5 bis Xprofan 14 Ein frisch geschriebenes Programm hat meistens einen großen Fehler.Sollte man versuchen diesen großen Fehler zu beseitigen, hat man viele kleine Fehler "Grins" | 04/23/07 ▲ |
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| | | so habs and of course must one only downstairs procedure integrate - if one instead of dbbrowse rather _dbbrowse types then becomes the window on korrekte 514x265 Pixel Innengrösse brought. naturally is the unsauberes Schummeln!
Hierfür simply following function in the Source platzieren: (XPSE-original-Variante! / under The not-XPSE-Variante) CompileMarkSeparation
_dbbrowse (long a,b,string c,long d,string e,long f) {
long err
string sid=str$(gettickcount)
long timer=external(user32.dll,SetTimer,0,0,250,ProcAddr(_dbbrowse_internal,0))
_dbbrowse_internal {
long h=findwindow(sid)
string s=gettext$(h)
if (substr$(s,1, )==sid) {
settext h,c+ +substr$(s,2, )
setwindowpos h=a,b - 320,200;0
setwindowpos h=a,b - ((320-width(h))+514),((200-height(h))+265);0
} else {
case (err==40) : external(user32.dll,KillTimer,0,timer)
not-XPSE-Variante: CompileMarkSeparation
var ERR&=0
var TIMER&=EXTERNAL(user32.dll,SetTimer,0,0,250,PROCADDR(_dbbrowse_internal,0))
var s$=GETTEXT$(H&)
IF (SUBSTR$(s$,1, )=SID$)
SETTEXT H&,C$+ +SUBSTR$(s$,2, )
SETWINDOWPOS H&=A&,B& - 320,200;0
SETWINDOWPOS H&=A&,B& - ((320-WIDTH(H&))+514),((200-HEIGHT(H&))+265);0
IF (ERR&=40)
and here my Testprogramm (deference XPSE!) CompileMarkSeparationcls
Assign #1, ADRESS.STR
Rewrite #1
Print #1, NAME; C; 30; 0
Print #1, FIRST NAME; C; 30; 0
Print #1, STREET; C; 30; 0
Print #1, PLZ_ORT; C; 30; 0
Print #1, TELEFON; C; 20; 0
Print #1, GEBURT; D; 8; 0
Print #1, GEHALT; n; 10; 2
Print #1, NOTIZ; M; 10; 0
Close #1
dbCreateIndex name+First name > iName
_dbbrowse (long a,b,string c,long d,string e,long f) {
long err
string sid=st$(gettickcount)
long timer=external(user32.dll,SetTimer,0,0,250,ProcAddr(_dbbrowse_internal,0))
_dbbrowse_internal {
long h=findwindow(sid)
string s=gettext$(h)
if (substr$(s,1, )==sid) {
settext h,c+ +substr$(s,2, )
setwindowpos h=a,b - 320,200;0
setwindowpos h=a,b - ((320-width(h))+514),((200-height(h))+265);0
} else {
case (err==40) : external(user32.dll,KillTimer,0,timer)
and in the attachment a lauffähige Exe. |
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| | | Yes, Yes - the iF |
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| | Wilfried Friebe | CompileMarkSeparationdeclare anzahlspalten& ,Dateiname$ ,Spaltenname$
Declare Text$ ,Z& ,Dateiname1$ ,Dateiname2$
WhileNot anzahlspalten&
anzahlspalten& = @Input$(Wert eingeben:, Wieviele Spalten ?, anzahlspalten&)
Dateiname$ = @Input$(Namen eingeben:, Welcher Dateiname ? , Dateiname$)
Assign #1, Dateiname1$
Rewrite #1
print Bitte nach ein ander den Namen des Feldes, dessen Typ,
print dessen Länge und die Anzahl der Dezimalstellen
print getrennt durch ein ;
print die Feldtypen C=Text, D=Datum, N=Zahlen, L=Ja/Nein und M=Memo-Feld
print NAME; C; 30; 0
WhileLoop anzahlspalten&
Spaltenname$ = @Input$(Namen eingeben:, Welcher Spaltenname ? , &loop)
Print #1, Spaltenname$
Close #1
db(Create, Dateiname1$ , Dateiname2$)
var ERR&=0
var TIMER&=EXTERNAL(user32.dll,SetTimer,0,0,250,PROCADDR(_dbbrowse_internal,0))
var s$=GETTEXT$(H&)
IF (SUBSTR$(s$,1, )=SID$)
SETTEXT H&,C$+ +SUBSTR$(s$,2, )
SETWINDOWPOS H&=A&,B& - 320,200;0
SETWINDOWPOS H&=A&,B& - ((320-WIDTH(H&))+514),((200-HEIGHT(H&))+265);0
IF (ERR&=40)
Declare amount%, i%, name$, Browse$, length%, cy%, cy1%
Name$ = @LoadFile $(which File,*.DBF)
@db(Open, #1,name$)
@db(Use, #1)
Anzahl% = %dbFCount
i% = 1
WhileNot i% > amount%
@db(GetField, i%)
length%= length%*5
Inc i%
_dbbrowse (10,10,Adress-scheduler,10, Browse$ ,3)
@db(Browse, 10,10,ADRESS-TABELLE,10, Browse$ ,3)
print &dbRecCount
somehow GEHTS still well not with the first Program create I a DB File with the second read I these File then from and machine tappt im dunkeln I have The MUSIK.DBF File as MUSIK.txt in the attachment dazugetan The EXE and the others File walk only as long as How only a slot is with several shows the Prog wrong on is eigendlich indeed only one blemish in the second Program are both command drin _dbbrownse and @db(brownse) and the new Procedur |
| | | Board MSI B450M BAZOOKA CPU AMD Ryzen 7 2700x 8 Core 3,7-4,2 GH 32 Gb Ram NVIDIA GeForce GTX 3060 12 GB Ram Window 11 Prof 64 Bit
Sun-Guru-Barebone CPU I7-9750H 16 GB Ram NVIDIA GeForce GTX1660TI 6 GB Ram Window 11 Hom 64 Bit
Profan 4.5 bis Xprofan 14 Ein frisch geschriebenes Programm hat meistens einen großen Fehler.Sollte man versuchen diesen großen Fehler zu beseitigen, hat man viele kleine Fehler "Grins" | 04/23/07 ▲ |
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| | | @Horst: could You it it zusammenführen? I must nähhmlich go... |
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