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 Martin Kempf | Moin. Gibts a commands, with the I The Indexdatei not ascending separate absteigend sort let can? |
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 | How can Thou now ascending sort? |
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 Dieter Zornow | No, there not. If you but erklärst what You to have, can you Perhaps someone help. |
| Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2 | 09/28/09 ▲ |
 Martin Kempf | If The Indizierung not andersrum gives, then zäum I hold my horse of hinten on, fit scho. but where your me on The Sprünge help could: I Have two apertured Window. Window 1 has a GridBOX with 24 Lines, in the The aktuellsten 24 Datenbankeinträge present are. Window 2 has a Eingabemaske for a Datensatz. i want whom in the GridBOX each angeleuchteten Datensatz immediate into mask take. About The Waitinputschleife let I The Events Verify. with Mausklicks works the wonderful over CompileMarkSeparation I can me but in the GridBOX too with Cursor high, down, Pos1, end, PgUp and PdDn moving and Have whom Dreh not yet out, How I The Scankeyabfrage tidy einfüge. How write I "If Scankey larger 32 and small 41" on Xprofanisch? |
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 | look time, when in the subClassProc wm_keydown ankommt. |
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 Dieter Zornow | try it so
if (%scankey > 32) and (%scankey < 41) |
| Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2 | 09/29/09 ▲ |
 Falk Fallenstein | at that middle-aged dBase III+ (latest DOS-Version ca. 1985) there were too none commands to that absteigenden Indizieren, for numeric fields however a very einfachen ploy:
use TABELLE index on -FELD1 to XFELD1 * FELD1 is numerisch, XFELD1.NDX becomes created use TABELLE index XFELD1
this is with XProfan not any more possible, because now any Feldbezeichner always as Strings treats go, on The the numerische Operator "Vorzeichenwechsel" not applicable is.
plainer goes it with dBase III+ with the SORT-commands and the dazugehörigen /D (descending) option:
use TABELLE sort on FELD1 to TABELLE1 /D use TABELLE1
the created no Indexdatei, separate a complete new DBF File. to that speedy find bestimmter Datensätze must means too one new index created go. but SORT functions too free from problems with String- and Datumsfeldern. therefore use I dBase III+ too today yet integrally gladly. |
| Strategien im Vergleich: Microsoft: der Computer macht mit Dir, was er will ... XProfan: der Computer macht, was Du von ihm willst.
XProfan 11, Windows XP (1.5 GByte RAM), XProfEd | 09/29/09 ▲ |
 Martin Kempf | with the Scancodes be I do not weitergekommen, there shining itself everything in the GridBOX abzuspielen and one can The with the Cursortasten performed motions evident not over The Scankeyfunktion read. lovely the hint with the Subclassing, there bekomm I immediate one Feedback. i know of course not yet, why I with eachone Tasteneingabe a Subclassmessage get, though I still only ElseIf SubClassMessage(hGrid&, ~wm_keydown) request, but so can I life and bypass. best Thanks too! |
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 | In &swParam standing The Tastennummer and single Keys strangle can You because You for drop set("winproc",0) setting. |
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 Martin Kempf | thanks for hint with the swParams. after baustellenmäßig now sour Gurken Time is announced, komm I time again to that program and with the the Parameters works well. Question whom dBase-stories: go because The Indexdateien not automatically updated, if I with Browse or Append new Datensätze angefügt have? the Browse is already ne lovely function, The many things relieved, power but only semi happy, weils simply some Mankos with the operating gives. If I with the Rollrad the mouse runterscrolle, does it only, if I too with the Cursor on the schmalen Scroll bar positioniert be. or if I a Datensatz new angefügt have, then I get whom not displayed, too with scroll or flaking not - I must first The Browsefunktion terminate and again new call... liegts Perhaps dran, that dBase functions except me none More need and steifmütterlich treats go? |
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 Thomas Freier | No! No! No! Browse? Well, must not his. today gibs for List view. I use however only Franks ListView.dll . there remaining almost no wish open. Well, To aufs Print and sort to Split over 250 characters (in work). once the example: Eigene_Eingaben.prf standing with the Controls To edit. too DateEdit or MultiEdit for MEMO make itself well. I personal take as latest a 0 wide slot for Datensatznummer with in that List and memory The Changes Datensatz for Datensatz. Franks example over a csv isn't my drop. should one MEMO-area over 250 characters showing, so must The slot as an afterthought over SetItemTextEx(H,T,s,L,A) befüllt go. |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 12/18/09 ▲ |