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 Manfred Barei | Hi,
an question on The DBase-Experten, there a Function to a Datensatz To copy or Mus this zufuß, Done go. 
Zufuß have I the copy already hinbekommen only the Memo won't correctly copies. 
The problem is if I in the copied Datensatz in the Memo something change, becomes The Änderung in original Datensatz displayed, so as would only one Memo stored his. 
the same is too inverse so, if I in the original Memo something change becomes it too in the copy displayed. 
Grus from the Heath of Manfred |
| Zu wenig Wissen ist gefärlich, zu viel auch.(XProfan X4) | Win 10 Pro 64 | Win7 Ultimate 32/64 | AMD FX-8320, 16GB, GeForce GT 630 | | 11/15/04 ▲ |
 Michael Dell | Hi,
comes Maybe n bisschen late, but have you got The original- data base closed before You The copy changed have?
Michael... |
| Salu Michael...
Hab zwar krumme Fieß awer dofir e' ecklich Gsicht! | 11/20/04 ▲ |
 Manfred Barei | Hello Michael,
there's only a data base, the copy should inerhalb the data base happen.
the heist you Artikeldatenbank is always opened.
i want item xy copy and dan in the copy z.B. The Verpackungeinheit change and have dan a new item, but the Entries in the Memofelt should receive stay.
I must me Maybe time with the Datenbankrutinen of GP one little apart settle.
Grus Manfred |
| Zu wenig Wissen ist gefärlich, zu viel auch.(XProfan X4) | Win 10 Pro 64 | Win7 Ultimate 32/64 | AMD FX-8320, 16GB, GeForce GT 630 | | 11/21/04 ▲ |
 Normann Strübli | @If:
where issn the data base-Forum there??? I can it somehow not any more find  |
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 Michael Dell | Hmmm, could me Yes brill but intern contains one Memo whom Filenames the Memo- File or its Zeiger. If you now simply whom Datensatz copies have, have you got two Datensätze its Memofelder whom equal names having and so both on one and the same Memodatei show. an change same same of welchem Datensatz from will now always on both Datensätze work out.
suggestion: After the copy The Bezeichnung the Memofelds in the new Datensatz Change, then should a second Memo- File attend and the Memofelder should now independent voneinander works.
Greeting... |
| Salu Michael...
Hab zwar krumme Fieß awer dofir e' ecklich Gsicht! | 11/22/04 ▲ |
 | [quote:25566b7fa7=Normann Strübli]@If:
where issn the data base-Forum there??? I can it somehow not any more find [/quote:25566b7fa7]the Datenbankforum have I into normal Progging-Forum here aufgelöst. lost is Yes nothing.
the DBForum having itself To Dato not geloht - if again More in this area posted becomes can ichs Yes recreaten. 
but eigendlich heard The question into Regulars table. If at all then red us there weiterfaseln.
salvo, iF  |
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