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Thomas Freier | many Profan Neueinsteiger search to dBase substitute. power it yet sense, a dBase-Musteranwendung, The the Freeware Profan 6.6 beiliegen ought to, To create? have seinerzeit attempts some zusammenzutragen. come but now from Zeigründen not to that Weiterschreiben. Perhaps, if it yet makes sense, find itself Yes here some, The go on and Roland verrät us yet, when and which Version as next Freeware appear. |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 11/30/07 ▲ |
Robert Hildebrand | Moin together, I faith not the the still irgendeinen makes sense. i think, who itself with Profan respc. XProfan aueinandersetzen would like, has in the meantime enough Opportunities. for a Freeware (6.6) must one not absolutely another Programmpflege operate. myself began as stupid User with Profan 8, have in the meantime on XP 10 upgedetet and having initially too einge difficulty. in the meantime work I with mySql (initially too with difficulty), but Thanks on you any, Forum machts possible, come I so clear. in the present Time ( Datensicherheit, Benutzerverwaltung, Chiffrierungsmöglichkeiten the data) is dBase really from. as it whom gutel middle-aged Clipper yet given (OS schiessmichtot) was yet differently. nevertheless find I the well, that itself yet someone (DU) so engage.
who yet middle-aged dbase Source having would like ( Adress- CD- DVD- Videofilm-management, can itself bedenkenlos on me turn. partly even of Clipper on Profan rewritten). |
| XProfan 10, WinXP prof
Robert Hildebrand | 12/04/07 ▲ |
GDL | Hi,
my ganzes Modellbahnprojekt operates with dBase. for me The on the leichtesten To handhabende data base.
Hello Georg |
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