
defective documented Windows API? Please test...

Hello Profaner...

I need under possible all 32BIt Windowssystemen (is not NT4) The Rückgaben from the Editbox for under stehenden View source. it's about The detection one "Fehlers" in the MSDN Documentation. I have already something longer whom suspicion, that there something integrally and none is correct....
Def @GetWindowThreadProcessId(2) !"USER32","GetWindowThreadProcessId"
Def @CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(2) !"kernel32","CreateToolhelp32Snapshot"
Def @Heap32ListNext(2) !"kernel32","Heap32ListNext"
Def @Heap32ListFirst(2) !"kernel32","Heap32ListFirst"
Def @Heap32Next(1) !"kernel32","Heap32Next"
Def @Heap32First(3) !"kernel32","Heap32First"
Def @CloseHandle(1) !"KERNEL32","CloseHandle"
Def @GetLastError(0) !"KERNEL32","GetLastError"
Def @GetVersionEx(1) !"KERNEL32","GetVersionExA"
DEF &Ver_Platform_Win32_Windows 1
DEF &Ver_Platform_Win32_NT 2
Declare Fenster&, PROCESSID#, ThreadID&, PROCESSID&, HEAPLIST32#, Result_HL&, hSnapshot&, HeapCount%
Declare HEAPENTRY32#, HeapBlockCount%, Result2&, Zwischenmerker&, Heap_Handle_LIST%, Zwischenmerker$
Declare WinVer&, Winver$, OS#
Struct HEAPLIST32 = LISTdwsize&, Listth32ProcessID&, LISTth32HeapID&, dwLISTFlags&
Struct HEAPENTRY32 = HEdwsize&, hHandle&, dwAddress&, dwBlockSize&, dwFlags&, dwLockCount&, dwResvd&, HEth32ProcessID&, HEth32HeapID&
Struct OSVERSIONINFO = dwOSVersionInfoSize&,dwMajorVersion&,dwMinorVersion&,dwBuildNumber&,dwPlatformId&,szCSDVersion$(128)

Proc ?_GetWinVersion

    Parameters ServicePack%
    Declare ServicePack$
    Windows-Version ermitteln
    DEF &Ver_Platform_Win32_Windows 1
    DEF &Ver_Platform_Win32_NT 2
    OS#.dwOSVersionInfoSize& = 148
    LET Winver& = 100
    LET ServicePack$ = " ("+OS#.szCSDVersion$+")"

    If OS#.dwPlatformId& = &Ver_Platform_Win32_Windows

        If OS#.dwMajorVersion& = 4

            Case OS#.dwMinorVersion& = 0  : Winver& = 1
            Case OS#.dwMinorVersion& = 10 : Winver& = 2
            Case OS#.dwMinorVersion& = 90 : Winver& = 3


    ElseIf OS#.dwPlatformId& = &Ver_Platform_Win32_NT

        Case OS#.dwMajorVersion& = 3 : Winver& = 4
        Case OS#.dwMajorVersion& = 4 : Winver& = 5

        IF @and(OS#.dwMajorVersion& = 5,OS#.dwMinorVersion& <> 2)

            LET Winver& = 6

        Elseif @and(OS#.dwMajorVersion& = 5,OS#.dwMinorVersion& = 2)

            LET Winver& = 8


        IF @and(OS#.dwMajorVersion& = 6,OS#.dwMinorVersion& = 0)

            LET Winver& = 9


        Case OS#.dwMinorVersion& = 1 : Winver& = 7


    Dispose OS#
    case WinVer& = 1: Let Winver$ = "Windows95"
    case WinVer& = 2: Let Winver$ = "Windows98"
    case WinVer& = 3: Let Winver$ = "WindowsME"
    case WinVer& = 4: Let Winver$ = "WindowsNT 3.5"
    case WinVer& = 5: Let Winver$ = "WindowesNT 4"
    case WinVer& = 6: Let Winver$ = "Windows2000"
    case WinVer& = 7: Let Winver$ = "WindowsXP"
    case WinVer& = 8: Let Winver$ = "Windows Server 2003"
    case WinVer& = 9: Let Winver$ = "WindowsVista oder Longhorn"
    case WinVer& = 100: Let Winver$ = "unbekannte Windowsversion"
    CASE ServicePack% = 1 : Let Winver$ = Winver$ + ServicePack$


@winexec("WRITE.EXE", 1)
Sleep 500
LET Fenster& = @FindWindow("Dokument - ")
LET ThreadID& = @GetWindowThreadProcessId(Fenster&, PROCESSID#)
LET Heap_Handle_LIST% = 1
HEAPLIST32#.LISTdwsize& = 16
LET hSnapshot& = @CreateToolhelp32Snapshot($1, ProcessID&)

IfNot hSnapshot& = -1

    ?_GetWinVersion 1
    Addstring "Windowsversion: "+Winver$
    LET Result_HL& = @Heap32ListFirst(hSnapshot&, HEAPLIST32#)

    While Result_HL& = 1

        Clear HEAPENTRY32#
        HEAPENTRY32#.HEdwsize& = 36
        INC HeapCount%
        Clear HeapBlockCount%
        Addstring "____________________________"
        LET Result2& = @Heap32First(HEAPENTRY32#, ProcessID&, HEAPLIST32#.Listth32HeapID&)
        LET Zwischenmerker& = HEAPLIST32#.dwLISTFlags&
        Addstring "Daten des "+@STR$(HEAPCOUNT%)+".Heaps"
        Addstring "Heapflags: $"+@HEX$(Zwischenmerker&)

        IF Heap_Handle_LIST% = 1

            IF Result2& = 1

                Addstring "Handle im Prozess: "+@STR$(HEAPENTRY32#.hHandle&)
                Addstring "Toolhelp-ID des Heaps: "+@STR$(HEAPLIST32#.LISTth32HeapID&)


                Addstring "Handle im Prozess: "+@STR$(HEAPLIST32#.LISTth32HeapID&)


            IF @or(Zwischenmerker&, $2) = Zwischenmerker&

                Addstring "Speicherstatus: "+"Heap kann wachsen"
                LET Zwischenmerker& = Zwischenmerker&-$2


                Addstring "Speicherstatus: "+"Größe beschränkt"


            IF @or(Zwischenmerker&, $1) = Zwischenmerker&

                Addstring "Speicherverwaltung: "+"Kein gleichzeitiger Zugriff mehrerer Threads"
                LET Zwischenmerker& = Zwischenmerker&-$1


                Addstring "Speicherverwaltung: "+"Gleichzeitiger Zugriff mehrerer Threads möglich"


            IF @or(Zwischenmerker&, $4) = Zwischenmerker&

                Addstring "Fehlerbehandlung: "+"Meldung einer Zugriffsverletzung bei Fehlern"
                LET Zwischenmerker& = Zwischenmerker&-$4


                Addstring "Fehlerbehandlung: "+"API gibt bei Fehlern 0 zurück"



            IF @or(Zwischenmerker&, $1) = Zwischenmerker&

                Addstring "Typ: "+"Standard Prozessheap"
                LET Zwischenmerker& = Zwischenmerker&-$1


            IF @or(Zwischenmerker&, $2) = Zwischenmerker&

                Addstring "Speicherverwaltung: "+"Shared Heap"
                LET Zwischenmerker& = Zwischenmerker&-$2



        IF Zwischenmerker&<>0

            Addstring "Nicht erkannte Heapflags: "+"$"+@Hex$(Zwischenmerker&)


        While Result2& = 1

            INC HeapBlockCount%
            Addstring ""

            IF Heap_Handle_LIST% = 0

                Addstring @STR$(HEAPCOUNT%)+".Heap "+@Str$(HeapBlockCount%)+".Block Handle im Prozess: "+@STR$(HEAPENTRY32#.hHandle&)
                Addstring @STR$(HEAPCOUNT%)+".Heap "+@Str$(HeapBlockCount%)+".Block Startadresse: "+@STR$(HEAPENTRY32#.dwAddress&)


                Addstring @STR$(HEAPCOUNT%)+".Heap "+@Str$(HeapBlockCount%)+".Block Startadresse: "+@STR$(HEAPENTRY32#.dwAddress&)


            Let Zwischenmerker$ = " ("

            IF HEAPENTRY32#.dwFlags& = $1

                LET Zwischenmerker$ = Zwischenmerker$+"feste Adresse"

            ElseIf HEAPENTRY32#.dwFlags& = $2

                LET Zwischenmerker$ = Zwischenmerker$+"frei"

            ElseIf HEAPENTRY32#.dwFlags& = $4

                LET Zwischenmerker$ = Zwischenmerker$+"beweglich"


                LET Zwischenmerker$ = Zwischenmerker$+"$"+@HEX$(HEAPENTRY32#.dwFlags&)


            Let Zwischenmerker$ = Zwischenmerker$+")"
            Addstring @STR$(HEAPCOUNT%)+".Heap "+@Str$(HeapBlockCount%)+".Block Größe / Status: "+@STR$(HEAPENTRY32#.dwBlockSize&)+" Bytes"+Zwischenmerker$
            LET Result2& = @Heap32Next(HEAPENTRY32#)


        LET Result_HL& = @Heap32ListNext(hSnapshot&, HEAPLIST32#)




Dispose HEAPLIST32#
Editbox("Infos over Heaps of Wordpad", 1)

and for all The, The whom code so not testing can, here The EXE to that Download:


WinXP Prof, XProfan 9.1 Newbie

Ein kluger Kopf sagte mal:
"Nach dem derzeitigen Stand der Technik ist es unmöglich Programme zu schreiben, die fehlerfrei laufen!"


warning : (~20) Doppeldefinition:VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS
warning : (~21) Doppeldefinition:VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT

178 kB

falls there keinem except me what on?

too here once more windows98 to that comparison (had too gladly yet ME):

Windowsversion: windows98 ( A )
data the 1.Heaps
Heapflags: $0

1.Heap 1.block lever in the Process: 5767288
1.Heap 1.block Startadresse: 5767288
1.Heap 1.block Size / status: 528 Bytes (solid address)

1.Heap 2.block lever in the Process: 5767820
1.Heap 2.block Startadresse: 5767820
1.Heap 2.block Size / status: 9232 Bytes (solid address)

1.Heap 3.block lever in the Process: 5777056
1.Heap 3.block Startadresse: 5777056
1.Heap 3.block Size / status: 5136 Bytes (solid address)

1.Heap 4.block lever in the Process: 5782196
1.Heap 4.block Startadresse: 5782196
1.Heap 4.block Size / status: 3696 Bytes (solid address)

1.Heap 5.block lever in the Process: 5785896
1.Heap 5.block Startadresse: 5785896
1.Heap 5.block Size / status: 528 Bytes (solid address)

1.Heap 6.block lever in the Process: 5786428
1.Heap 6.block Startadresse: 5786428
1.Heap 6.block Size / status: 688 Bytes (solid address)

1.Heap 7.block lever in the Process: 5787120
1.Heap 7.block Startadresse: 5787120
1.Heap 7.block Size / status: 5136 Bytes (solid address)

1.Heap 8.block lever in the Process: 5792260
1.Heap 8.block Startadresse: 5792260
1.Heap 8.block Size / status: 5136 Bytes (solid address)

1.Heap 9.block lever in the Process: 5797400
1.Heap 9.block Startadresse: 5797400
1.Heap 9.block Size / status: 5136 Bytes (solid address)

1.Heap 10.block lever in the Process: 5802540
1.Heap 10.block Startadresse: 5802540
1.Heap 10.block Size / status: 512 Bytes (solid address)

1.Heap 11.block lever in the Process: 5803056
1.Heap 11.block Startadresse: 5803056
1.Heap 11.block Size / status: 5136 Bytes (solid address)

1.Heap 12.block lever in the Process: 5808196
1.Heap 12.block Startadresse: 5808196
1.Heap 12.block Size / status: 1040 Bytes (solid address)

1.Heap 13.block lever in the Process: 0
1.Heap 13.block Startadresse: 5809248
1.Heap 13.block Size / status: 184 Bytes (spare)

1.Heap 14.block lever in the Process: 5809436
1.Heap 14.block Startadresse: 5809436
1.Heap 14.block Size / status: 5136 Bytes (solid address)

1.Heap 15.block lever in the Process: 5814576
1.Heap 15.block Startadresse: 5814576
1.Heap 15.block Size / status: 17424 Bytes (solid address)

1.Heap 16.block lever in the Process: 5832004
1.Heap 16.block Startadresse: 5832004
1.Heap 16.block Size / status: 4112 Bytes (solid address)

1.Heap 17.block lever in the Process: 0
1.Heap 17.block Startadresse: 5836128
1.Heap 17.block Size / status: 728 Bytes (spare)

1.Heap 18.block lever in the Process: 5836860
1.Heap 18.block Startadresse: 5836860
1.Heap 18.block Size / status: 5136 Bytes (solid address)

1.Heap 19.block lever in the Process: 0
1.Heap 19.block Startadresse: 5842008
1.Heap 19.block Size / status: 973740 Bytes (spare)

1.Heap 20.block lever in the Process: 6815752
1.Heap 20.block Startadresse: 6815752
1.Heap 20.block Size / status: 0 Bytes (solid address)

1.Heap 21.block lever in the Process: 6815756
1.Heap 21.block Startadresse: 6815756
1.Heap 21.block Size / status: 1152 Bytes (solid address)

1.Heap 22.block lever in the Process: 6816912
1.Heap 22.block Startadresse: 6816912
1.Heap 22.block Size / status: 2048 Bytes (solid address)

1.Heap 23.block lever in the Process: 6818964
1.Heap 23.block Startadresse: 6818964
1.Heap 23.block Size / status: 528 Bytes (solid address)

1.Heap 24.block lever in the Process: 0
1.Heap 24.block Startadresse: 6819504
1.Heap 24.block Size / status: 332 Bytes (spare)
data the 2.Heaps
Heapflags: $1
type: standard Prozessheap

2.Heap 1.block lever in the Process: 5242902
2.Heap 1.block Startadresse: 4220364
2.Heap 1.block Size / status: 72 Bytes (moving)

2.Heap 2.block lever in the Process: 5242910
2.Heap 2.block Startadresse: 4220444
2.Heap 2.block Size / status: 844 Bytes (moving)

2.Heap 3.block lever in the Process: 5242958
2.Heap 3.block Startadresse: 5242972
2.Heap 3.block Size / status: 256 Bytes (moving)

2.Heap 4.block lever in the Process: 4194424
2.Heap 4.block Startadresse: 4194424
2.Heap 4.block Size / status: 4240 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 5.block lever in the Process: 4198668
2.Heap 5.block Startadresse: 4198668
2.Heap 5.block Size / status: 2432 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 6.block lever in the Process: 4201104
2.Heap 6.block Startadresse: 4201104
2.Heap 6.block Size / status: 2564 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 7.block lever in the Process: 4203672
2.Heap 7.block Startadresse: 4203672
2.Heap 7.block Size / status: 480 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 8.block lever in the Process: 4204156
2.Heap 8.block Startadresse: 4204156
2.Heap 8.block Size / status: 128 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 9.block lever in the Process: 4204288
2.Heap 9.block Startadresse: 4204288
2.Heap 9.block Size / status: 40 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 10.block lever in the Process: 4204332
2.Heap 10.block Startadresse: 4204332
2.Heap 10.block Size / status: 192 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 11.block lever in the Process: 4204528
2.Heap 11.block Startadresse: 4204528
2.Heap 11.block Size / status: 140 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 12.block lever in the Process: 4204672
2.Heap 12.block Startadresse: 4204672
2.Heap 12.block Size / status: 48 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 13.block lever in the Process: 4204724
2.Heap 13.block Startadresse: 4204724
2.Heap 13.block Size / status: 44 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 14.block lever in the Process: 4204772
2.Heap 14.block Startadresse: 4204772
2.Heap 14.block Size / status: 264 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 15.block lever in the Process: 4205040
2.Heap 15.block Startadresse: 4205040
2.Heap 15.block Size / status: 1528 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 16.block lever in the Process: 4206572
2.Heap 16.block Startadresse: 4206572
2.Heap 16.block Size / status: 12 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 17.block lever in the Process: 4206588
2.Heap 17.block Startadresse: 4206588
2.Heap 17.block Size / status: 420 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 18.block lever in the Process: 4207012
2.Heap 18.block Startadresse: 4207012
2.Heap 18.block Size / status: 264 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 19.block lever in the Process: 4207280
2.Heap 19.block Startadresse: 4207280
2.Heap 19.block Size / status: 12 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 20.block lever in the Process: 4207296
2.Heap 20.block Startadresse: 4207296
2.Heap 20.block Size / status: 1528 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 21.block lever in the Process: 4208828
2.Heap 21.block Startadresse: 4208828
2.Heap 21.block Size / status: 12 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 22.block lever in the Process: 4208844
2.Heap 22.block Startadresse: 4208844
2.Heap 22.block Size / status: 392 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 23.block lever in the Process: 4209240
2.Heap 23.block Startadresse: 4209240
2.Heap 23.block Size / status: 124 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 24.block lever in the Process: 4209368
2.Heap 24.block Startadresse: 4209368
2.Heap 24.block Size / status: 96 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 25.block lever in the Process: 4209468
2.Heap 25.block Startadresse: 4209468
2.Heap 25.block Size / status: 28 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 26.block lever in the Process: 4209500
2.Heap 26.block Startadresse: 4209500
2.Heap 26.block Size / status: 12 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 27.block lever in the Process: 0
2.Heap 27.block Startadresse: 4209524
2.Heap 27.block Size / status: 12 Bytes (spare)

2.Heap 28.block lever in the Process: 4209540
2.Heap 28.block Startadresse: 4209540
2.Heap 28.block Size / status: 16 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 29.block lever in the Process: 4209560
2.Heap 29.block Startadresse: 4209560
2.Heap 29.block Size / status: 16 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 30.block lever in the Process: 4209580
2.Heap 30.block Startadresse: 4209580
2.Heap 30.block Size / status: 20 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 31.block lever in the Process: 4209604
2.Heap 31.block Startadresse: 4209604
2.Heap 31.block Size / status: 64 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 32.block lever in the Process: 4209672
2.Heap 32.block Startadresse: 4209672
2.Heap 32.block Size / status: 24 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 33.block lever in the Process: 4209700
2.Heap 33.block Startadresse: 4209700
2.Heap 33.block Size / status: 24 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 34.block lever in the Process: 4209728
2.Heap 34.block Startadresse: 4209728
2.Heap 34.block Size / status: 24 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 35.block lever in the Process: 4209756
2.Heap 35.block Startadresse: 4209756
2.Heap 35.block Size / status: 800 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 36.block lever in the Process: 4210560
2.Heap 36.block Startadresse: 4210560
2.Heap 36.block Size / status: 16 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 37.block lever in the Process: 4210580
2.Heap 37.block Startadresse: 4210580
2.Heap 37.block Size / status: 64 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 38.block lever in the Process: 0
2.Heap 38.block Startadresse: 4210656
2.Heap 38.block Size / status: 52 Bytes (spare)

2.Heap 39.block lever in the Process: 4210712
2.Heap 39.block Startadresse: 4210712
2.Heap 39.block Size / status: 20 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 40.block lever in the Process: 4210736
2.Heap 40.block Startadresse: 4210736
2.Heap 40.block Size / status: 116 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 41.block lever in the Process: 4210856
2.Heap 41.block Startadresse: 4210856
2.Heap 41.block Size / status: 92 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 42.block lever in the Process: 4210952
2.Heap 42.block Startadresse: 4210952
2.Heap 42.block Size / status: 36 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 43.block lever in the Process: 4210992
2.Heap 43.block Startadresse: 4210992
2.Heap 43.block Size / status: 12 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 44.block lever in the Process: 4211008
2.Heap 44.block Startadresse: 4211008
2.Heap 44.block Size / status: 12 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 45.block lever in the Process: 4211024
2.Heap 45.block Startadresse: 4211024
2.Heap 45.block Size / status: 12 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 46.block lever in the Process: 4211040
2.Heap 46.block Startadresse: 4211040
2.Heap 46.block Size / status: 12 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 47.block lever in the Process: 4211056
2.Heap 47.block Startadresse: 4211056
2.Heap 47.block Size / status: 16 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 48.block lever in the Process: 4211076
2.Heap 48.block Startadresse: 4211076
2.Heap 48.block Size / status: 12 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 49.block lever in the Process: 4211092
2.Heap 49.block Startadresse: 4211092
2.Heap 49.block Size / status: 160 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 50.block lever in the Process: 4211256
2.Heap 50.block Startadresse: 4211256
2.Heap 50.block Size / status: 12 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 51.block lever in the Process: 4211272
2.Heap 51.block Startadresse: 4211272
2.Heap 51.block Size / status: 1000 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 52.block lever in the Process: 4212276
2.Heap 52.block Startadresse: 4212276
2.Heap 52.block Size / status: 12 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 53.block lever in the Process: 4212292
2.Heap 53.block Startadresse: 4212292
2.Heap 53.block Size / status: 12 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 54.block lever in the Process: 4212308
2.Heap 54.block Startadresse: 4212308
2.Heap 54.block Size / status: 116 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 55.block lever in the Process: 4212428
2.Heap 55.block Startadresse: 4212428
2.Heap 55.block Size / status: 44 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 56.block lever in the Process: 4212476
2.Heap 56.block Startadresse: 4212476
2.Heap 56.block Size / status: 1536 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 57.block lever in the Process: 4214016
2.Heap 57.block Startadresse: 4214016
2.Heap 57.block Size / status: 12 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 58.block lever in the Process: 4214032
2.Heap 58.block Startadresse: 4214032
2.Heap 58.block Size / status: 68 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 59.block lever in the Process: 4214104
2.Heap 59.block Startadresse: 4214104
2.Heap 59.block Size / status: 32 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 60.block lever in the Process: 4214140
2.Heap 60.block Startadresse: 4214140
2.Heap 60.block Size / status: 32 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 61.block lever in the Process: 4214176
2.Heap 61.block Startadresse: 4214176
2.Heap 61.block Size / status: 80 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 62.block lever in the Process: 4214260
2.Heap 62.block Startadresse: 4214260
2.Heap 62.block Size / status: 12 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 63.block lever in the Process: 4214276
2.Heap 63.block Startadresse: 4214276
2.Heap 63.block Size / status: 100 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 64.block lever in the Process: 4214380
2.Heap 64.block Startadresse: 4214380
2.Heap 64.block Size / status: 36 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 65.block lever in the Process: 4214420
2.Heap 65.block Startadresse: 4214420
2.Heap 65.block Size / status: 36 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 66.block lever in the Process: 4214460
2.Heap 66.block Startadresse: 4214460
2.Heap 66.block Size / status: 32 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 67.block lever in the Process: 4214496
2.Heap 67.block Startadresse: 4214496
2.Heap 67.block Size / status: 76 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 68.block lever in the Process: 4214576
2.Heap 68.block Startadresse: 4214576
2.Heap 68.block Size / status: 24 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 69.block lever in the Process: 4214604
2.Heap 69.block Startadresse: 4214604
2.Heap 69.block Size / status: 24 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 70.block lever in the Process: 4214632
2.Heap 70.block Startadresse: 4214632
2.Heap 70.block Size / status: 36 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 71.block lever in the Process: 4214672
2.Heap 71.block Startadresse: 4214672
2.Heap 71.block Size / status: 32 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 72.block lever in the Process: 4214708
2.Heap 72.block Startadresse: 4214708
2.Heap 72.block Size / status: 36 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 73.block lever in the Process: 4214748
2.Heap 73.block Startadresse: 4214748
2.Heap 73.block Size / status: 36 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 74.block lever in the Process: 4214788
2.Heap 74.block Startadresse: 4214788
2.Heap 74.block Size / status: 232 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 75.block lever in the Process: 4215024
2.Heap 75.block Startadresse: 4215024
2.Heap 75.block Size / status: 148 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 76.block lever in the Process: 4215176
2.Heap 76.block Startadresse: 4215176
2.Heap 76.block Size / status: 36 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 77.block lever in the Process: 4215216
2.Heap 77.block Startadresse: 4215216
2.Heap 77.block Size / status: 36 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 78.block lever in the Process: 4215256
2.Heap 78.block Startadresse: 4215256
2.Heap 78.block Size / status: 148 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 79.block lever in the Process: 4215408
2.Heap 79.block Startadresse: 4215408
2.Heap 79.block Size / status: 12 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 80.block lever in the Process: 4215424
2.Heap 80.block Startadresse: 4215424
2.Heap 80.block Size / status: 4000 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 81.block lever in the Process: 4219428
2.Heap 81.block Startadresse: 4219428
2.Heap 81.block Size / status: 12 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 82.block lever in the Process: 4219444
2.Heap 82.block Startadresse: 4219444
2.Heap 82.block Size / status: 20 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 83.block lever in the Process: 4219468
2.Heap 83.block Startadresse: 4219468
2.Heap 83.block Size / status: 116 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 84.block lever in the Process: 4219588
2.Heap 84.block Startadresse: 4219588
2.Heap 84.block Size / status: 80 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 85.block lever in the Process: 4219672
2.Heap 85.block Startadresse: 4219672
2.Heap 85.block Size / status: 28 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 86.block lever in the Process: 0
2.Heap 86.block Startadresse: 4219712
2.Heap 86.block Size / status: 4 Bytes (spare)

2.Heap 87.block lever in the Process: 4219720
2.Heap 87.block Startadresse: 4219720
2.Heap 87.block Size / status: 120 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 88.block lever in the Process: 4219844
2.Heap 88.block Startadresse: 4219844
2.Heap 88.block Size / status: 12 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 89.block lever in the Process: 4219860
2.Heap 89.block Startadresse: 4219860
2.Heap 89.block Size / status: 24 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 90.block lever in the Process: 4219888
2.Heap 90.block Startadresse: 4219888
2.Heap 90.block Size / status: 12 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 91.block lever in the Process: 4219904
2.Heap 91.block Startadresse: 4219904
2.Heap 91.block Size / status: 148 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 92.block lever in the Process: 4220056
2.Heap 92.block Startadresse: 4220056
2.Heap 92.block Size / status: 148 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 93.block lever in the Process: 4220208
2.Heap 93.block Startadresse: 4220208
2.Heap 93.block Size / status: 56 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 94.block lever in the Process: 4220268
2.Heap 94.block Startadresse: 4220268
2.Heap 94.block Size / status: 56 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 95.block lever in the Process: 4220328
2.Heap 95.block Startadresse: 4220328
2.Heap 95.block Size / status: 28 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 96.block lever in the Process: 4221292
2.Heap 96.block Startadresse: 4221292
2.Heap 96.block Size / status: 72 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 97.block lever in the Process: 0
2.Heap 97.block Startadresse: 4221376
2.Heap 97.block Size / status: 76 Bytes (spare)

2.Heap 98.block lever in the Process: 4221456
2.Heap 98.block Startadresse: 4221456
2.Heap 98.block Size / status: 84 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 99.block lever in the Process: 0
2.Heap 99.block Startadresse: 4221552
2.Heap 99.block Size / status: 1021332 Bytes (spare)

2.Heap 100.block lever in the Process: 5242888
2.Heap 100.block Startadresse: 5242888
2.Heap 100.block Size / status: 0 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 101.block lever in the Process: 5243232
2.Heap 101.block Startadresse: 5243232
2.Heap 101.block Size / status: 280 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 102.block lever in the Process: 5243516
2.Heap 102.block Startadresse: 5243516
2.Heap 102.block Size / status: 16 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 103.block lever in the Process: 5243536
2.Heap 103.block Startadresse: 5243536
2.Heap 103.block Size / status: 12 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 104.block lever in the Process: 5243552
2.Heap 104.block Startadresse: 5243552
2.Heap 104.block Size / status: 132 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 105.block lever in the Process: 5243688
2.Heap 105.block Startadresse: 5243688
2.Heap 105.block Size / status: 132 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 106.block lever in the Process: 5243824
2.Heap 106.block Startadresse: 5243824
2.Heap 106.block Size / status: 16 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 107.block lever in the Process: 5243844
2.Heap 107.block Startadresse: 5243844
2.Heap 107.block Size / status: 48 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 108.block lever in the Process: 5243896
2.Heap 108.block Startadresse: 5243896
2.Heap 108.block Size / status: 20 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 109.block lever in the Process: 5243920
2.Heap 109.block Startadresse: 5243920
2.Heap 109.block Size / status: 128 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 110.block lever in the Process: 5244052
2.Heap 110.block Startadresse: 5244052
2.Heap 110.block Size / status: 40 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 111.block lever in the Process: 0
2.Heap 111.block Startadresse: 5244104
2.Heap 111.block Size / status: 468 Bytes (spare)

2.Heap 112.block lever in the Process: 5244576
2.Heap 112.block Startadresse: 5244576
2.Heap 112.block Size / status: 36 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 113.block lever in the Process: 5244616
2.Heap 113.block Startadresse: 5244616
2.Heap 113.block Size / status: 84 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 114.block lever in the Process: 5244704
2.Heap 114.block Startadresse: 5244704
2.Heap 114.block Size / status: 20 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 115.block lever in the Process: 5244728
2.Heap 115.block Startadresse: 5244728
2.Heap 115.block Size / status: 16 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 116.block lever in the Process: 5244748
2.Heap 116.block Startadresse: 5244748
2.Heap 116.block Size / status: 16 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 117.block lever in the Process: 5244768
2.Heap 117.block Startadresse: 5244768
2.Heap 117.block Size / status: 32 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 118.block lever in the Process: 5244804
2.Heap 118.block Startadresse: 5244804
2.Heap 118.block Size / status: 28 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 119.block lever in the Process: 5244836
2.Heap 119.block Startadresse: 5244836
2.Heap 119.block Size / status: 24 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 120.block lever in the Process: 5244864
2.Heap 120.block Startadresse: 5244864
2.Heap 120.block Size / status: 12 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 121.block lever in the Process: 5244880
2.Heap 121.block Startadresse: 5244880
2.Heap 121.block Size / status: 180 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 122.block lever in the Process: 5245064
2.Heap 122.block Startadresse: 5245064
2.Heap 122.block Size / status: 24 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 123.block lever in the Process: 5245092
2.Heap 123.block Startadresse: 5245092
2.Heap 123.block Size / status: 16 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 124.block lever in the Process: 5245112
2.Heap 124.block Startadresse: 5245112
2.Heap 124.block Size / status: 12 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 125.block lever in the Process: 5245128
2.Heap 125.block Startadresse: 5245128
2.Heap 125.block Size / status: 20 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 126.block lever in the Process: 5245152
2.Heap 126.block Startadresse: 5245152
2.Heap 126.block Size / status: 20 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 127.block lever in the Process: 5245176
2.Heap 127.block Startadresse: 5245176
2.Heap 127.block Size / status: 16 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 128.block lever in the Process: 5245196
2.Heap 128.block Startadresse: 5245196
2.Heap 128.block Size / status: 1024 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 129.block lever in the Process: 5246224
2.Heap 129.block Startadresse: 5246224
2.Heap 129.block Size / status: 192 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 130.block lever in the Process: 5246420
2.Heap 130.block Startadresse: 5246420
2.Heap 130.block Size / status: 352 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 131.block lever in the Process: 5246776
2.Heap 131.block Startadresse: 5246776
2.Heap 131.block Size / status: 152 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 132.block lever in the Process: 5246932
2.Heap 132.block Startadresse: 5246932
2.Heap 132.block Size / status: 20 Bytes (solid address)

2.Heap 133.block lever in the Process: 5246956
2.Heap 133.block Startadresse: 5246956
2.Heap 133.block Size / status: 16 Bytes (solid address)


for XP reicht it me now - is eindeutig - windows95, ME and if it goes Please Vista yet.

I see with the XP not so eindeutig:

Windowsversion: WindowsXP (service gentry 2)
data the 1.Heaps
Heapflags: $2
Speicherverwaltung: Shared Heap
data the 2.Heaps
Heapflags: $1002
Speicherverwaltung: Shared Heap
not erkannte Heapflags: $1000
data the 3.Heaps
Heapflags: $8000
not erkannte Heapflags: $8000
data the 4.Heaps
Heapflags: $1002
Speicherverwaltung: Shared Heap
not erkannte Heapflags: $1000
data the 5.Heaps
Heapflags: $1002
Speicherverwaltung: Shared Heap
not erkannte Heapflags: $1000

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

the my I do not, it's about the lever the Heapblocks. Wordpad must incidentally open stay, To The Editbox comes.

Bitteschön, here my Result:

38 kB
Nico Madysa

where are you because? straight The need I yet!

thanks Nico, supposition shining (if I me not somewhere utterly verhaspelt have ) confirm.

Freut me for you. I Have from the stuff namely nothing understands.
Nico Madysa


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Michael Uckermann08/19/14
Andreas Koch06/13/12


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