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![: 11/09/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hi,
there a Possibility, The display gelöschter Sätze To unterbinden? |
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![: 11/09/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hello H.
What exactly Dou you mean? set = slot ? want You a complete slot delete / Hide ? the goes with DeleteColumn(listview&,spaltenindex&). If you not The File Listview_Funktionen.inc einbindest, then can you The system-Message LVM_DELETECOLUMN use. Meinst You the ?
Greeting, Frank |
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![: 11/09/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hello Frank,
was yesterday evening something in haste and I me therefore something mißverständlich framed.
It's all right therefore, if itself in the dBase-File one already gelöschter set befindet, becomes the nevertheless in the List view displayed, the would like I gladly avoid.
we're straight thereby are, is it possible, a slot in the List view invisible To hold and one nevertheless hereon grab can.
After @deletecolumn is the slot Yes deleted and one can tappt im dunkeln not any more reading. I have in the data base one area with of/ one fortlaufender number, so that I after a selection z.B. to that Delete quick and eindeutig on the set grab can. i want but, if possible, these Nr. with ShowListview() not Show.
Greeting Helmut |
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![: 11/09/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hello Helmut.
> After @deletecolumn is the slot Yes deleted and one can > tappt im dunkeln not any more reading. I have in the data base one area > with of/ one fortlaufender number, so that I after a > selection z.B. to that Delete quick and eindeutig on the set > grab can. i want but, if possible, these Nr. > with ShowListview() not Show.
the goes simply. You setting The wide this slot simply on 0. then is tappt im dunkeln integrally normal present, the User can tappt im dunkeln but not see. and You can tappt im dunkeln very simply again Show, because You The wide simply again vergrösserst:
The disadvantage: The User could The slot manually with the mouse again verbreitern... but too the can slight prevented go, How You in the example Gebührenverwaltung_Stammtisch.prf testing can. attempt times the Column To change...
Greeting, Frank |
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![: 11/09/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hello Frank,
many Thanks, good idea, The slot on 0 settle.
mandatory nevertheless over again nerves, what can I with the erased Sätze in the dBase-data base make.
Helmut |
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![: 11/09/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hi,
there in a data base one Flag the mark, the this set / slot (?) not any more using becomes ? would you me so a dbf-File zuschicken ? or did you know The position the ? Happen?.
Greeting, Frank |
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![: 11/09/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hi again,
Have the Deleted Flag found. loudly reference dürften here only The values $20 or $2a stand, Have but already Datenfiles seen, in them here others values stood. If you me means nevertheless another short data base with teils erased Sätzen zuschickst, could I the whole rather testing. One as deleted gekennzeichnetes Datenfeld should in the list view means empty stay, correctly.? on the place would then one leerer Itemtext stand.
Greeting, Frank |
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![: 11/09/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | only one Tipp from the practice: Since I professional plenty with SQL-Databases To do have, is it utterly important the Datensätze NIEMALS deleted go. too then not, as they none More needed go. therefore has each scheduler one True/False area, that I always Show name. If Anzeigen=0 then becomes these simply not displayed. and to one benutzerdifinierten period go The simply in a Backup-File ausgelagert so The data base not alzugroß becomes. then can You you too with the the Löschflag save. |
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![: 11/09/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hello Marc,
fundamentally is your testimony correctly., but very happens still here.
If I with Profan @dbDelete() a Datensatz lösche, is it yet always physical present. I can still on it grab %dbDeleted and can, if I wants, The Löschung again pick up @dbUndelete(). first if I The File komprimiere @dbPack(), is the set for good lane.
its however programmtechnisch with list view on the simplest, if the set not at all More read becomes. The User should it Yes not any more see, because it Yes deleted is. |
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![: 11/09/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hi, I find but, one ought to it the User give over, whether it a set really delete would like, or not. otherwise would The Dll Yes quasi one dbf-Komprimierungstool and no Datenbankveraltung. Perhaps can a self-contained area on The as deleted marked data grab and with want there read. Perhaps DbfDeletedToCSV(...)... Greeting Jörg |
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![: 11/09/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hi,
its now installed, the erased Sätze not showing. but i'll gladly one Flag install, circa this behaviour auszuschalten. what hold your of it ?
Greeting, Frank |
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