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GDL | Hi,
in the Context from the Runtimegröße be I again on one altes trouble punched. CompileMarkSeparation from the obigen command goes only the last shell commands. All other started the straight ongoing Program new.
The only Difference the Moduls pursued.exe to the others Modulen is the, that pursued.exe with a Ladedialog launch.
Hello Georg |
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GDL | Mannoman finally GEHTS
Error Message appear objectively if I The File as exe from the editor with XPSE {cleq} starte.
Starte I The File as exe through doppelklick then goes at least Schonmal these Variante CompileMarkSeparationdeclare name$,ende%,button&
whilenot ende%
if clicked(button&)
winexec(start.exe bunt.pcr,1)
WinExec(Par$(0) + bunt.prc,1)
but The File with the Ladedialog goes nevertheless not?
Hello Georg |
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Dietmar Horn | Hello Georg,
is you of course neither help on, but by me walk start.exe and motley.prc ditto tadellos.
I suspect, there make You already at Call something wrong, so that your start.exe not The right motley.prc erwischt, separate irgendeine others *.prc, with the really a variable twice declared is. One beliebter candidate for a such entrapment is always the started over a link, if one in the program Filenames without way, means without
upper$($PROGDIR + motley.prc)
or You erwischt already at Call of start.exe not The right start.exe, separate inadvertently another Exe, with the really something with whom variables twice gemoppelt is.
Klarheit should it bring, if you these both Files on a computer copy, on the it weder XProfan yet The others Files Your XProfan-Verzeichnisses gives. if the really one Hardwareproblem is, then might still of my opinion to too motley.prc To motley.exe gelinkt not walk.
or You name first of all the two Kandidaten circa with irgendwelchen exotic names, The it on Your system guaranteeing not gives: lalulla.exe and blablalalla.prc (naturally then not forget, whom WinExec-commands in the Prf ditto anzupassen, otherwise goes The Meckerei over The double variables moreover).
One XProfan-bow lying here with on safety grenzender probability not till.
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 11/07/07 ▲ |
| @Georg
WinExec(Par$(0) + motley.prc,1)
can it his, that You to whom first quotation marks a Leerstelle have and therefore the appeal not works ?
motley.prc |
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| I use the prc-principle seither - and xpse helps hierbei even through simple Kompilerschalter.
@GDL: The startexe with {$cleq} kompilieren, The others programs only with {$cq} kompilieren, one (L)inken to Exe and a started (run or exec) is not necessary/erwünscht. |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | Horst horn
@Georg Horst hornWinExec(Par$(0) + motley.prc,1) can it his, that You to whom first quotation marks a Leerstelle have and therefore the appeal not works ? motley.prc
The Leerstelle must his, otherwise funktioniertes with safety not. it should Yes in the Endeffekt the there stand: WinExec(C:MeinProgrammLaeuft.exe motley.prc,1)
The Tests would so did i any times without expedient, How XPSE make, circa Fehlerquellen in your Konfiguration to exclude. simply The programs kompilieren/left and from the Ordner directly started. then moreover with link u.s.w.
but well, that it at least already time functions.
Greeting Jörg |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 11/07/07 ▲ |
GDL | Hi,
first all thanks for Mithilfe. @iF, I Have any programs too the motley.prc as file on disk and not editor.in the editor call I only The future.exe as exe through XPSE on.It's all right not. Perhaps liegts too on prfellow the there yet something in the memory is or becomes there The .prc launched instead of the of xpse through switch tuned exe. Dnn teste I hold never of prfellow out separate call in the directory The of xpse erstellte exe on.then comes no double declaration More.
@Ladedialog: I have today again integrally in silence in Prfellow,Xprofed old, Xprofed new with the the Completed: the Ladedialog in the aufzurufenden Program probiert. It's all right no winexec,no winexecwait around the others Program(has whom Ladedialog at the beginning) weder as exe yet as prc aufzurufen. the it weder on the Leerpunkt yet on the directory lying sees one on it that it with the command Shell and Run then goes. Dass it on the computer or. whom Settings lying standing but definitiv solid, there Rolands Beisspiel on my middle-aged P III computer goes.
@ generally these my last Verbesserungsschritt in my Steuerungsprogramm.on the surface change I never More, there it for a Steuerungsprogramm already Überluxus has. Intern change so did i nothing More, there any try what To Change therein ended, the of course the program Perhaps faster or safer becomes, this but To Lasten the permanenten Einlesegeschwindigkeit the RS232 goes.These but is in a Steuerungsprogramm importent How faster Bildschirmaufbau or Klicksicherheit. this lying but not on XProfan separate on Windows itself. After Tests with Win95 place I my Steuerungsrechner again on Win95 circa, there ME and XP lahme crutches other hand, are (for the I custom). too into Zusatzmodulen I will nothing More Change, I now on a point coming, where I with Quelltextoptimierung never durchblicke.but with of/ one finished Exe sees one Yes whom View source not.for me is there important, that It's all right.
in this Context would like I over again all thank The me on this lane helped.If I zurückblicke what from my attempt to 2years herauskam, had I it anyway never believed.but nu iss schluss.
Hello Georg |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | i'm bound to say, in the momentum can I George Beobachtungen confirm. If I from the XProfEd a ungespeicherte File started wants, comes always the Profanladedialog. really is the editor so program, that it a temporary File anlegt. with WinExec functions not, with Shell functions it! Interessanterweise can it itself with a small Beispielprogramm not understand |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 11/24/07 ▲ |
Dieter Zornow | XProfEd has yet More Error, if I a new File anlege and the names without Endung eingebe haengt XProfEd, though it his ought to, The Endung .prf not automatically on, at that Call the Program comes it then To Fehlern.
greeting from Bangkok
Dieter |
| Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2 | 11/24/07 ▲ |
XProfEd has yet More Error, if I a new File anlege and the names without Endung eingebe haengt XProfEd, though it his ought to, The Endung .prf not automatically on, at that Call the Program comes it then To Fehlern.
there have I already dran gewöhnt. with *.INC Files is it ditto so. I slopes simply whom suitable suffix on and moreover GEHTS ! |
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RGH | Dieter Zornow
XProfEd has yet More Error, if I a new File anlege and the names without Endung eingebe haengt XProfEd, though it his ought to, The Endung .prf not automatically on, at that Call the Program comes it then To Fehlern.
The problem can You very simply eliminating, in the You whom mitgelieferten XProfed-Source simply new kompilierst and the then begot EXE using. The installed Version is with Profan2CPP compiled, that here yet a small bow having and the Dateidialogbox The tuned Endung not automatically undertaking. SORRY!
in the currently here in the Community downloadbaren Version, ought to this trouble though fixed his. The actually Profan2CPP-Version has this bow already fixed.
Greeting Roland |
| Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 11/24/07 ▲ |
| @RGH
The problem can You very simply eliminating, in the You whom mitgelieferten XProfed-Source simply new kompilierst and the then begot EXE using.
again time whom woods not sheer trees seen ! - It can sometimes so simply his - - own Blödheit. now works everything |
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Dieter Zornow | thanks Roland,
by me laeuft but the Profan2CPP Version much better, with selbsterstellten Exen comes the trouble if I *.prf Files ueber Doubleclick load, that the editor in the Vollbildmodus launch, the Lexercontrol but not, integral oefter. have straight new compiled, Result see Appendix
greeting from Bangkok
Dieter |
| Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2 | 11/25/07 ▲ |