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| The File Text.txt would like I byteweise read and then should The data How under as Textdatei manufactured or staid go. i want from the Bytedatei Datazeilen create. first thing The length and then The values.
with Input would like I first thing inquire : 1. name the File The read becomes 2. Datazeilenanfang
1000 DATA 22 1010 DATA 169,32,133,250,169,3,133,251,160,0, 1020 DATA 177,250,168,177,250,32,237,253,136,208, 1030 DATA 248,96,
| |
| now have You us declared what You want, is there a question cache?
You need blockRead (input goes too) and the function ord , whom remainder see I as simple Loop The You sure hinbekommst. |
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| I can you unfortunately not say, and so append in this drop The File not created.
is imho not correctly of XProfan. |
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| If I The Text.dat by hand yourself beget, go The data reingeschrieben. Why power the XProfan 11.2 not The File Text.dat ?
mfg |
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RGH | Hi,
a File with Rewrite# created and opened or. deleted and opened, as they already present is. with Append# becomes a bestehende File to that append Another data opened. standing too so in the Help. Also ought to After Append# and Rewrite# fundamentally %IOResult quizzed go!
Greeting Roland |
| Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 05/08/09 ▲ |
| Hm, be I now verwöhnt or true not always so? Imho should Append still a not available File produce.
but now well, if it in XProfan not so is, then ists hold (not) so . |
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| Jup, thanks.
On Rewrite would I do not come.
mfg |
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| How erfrage I LOF, which Yes in Profan not gives?
mfg |
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| If I a names eingebe the wrong is as Input to that reading, should the program really exits go or to waitkey jumping. does But not, separate goes moreover, where I the Ausgabenamen prompt can.
Why the?
mfg CompileMarkSeparationdeclare a%, data_laenge%, data_anfang%,datei_laenge%,name_in$,name_out$
Window 20,20-400,400
Print Dateiname_in : ;
input name_in$
Assign #1,name_in$
OpenRW #1
If %IOResult
Print Datei kann nicht geöffnet werden.
Print Dateiname_out: ;
input name_out$
datei_laenge% = GetFileSize(#1)
Assign #2,name_out$
Rewrite #2
print #2,str$(data_anfang%); DATA ;datei_laenge%
print #2,str$(data_anfang%); DATA ;
WhileLoop datei_laenge%
if data_laenge% < 10
print #2,str$(a%);,;
print #2
print #2,str$(data_anfang%); DATA ;
print #2,str$(a%);,;
Close #1
Close #2
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Paul Glatz | You must the Program too say that it terminate should! |
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