
Done: Escapesequenzen: What happens to the String

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Hello all,
in this little Prog happens by me the following:
attempt 2 yields as spending: String 2 : IcineinePfad-indicated
attempt 3 yields as spending: String 3 : IchwillucheinePfad-Angabesein!!

Proc XPath

    Parameters x_PfadInput$
    Declare x_PfadOutput$
    Clear x_PfadOutput$

    While @Len(x_PfadInput$)

        x_PfadOutput$ = x_PfadOutput$ + @Left$(x_PfadInput$,1)
        Case @Left$(x_PfadInput$,1) =  : x_PfadOutput$ = x_PfadOutput$ +
        x_PfadInput$ = @Del$(x_PfadInput$,1,1)


    Return x_PfadOutput$


Declare Text$
Text$ = C:ProgrammeProgrammXYZUVZ1Programm.exe
print 1. Versuch
print String 1 : ,Text$
print =============================================================
print String 1 zurück : , XPath (Text$)
print =============================================================
print 2. Versuch
Clear Text$
Text$ = IchineinePfad-Angabe
print String 2 : ,Text$
print =============================================================
print String 2 zurück : , XPath (Text$)
print =============================================================
print 3. Versuch
Clear Text$
Text$ = IchwillaucheinePfad-Angabesein!!
print String 3 : ,Text$
print =============================================================
print String 3 zurück : , XPath (Text$)
print =============================================================
print 4. Versuch
Clear Text$
Text$ = >>>Ich bin ein ganz normaler String<<<
print String 4 : ,Text$
print =============================================================
print String 4 zurück : , XPath (Text$)
print =============================================================

where are because my letters / characters from in the Var Text$ there ??

Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario
WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte...

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I faith the concept Literal won't of all same interprets:
One Literal is only one in the Source vorkommender ausgeschriebener String quotation marks. in the Grunde is it alike, whether it a Pfadangabe is or just the name Otto.
but mainly in Pfadangaben there Problems, there there the Backslash vorkommt and then The Escape-Sequenzen created.
an Return with ChooseDir is no Literal separate simply one String. there's no Escape-characters therein.
If but in the program standing:
Verz$ = C:
has one same three Escapesequenzen drin:
= Line break, a = Alarm/Tonsignal, z = Nullbyte.
too one Upper$(C:
iealleszeigen) bring nothing, since the Escape-Sequenzen to process the Source code ausgewertet go.
self Translate$(C:
iealleszeigen,,\) not, there for Profan even quite no Backslash present are.
there's two Opportunities, the trouble To bypass:
everything (or at least whom letters to the Backslash) großschreiben:
or (is yet rather and ought to one itself fundamentally accustom - finally can none predicting, which Escape-Sequenzen into the bargain come):

and here again everything to that testing:
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...


is Yes correctly. interestingly become, my small question.

means if I the now correctly. understood have, need I me with irgendwelchen Pfaden, which in the ongoing Program red go, no thoughts make (correctly., Jörg ?). I have yet too always attempts, everything z.B. in the INI with double s To Save (so How Horst, there me the with Pfaden from Inis too happens is). and there the Translate even not always translaten wished, have I my Proc XPath (see integrally at the beginning) used. the power IMMER a then \ (at least yet).
i think too, the double \ can't damage.

Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario
WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte...

Mario Patzlaff
is Yes correctly. interestingly become, my small question.

means if I the now correctly. understood have, need I me with irgendwelchen Pfaden, which in the ongoing Program red go, no thoughts make (correctly., Jörg ?).

correctly! The concept String (characterschain) becomes (unfortunately) for so quite everything used what Zeichenketten describe, the can naturally one Quell of Fehlern his.

amateurish framed is the Programmtext from the Escapesequenzen concerned, because only Programmtext* can Stringkonstanten vorkommen. (*isn't integrally correctly, can imho but momentarily for XProfan so count let)

becomes one String determined/created (means to Laufzeit of Program generiert/processing) then is it too no Constant More, means becomes the Compiler too as an afterthought no Umwandlungen More distinguished can - Backslash remaining means Backslash.
(\n) ist gleich (+n) ist ungleich (

Slash as substitute with Pfadangaben can count let, but recommend would I it nevertheless not. rather is it To verinnerlichen, that one \ write ought to if one one individual Backslash means, and the has too at the latest then its reason if one deliberating the one String möglicherweise later too yet manipulating go wants - one then means - if one Slashes instead of BackSlashes uses has - a problem More has - instead of one less.

i'm me sure now for More Verwirrung provided to have as it ohnehin already gives about.

once more:

with whom Escape-characters goes it solely circa Literale in the Programmtext, means there, where the Backslash between two quotation marks auftaucht! only there in the Programmtext (means the prf-File) ought to one Backslash by a double Backslash displayed go. and otherwise nirgendwo, not in INI-Dateen or elsewhere. everything others is of Übel! (it behave itself here with the Escapezeichen just as How in all others Languages, The these using, How z.B. C, C++, Java, ...)

What is the background: It's all right here therefore, in the Programmtext characters present to, The usually not displayed go can, How z.B. the Alarmzeichen (chr$(7)) or the Tabulatorzeichen (chr$(9)). circa derartige characters darzustellen, came seinerzeit any smart people on The idea, one seldom uses characters To use, circa derartige Show to. you took the and definierten, the this in combination with others characters for derartige Codes standing. And so standing then means for the characters with the code 9, the Tabulatorzeichen. the standing means only for a characters. there one now the self not any more present can, watts likewise definiert, that one doppeltes now for a simple standing. More isn't behind it. this is everything.

its still integrally simply: simply everywhere there, where directly in the Programmtext,certain lines, in a Literal (means in a Text between two quotation marks) one Backslash his should, it through zweier Backslash present.

(Presumably was my Error the Implementierung, I one single Backslash too then as Backsdlash interpretiere, if the follow up characters no gültiges Ersatzzeichen is. others Programmiersprachen produce then a Error Message. what really the compatibility To versions to introduction the Ersatzzeichen diehte, wore well sooner to Verwirrung with.)

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

probably becomes Dietmar loudly aufheulen and again meterlanges Posting write, but from me from can You The einfachen Backslash quiet kicken and only yet double permit
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...


but from me from can You The einfachen Backslash quiet kicken and only yet double permit

Something like can really only someone of itself give, the yourself

1. always over The latest XProfan-Version verfügt,

2. yet never in its life bloody Programmieranfängern the program with older XProfan-Version beigebracht has, and the

3. probably too yet never on more own Projekten worked and these yet never over several years or. XProfan-versions away gehegt and taken care of has.

If the spots 1. To 3. not wären, then would me the ständige Rumgejaule because of the whole Befehls-Abschafferei too schnurzpiepegal, because personally own I anyhow always The jeweis latest XProfan-Version (and the already since Profan² 3.3). I käme if need be too so zurecht, if Roland almost any XProfan-command killen would and only yet The API-Aufrufe übrigläßt - or. I could then if need be still on Delphi (back)transfer.

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

Tjo, The thing is only the well with strain time to Time not more than 0.000000000000000000001% all Members The spots 1 To 3 zutreffen. (you are there naturally long ago not mitgezählt!)

means integrally beautiful selfish The Restlichen ca. 99% with antiquity To bait...

but I vertrete Yes eh The opinion the who one Profan5-Program cherish would like - it it with Profan5 cherish ought to, or on a new Version ANPASSEN ought to if it a newer XProfan-Version benefit would like.

...because something like heard seither likewise to Programming!

(Presumably was my Error the Implementierung, I one single Backslash too then as Backsdlash interpretiere, if the follow up characters no gültiges Ersatzzeichen is. others Programmiersprachen produce then a Error Message. what really the compatibility To versions to introduction the Ersatzzeichen diehte, wore well sooner to Verwirrung with.)

So I have me a little while ago consider, I the ProfanInspector in the next Version procure will be, with not erkannten (i.e. presumably not as such gedachten) Escape-Sequenzen a Warnmeldung auszugeben... in the train have I so straight Schonmal began...


Windows XP, XProfan/Profan² 4.5 bis 11
Profan2Cpp-Homepage:  [...] 
Alte Profan²-Seite:  [...] 

so, i think, now habens any (too I) begriffen. with this tollen Explanations of Roland and all others must one it Yes realize.
in the XProfan-Help standing indeed one should in the View source always \ write, if one a means (but who power always, what it ought to...).
super find I, the even yet suggestions for Programmverbesserungen or extensions rausgekommen are.

Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario
WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte...


Tjo, The thing is only the well with strain time to Time not more than 0.000000000000000000001% all Members The spots 1 To 3 zutreffen. (you are there naturally long ago not mitgezählt!)

Hello David,

if your rating really zutreffen ought to (I heavy anzweifeln would like), then would the Yes yet plenty worse as i yet thought. you should with of/ one such thing not always solely from you, Your professionellen Programmiererwissen and your finanziellen Opportunities go out.

otherwise would like I that here not further ausbauen, because moreover I had in several kilometerlangen Postings on others to put detail as so many of/ one the numerous Abschafferei-advocate repeatedly my opinion posted. yet could me these anyway not yet nachvollziehbar and plausibel widerlegt go.

on this place too time one riesengroßes Thank you on Roland for, that it to some Fehlversuchen always drangeblieben is and XProfan 11 abwärtskompatibel To Profan² 6.6 hinbekommen has! If the too with future XProfan-versions (at least from the each atuellen Freeware- To to actually Full Version so remaining, then would I the latest, the against any Abschaffereien fulminate would.

In my Kursen use I currently XProfan 8.0, and straight be I there with dBase-Databases angelangt (The xprofane Start for these schoolboy was 09/2007 been, with 2-3 Wochenstunden course, plus MMJ-Freitagstreff with individuellen Projektarbeiten, etc.).

I yourself thereby constantly zweigleisig rad must (zB. dBGet$... <-> db(get ..., etc.) the goes Yes yet and is solely my trouble. though I with the middle-aged command großgeworden be and with my own Projekten weitestgehend The actually Syntax bevorzuge, verplappere I on the boards dbzgl. meanwhile only yet seldom. If itself one XProfan-8-Beginner as schoolboy to 1 - 2 years The Euronen for z.B. XProfan 11 of pocket money zusammengespart has, must it still zwangsläufig from all clouds entrapments, if then in its recent Codes so well How nothing more functions (if Roland not always so much additional hoisted betrieben had, around the Abwärtskompatibilität gewährleisten to).

...because something like heard seither likewise to Programming!

this is of my opinion to more or less only a manner Scheinbehauptung - circa not quite To say Biertisch-drool.

That at rise one BS of 16 on 32 bit (and soon of 32 on 64 bit) defined ältere things in a actually Programming-Language zwangsläufig none sense More yield, the standing still completely except question.

Roland has already completely right, if it on another place here in the Forum behauptete, that XProfan as always world-wide The on the most abwärtskomatibelste Programming-Language is!

of my opinion to ought to the too yet possible long so stay - particularly in the interest the Programmieranfänger, The in the rule with the Freewareversion begin.

over again to that Mitmeißeln:

for my own XProfan-projects need I these Abwärtskompatibilität not absolutely. so much Idea from the matter have I yourself, that I me my Krempel if need be yourself adjust can. still The o.g. Zielgruppe it can Idea to 1 - 2 years under no circumstance having - and particularly for these XProfan set I here with my Anti-Abschafferei-kilometres-Postings one!

means integrally beautiful selfish The Restlichen ca. 99% with antiquity To bait...

this is but already again only Waschweiber-drool (this time however from you and exceptionally times not of me) ...!

who wants here because whom with antiquity bait? I certainly not and Roland guaranteeing ditto not!

if Roland its recent Prinzipien faithfully remaining and antiquated command not yet same abschafft, separate intern beibehält and these only in the actually Helpfile not any more erwähnt - just as so How yet - then could we still any sensible so life and hätten now already whom xprofanen Programmer-sky on Erden, or? in the Maße, in welchem Roland by degrees The version number the Freewareversion increased, can it The in the jeweiligen Freewareversion yet encompassed really überflüssigen command by degrees for good from the actually Full Version to murder.

still with the Bumskeule of today on tommorrow the antiquity abolish To must, so How constantly of irgendwelchen young-Spunden in her here with little cogitate and Hintergrundwissen hingeposteten Worten, would Roland itself bzgl. the further Vermarktung of his XProfan medium-term guaranteeing several Eigentore schießen - bet, that?

i'd me very forward, if now too Jörg finally my eigentliches border geschnallt had ...

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

have my Polemik as hanger used, but I faith I meant something other.


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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