
Done: Online Authentifizierung


gives it already somewhere a suggestion of/ one "Online-Authentifizierung", whether a Program lawful acquired watts? which XPROFAN-structure eignet itself best, "hintenrum" (without Browserbeteiligung) something with of/ one PHP/MySQL-station wagon abzufragen?

I Have so experience, what GEHTS very?  [...] 

thanks for Download.inc-Tipp!

helpful would one intellectual approach, WAS at all WIE screen go can, without whom User "versehentlich" auszusperren.
I put me to, that z.B. serial number and Email as IDs count could and with the Erstabfrage processor, RAM and Harddisk-Gesamtgröße "hintenrum angefragt" and online registered go, in order to testing, whether only on one computer installs.
If itself only ONE worth of processor, RAM or Harddisk changes (wöchentlicher comparison), becomes the silently updated, with 2 modified Values nachgefragt...

is something like at all praktikabel??? It's all right here only around the "XPROFAN-Page the Medaille"

not praktikabel once You HWInfos use want except these stammen of a HWDonkey: one of you bezogene software becomes on computer A installs to determine, that these not computer A runs and on computer B installs becomes. computer B is tommorrow broken and the software alights on computer C - etc...

there's another Mgl. as The ODE  [...]  vormachen could. Each Binary has a new/others Zufallschlüssel intus and z.B. at Softwarestart becomes the Key on whom Server transfer for a Rückantwort, z.B. whether The Lizens validly is.

as hardware-Donkey could is a "1,99 Euro"-Netzwerkkarte mitliefern The z.B. no MAC-Adress-Änderung allows and the MAC-address as Key use. so could one on the detailed type and MAC-address the Netzwerkkarte Verify, but I knows not whether it yet NW-cards gives its MAC-Adressen only vordefiniert and not änderbar are.

one can The NW-cards-Buchse certainly too "ablöten" and the ticket a new Blende miss out on, if it chick his must.

is the so one supertolles Program, that it whom hoisted rewards. this is Yes More as Microsoft and all the rest of them the User zumuten. i'd never one Program buy, the only Online runs or always in that internet wants and data which manner too always of me sends.
Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2

gives indeed programs, The z.B. not (only) for Privatendanwender konzipiert are and/or gemietet/geleast go. such "supertollen" programs can You in example of me having, these go with Computern & Server(n) delivered.

whether one Program "supertoll" is, depends well of benefit ex or. of it, How plenty work it save can.

Übrigens: the take action (not The HW-Variante) is even explicit less costly, as the of M$, there M$ even Hardwareinformationen uses, wovon I Yes "abriet".

Dieter Zornow, Beitrag=53490, Zeitpunkt=27.07.2009
i'd never one Program buy, the only Online runs or always in that internet wants and data which manner too always of me sends.

if You, the Topic chasing would have... not "By mir"-data Send separate a random generierten Key.

with M$ Yes, there go data "By Dir" gesendet or. Information, which not ausschliesslich random generiert are. what I do not faith is, that You never one M$-Program "gekauft" have. (think too at times Online-Update)


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Andre Rohland09/13/14
Hans Hermann03/22/14
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