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![Mirko Siederik: 03/19/09](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Mirko Siederik | Hello, I have one Minimal-Program as Countdown-Timer. without each Ansprüche. but in both me available stehenden windows-versions (Win2000 and X) functions The Textausgabe not erstellten EXE Files. Programmablauf as PRF no Problems. Getestet with 10Free as well as 7.5 Full Version. where lying my fallacy? thanks for a Info. MfG Mirko CompileMarkSeparationDeclare Zähler%,Text%,Ausgabe%,Abbruch%,Button%,A$,Ende&
winExecWait(cmd /c ping www.google.de,0)
WindowStyle 1024
Window 300,200-470,120
Let Zähler% = 300
Let Abbruch% = 1
Let Text% = @CreateText(%HWnd, Countdown bis zum Rechner - Runterfahren ---> ,20,20,350,18)
Let Button% = @CreateButton(%HWnd,Stopp Timer,280,45,90,20)
Sleep 1000
While Zähler%
Let Ausgabe% = @CreateText(%HWnd,@Str$(Zähler%),340,20,25,18)
Dec Zähler%
Sleep 1000
If @Equ((@GetFocus(Button%)),1)
Let Zähler% = 0
Let Abbruch% = 0
If @Equ(Abbruch%,1)
ExitWindows 0
Let Ausgabe% = @CreateText(%HWnd,gestoppt!,340,20,75,18)
Let Ausgabe% = @CreateText(%HWnd,Fenster schließt selbsttätig,230,45,185,20)
Sleep 5000
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![Matthias Arlt: 03/19/09](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Matthias Arlt | Hello Mirko, I Have you time a small Änderung undertaken. Ändere your Sourcecode properly and it ought to klappen. CompileMarkSeparation whom Difference become You self discern...
Greeting Matthias |
| WinXP SP2, Win7 - XProfan 10/11/FreeProfan32 - Xpia | 03/19/09 ▲ |
![Mirko Siederik: 03/19/09](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Mirko Siederik | thanks the speedy Help, Yes so functions it. nevertheless is me but unclear Why my Version as EXE not functions. What is in principle so very wrong? Mirko |
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![Matthias Arlt: 03/19/09](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Matthias Arlt | You beget in your Version in the Loop continually one new Control over the previous, though itself Yes only the indicated Text (sec) Change should. The Interpreter toleriert evident these incorrect Vorgehensweise yet, The Runtime but well not any more.
Greeting Matthias |
| WinXP SP2, Win7 - XProfan 10/11/FreeProfan32 - Xpia | 03/19/09 ▲ |