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Tim Hannemann | Hello people, I write presently one Program which at Neustart the Rechners and after a conscience Time, which the user take on can, the Desktop Wallpapers changes. Zurzeit be I still in the process the Desktop Wallpapers To Change, what mere theoretical already works. only have I a problem: is the image one BMP or JPG works it, is it one PNG or one GIF kappt it again rum not and the Desktop background becomes Black. white someone How I the right hinbekomme???
here too time the Source CompileMarkSeparation#########################################
#STWC - Sarüs and Tims Wallpaper changer#
$H windows.ph
declare ordner$
ordner$ = C:\Users\Tim\Pictures\Wallpapers_Selfmade\
declare liste&
declare i%,r%
Proc CHANGE Prozedur zum ändern des Hintergrundbildes
parameters bild$
bild$ = C:\Users\Tim\Pictures\Wallpapers_Selfmade\deidara no dana.png
WriteIni HKEY_1,Control Panel\Desktop, WallpaperStyle = 3
WriteIni HKEY_1,Control Panel\Desktop, TileWallpaper = 2
WriteIni HKEY_1,Control Panel\Desktop, Wallpaper = Trim$(bild$)
~SystemParametersInfo(~SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER, 0, addr(bild$), ~SPIF_SENDCHANGE)
Proc DATEI wählt eine Datei im Verzeichnis ordner$ aus
liste& = Create(List,1)
CHDir ordner$
addFiles *.gif
addFiles *.jpg
addFiles *.png
addFiles *.bmp
i% = GetCount(liste&)
i% = rnd(i%)
CHANGE(ordner$ + GetString$(liste&,i%))
| MfG Timää
Betriebssysteme: Windows Vista
Profanversion: XProfan 11 | 05/01/09 ▲ |
Rolf Koch | very wisely I not, but could Perhaps with Active Desktop concern. this watts too z.B. under Vista abgeschafft. If it on Active Desktop lying would, then wiederspricht but really The klappende Extension JPG. Täusche I, or could it his? |
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Tim Hannemann | Hm. white I do not, I write it under Vista and I it on keinem anderem OS tested. but ought to it on it lying, How umgehe I it then? have you got there a Idea? |
| MfG Timää
Betriebssysteme: Windows Vista
Profanversion: XProfan 11 | 05/01/09 ▲ |
| @Tim: More Formate can the control not, konvertiere still... |
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Tim Hannemann | okay, then next question How konvertiere I with profane? |
| MfG Timää
Betriebssysteme: Windows Vista
Profanversion: XProfan 11 | 05/01/09 ▲ |
| first Search and then new Thread Please. |
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Tim Hannemann | has clarified habs with Create(hPic,n1[,n2]) as presentment read and SavePic as jpg Save can and it functions |
| MfG Timää
Betriebssysteme: Windows Vista
Profanversion: XProfan 11 | 05/02/09 ▲ |