
Druckerauftrag detect

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Hallöchen today frag I time so into round, I with Print never so much made have.
following approach to the problem:
we've with us one computer with printer on the camp.
If one customer one unit bought has and on the cash-desk payd has, so comes with us one entsprechender voucher from the printer, so we The washing-machine, TV or such one Zeugs raussuchen can.
now would I gladly one nebenbeilaufendes Tool write, which a Sound abspielt, if one such voucher from the printer comes.
means your, I could this somehow achieve?

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Grüss you people
long since and still no Possibility, becomes How said so nothing go in old Manier
but as i recently me whom printer ansah and a black edge saw there where the leaf rauskommt, fell me The geniale idea of here with Webcam again. unfortunately are The Vorlagen not run, if I to WEBCAM Search.
I put me simply to: at that Start a Presentation by Cam deposit and irgendeinen area with sekündlicher new Shot by Cam this Image to Pixelfarbe (there leaf Yes bright is) To investigating. If new Bildbereich heller as Presentation then Dingdong. only How said, find I nirgends what Webcam brauchbares. Andreas his code and XPSE walk not together and If your code look I unfortunately not so through - will be still old muhahahahahah
Perhaps has of/ one Yes ne knappe idea??? thanks time again and To then

meant I Yes, simply by Kamera discern whether a leaf lying where even yet nothing

i'd you In any drop a IP-Kamera recommend, z.B. a with WLan.

These here functions erfahrungsgemäß integrally super: [...] 

the Image abrufen goes plenty plainer as of such USB-Webcam and dank WLan
can the parts slight platzieren.

Bildabruf simply by dw.get or. downloadFile and what The processing and
recognition concerns have I me already very plenty experience take possession of can so
I write can, that we such "Blatt" relatively slight discern can. You could
too nachhelfen because You one schwarzes leaf there there glue, where the Weiße then
draufgelegt becomes. becomes but presumably not even necessary his. If But
absolutely a WebCam instead of a IP Cam his must, then can I you to
too what write/ preparing - The Codes are imho any relatively old.

Jo and there catches the trouble on. The Cam ought to not additional bought go. How thick would I, if I self yet money for investiere - i'd for Fa. hold a available invest.
Desweiteren had we already The eingeschränkten Rights to the work with WLAN and Co.
Jaaaa BÜDDDDE - Hilf me with einfachen Mitteln, How You it already written have with of/ one normalen WebCam. my Thanks is Yes anyhow already unbezahlbar what about me would still More Dankeshymnen on you richten muhahahahaha.

Nachtrag: but so a genial simple idea with the black Untergrundblatt. thumb high ^^

lovely, custom I now only yet ne WebCam.

somewhere should I something like still rumzuliegen having -

Perhaps can You derweil Schonmal your WebCam there
connect and times testing, whether FantaCam ( [...]  ) with your well
klarkommt and Perhaps too time a couple Screenshots make
so one Schonmal discern can what discern should -

so once with and without leaf.

there would I still saponaceous time that here recommend: [...] 

there can even "Sound with movement (on the printer)" take on.

Have the Progg self with 'ner 0815-Webcam on the walk, there can all sorts of things to supervise...
XProfan X2
Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario
WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte...

thanks E.T.: but How already written, must on the Firmenrechner only MEINE software - but hold into direction.

Huch Sorry iF. Have your Posting now first discover
whom code bekomm I do not to that walk, there XPSE reports:

[16:32:03] warning: undeklariert : DULCOIF

Nachtrag: Have now one Dulcoif installed and work me forth, that it at least runs.

well then runs the code and Cam directly there.
Shot the Capwindows functions too Freu! time moreover look ^^

I thought take simply first The Exe to that testing -
nug gugn whether The WebCam so akquiriert go can.
so much the better ifs now works. ^^

be already so far, I presentment any Sek. save, need now only yet vorlage with start and pixel vergleichen. or haste ne better idea as Pixel To vergleichen? because, I wealth The Pixel with Ner Cam varieren To heavy through light and Co?

Yes well then häng I unfortunately solid.
1.) If to the Window with Webcam Image minimizes, then stoppt The Shotfunktion. i will Yes the image not Show in my Program.
Perhaps there Yes a function, which directly without Image Shots directly from the Cam power.
2.) Image stored and I am in the meantime too long out circa something to find, which me pixelfarben in a vorhandenen Image returns.

Specifically for this drop power effizienztechnisch one Save the Bildes well none
sense, too because we Yes not about Objects or complex Changes discern want
and not at all the whole Image need separate only a very small neckline.

whom small Auschnitt against should we bisl intällent evaluate and the
übliche Farbrauschen calculate. we need imho only something like How 9 Pixel
there this already 27 Sensoren enstspricht dank R;G;B.

here, so my I:
long paperColor,oldPaperColor,diff,h
long vScroll=createVScroll(hwnd,"",400,10,20,100)


    waitinput 100
    usebrush 1,rgb(h,h,h)
    rectangle 140,80 - 180,120

    if diff>64 {

        print "BOING, Blatt wurde gedruckt!"

    } elseif diff<-64 {

        print "BOING, Blatt wurde aus dem drucker genommen!"



nProc getPaperColor(long dc,x,y){

    long r,g,b,col,q,w

    whileloop 0,2 {


        whileloop 0,2 {

            add r,getRValue(col)
            add g,getGValue(col)
            add b,getBValue(col)



    div r,9
    div g,9
    div b,9
    add r,g
    add r,b
    div r,3
    return r


If you whom Scroller, the The Bildfarbe setting, only slow move, then
Better get going correctly ignoring - if you but a crude Änderung auswirkst,
then becomes suitable Message ausgerufen.

Dass the image later not To see his should would I thereafter concern,
if that here Schonmal with you well functions. there must we The
Bildausgabe on a others DC umlenken.

whether The "64" a good worth is can I not testing, that you can easily
z.B. on 128 adjust if The recognition with 64 To often auswirft.


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Rainer Hoefs03/10/18
Rolf Koch01/20/18


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