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| Hallöchen
so far be I now fully drin in the Prospeed WOW GENIAL- however I have to Your Beispielcode The functions DSoundSetGlobalVolume(0) or DSoundSetVolume (B,V) inserted (naturally with right Values)
... Prospeed$=pfad$;Prospeed.dll, $I CROFANAKTUELLE PROJEKTELOSINCProspeed_Funktionen.inc prospeed&=usedll(prospeed$) ..... sd&=DSoundInit(%hwnd) Text$=CrofanTest.wav buffer1&=DSoundLoad(addr(Text$)) DSoundSetGlobalVolume(0)
In Your Beispielcode works everything wonderful, however by me comes a Exeption EAcces...... with DSoundSetGlobalVolume(0) (if I this auskommentiere works without Error Message) even if I DSoundPlay(buffer1&,0) aufrufe comes no tone. with sd&=DSoundInit(%hwnd) sd& yields komischerweise a worth of -2147024809 is the normal? Rolf |
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| Hi,
Have now The speedy no idea, but probier instead of...
might the notorious Profan-Filenames-Error his ) / To using instead of is always safer and loudly MS ditto allows.
Greeting, Frank |
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| no unfortunately neither Frank but yet rather: If I Playsound take example:
if equ(Collision (sprites&,guard1&,5,5) CopyExtBmp(%HDC,250,521,343,85,status2&,0,0,0) statustext$=Hier must You do not through, as long as You do not statustext2$=den golden stone the soul own! STATUS statustext$,statustext2$ fire1&=InitSprite(fire&,%HDC,fensterkopie1&,fensterkopie2&,0,0,30,59,16,1,10,390,360,1,1) Playsound sound$,1 HIER PROBLEM DAUERT UND DAUERT sleep 1000DIES IST NOT DAS PROBLEM DeleteSprite (fire1&) SetSpritePos (sprites&,400,390,390,380) endif
lasts it quite long To the fires (appear short and then there the hero) lane is and then becomes first the Sound played. Komischerweise becomes BEEP or a Print BLABLA as Test directly wiedergegeben. here ne Idea? HOFFENTLICH Rolf |
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| Hi,
this is with Playsound normal, the lasts always such a long time. of/ one the Reasons, why I to Alternativen sought having.
To your first trouble. have you got time attempts, one other Wavefile To try? Nimm time one from my Beispielordner. possible is your Wavefile defekt or own one Exoten-stature.
Greeting, Frank |
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| Hmm Frank, naja so things How others Opportunities auszuprobieren or with the the Backslash know I indeed. no I Have with Direktsound almost identical with your demonstration worked. Have even to that testing The Wavs from your demonstration taken. your demonstration works even Gesamtlautstärke and by me (though logische Order the instructions) a Exeption ???? Schade - becomes really jolly my Game (ala Zelda) - but without Sound ??? Midi in the background works - but hold The Geräusche wären still really important. Rolf |
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| Hi I again here time one code to that look at or testing:
declare sd&,prospeed&,buffer1&,Text$,sound&,prospeed$ declare way$,Text$ Prospeed$=pfad$;Prospeed.dll $I CROFANAKTUELLE PROJEKTELOSINCProspeed_Funktionen.inc prospeed&=usedll(prospeed$)
sd&=DSoundInit(%hwnd) Text$=C:TEST.WAV buffer1&=DSoundLoad(addr(Text$)) DSoundSetGlobalVolume(500) HIER BEI MIR EINE EXEPTION print buffer1& while 1 waitinput sound&=DSoundPlay(buffer1&,0) print sound& wend DSoundUnLoad(buffer1&) Freedll buffer1&
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| Hi,
you know Yes, the Addr(Text$) first ex Profan 7.0 correctly. functions? otherwise must You with Memory-Variables works. Have now unfortunately no Time, tommorrow look I me the whole accurate on.
Greeting, Frank |
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| Hi clear lass you Time, You must you still not abhetzten, its but already what starkes, that You something like develops have. Ähm I use logischerweise 7.5
Mach slow and stay us rocked Rolf |
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| Hi Rolf,
Have whom Error now found.
DSoundInit(%hwnd) using as Parameter one Fensterhandle, but you have no Window opened. without Window Gibts by me too a crash, with Window listen I the Sample )
but this is well my guilt. in the guide To ProSpeed have I forget anzugeben, the DSoundInit() at all a Parameter using (schäm), the I will quick nachholen.
means, without Window too no Sound, ok ? and DSoundSetGlobalVolume(500) fits neither, there are values of -10000 To 0 permitted, but no values over zero.
love Regards, Frank |
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| JUCHHHHUUUU thanks Frank the wars it works!!!! what heist here guilt - Nix guilt now try I yet somehow hinzubekommen, that if the Sprite in a given area is (Viereck aufm Window), that then what happens - it reicht means not GetSpriteX (H) and GetSpriteY (H) - and then be I vollstens pleased. be on the Painting like a Weltmeister To then Rolf |
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| Hi,
great! possible helps you there SetSpriteCage() or SpriteMovingRect()...
Greeting, Frank |
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| Yes thanks Frank wants not this Posting überlasten, however DSoundSetVolume (B,V) as well as DSoundSetGlobalVolume (V) and DSoundStop (B) with right Values! let a Exeption hervorkommen. ????? V= -10000 To 0 and B = the lever the Sprites How normally. or must I with DSoundstop before DSoundGetNextBuffer (A) settle? (naturally too with the right worth) Sorry, that I so much question, but you see i'm keen with your DLL Rolf |
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