
Edwin C. has a problem...

On reason the Message in the Meldungsbox write I here a new Thread.
Edwin C. having me under persönlicher mail the following written
moreover must I note: Edwin C. is me not famous. -

Hi, i'm edwin,
I have one small trouble, I have one Prog. written, can But not to exe make (compilieren goes, and then enters Runtime Error on), have XProfan 9.1 (Vollvers.), can you me Please help?
Neuinstall. of XProfan having too nothing brought.
would be nice if You me The File Compileren could (if possible too to exe (must but not his)), compileren would suffice.

Please (friend in hardship)

Please too circa response!

Edwin C.


moreover a PRF-code, whom I here anhänge. have yourself not yet into code reingeschaut - I had it zurückgepostet, that it Problems HIER release should. apparently knows it not yet, How to the power. - here's The Help the Admins demand

I have whom Attachment (The PRF) removes there not obviously is whether Edwin C. his Einverständnis moreover given has the You a) his privates Posting veröffentlichst and b) its code.

I faith - he had it self published if it it wanted had.

I have in the Übrigen The same Mail of it get.

These private Message is too by me eingegangen.

now werd I slow wonder: Who because these Mail yet get?

edwin writes still in the Messagebox :

Please Please schaut you my Program on (tools&utilitiesdefcon ssbb 07) thanks!

therefore faith I, that it (relatively new in the Community) not yet knows, like a new Topic laid out and is on it interested is, that his code here red becomes


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Untitledvor 0 min.
Peter Max Müller11/13/17


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