
Einführungskurs in XProfan-Free X2


Hello together,

after Roland already to some Time ankündigte, that it soon a new XProfan-Free-Version X2 give becomes, have I time hingesetzt and a small Einführungskurs moreover written.

because Roland my Mail of 12.01.2012 to date unfortunately ignoring, in the I it therefore bat, me beforehand already time a couple konkretere Einschränkungen to the Full Version X2 mitzuteilen, have I weitestgehend first of all on XProfan-Free 11.2. orientiert and new X2-Feautures on suspicion adopted.

After the official attend of XProfan-Free X2 I will this small Mini-Textbook properly adjust, and it then too in my größeres XProfan-Textbook as further volume take in.

because I this time zügeln and on maximum 150 Textbook pages for this Tutotial limit wished, have I naturally Schwerpunkte settle must and be only on The of my opinion to most important Grundlagen for XProfan-Beginner eingegangen.

here can itself Interessenten The beforehand-Version of my Mini-Lehrbuches already time to that "An- and Bemeckern" download: [...] 

plenty rather wären me dbzgl. naturally bow- and Fehlerberichte, as well as weiterführende gutgemeinte Notes and suggestions.


[offtopic]if iF it errät, which XProfan (in its something zarteren Lebensalter) on the Titelseite of my Mini-Lehrbuches pictured is, then must it his Moonbuggy to that next XProfan-meet on the 23.06.2012 to Lauta bring along and this there present! [...]  [/offtopic]

60 kB
Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

[offtopic].... means I wisely, who not is: Dietmar self .
because as D. in this old was, were The computer (or How itself these pair then named) so big like a Eigenheim... [/offtopic]

windows 9.x and Windows 2000 would I but slow outside to let. who today from the "jüngeren Generation" the program learn wants, becomes 95, 98 and 2000 hardly yet kennen. there are "Maschinen" on the Start, of them we only dream, Dietmar

[offtopic]... there were then really already Eigenheime ?? [/offtopic]

but In any drop catch I Schonmal on To reading and To on- and Bemeckern 
Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario
WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte...


... still who during school hours something...
Page 4 of 146

ought to well "...during the / its school hours..."  lauten

[offtopic] Dietmar, gib Please at least the "Text kopieren" spare, otherwise must one everything type...[/offtopic]

Page 10, Pkt. 1.6.1: Why verlinkung on "Regeln" and not The Startseite ??

Pkt. 3. Messageboxen

Page 26 ???? Perhaps. Seitenumbrüche Edit...

Page 34, Pkt. 6.1.1. the Mainwindow Center
... can the XProfan because not already self ??

Page 35, Pkt. 6.1.2.
would I hereon allude, the Windowtitle  VOR the Creation one Fensters stand must.

... so, and with Page 80 go I first in that Bettchen...

10 kB
Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario
WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte...

thanks, Mario,

in the Update is meanwhile some of it changed, see obigen Douwnloadl-Link.

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

unfortunately be I not yet moreover come, me circa XProfan Free X2 To concern.

Möglicherweise becomes it a OpenSource-Variante under Lazarus with FreePascal go. If it so comes, becomes it gundsätzlich no Einschränkungen give, especially since Yes then the Source this Variante offenliegt. though go some Funktionalitäten from lizenzrechtlichen Found wegfallen must. The dBase-Units have I moreover bought and may its Source naturally not transmit. too for FTP use I stranger Units. there must I yet inquiries, as very looks.

XProfan X2
Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

most Notes and suggestions of Mario and Nico have I meanwhile installed. my Thanks for becomes whom both constantly hinterherschleichen, without tappt im dunkeln naturally one- or quite overtake To want. ^^

unfortunately is it none longer so slight, a couple people to that Korrekturlesen such things to find.

XProfan X2
Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 


windows 9.x and Windows 2000 would I but slow outside to let. who today from the "jüngeren Generation" the program learn wants, becomes 95, 98 and 2000 hardly yet kennen. there are "Maschinen" on the Start, of them we only dream, Dietmar

Hello Mario,

with the windows 9.x and Windows 2000 I will for the time being not Change, because too such boxes of XProfan to that Happiness yet supported go. it own finally neither eachone a Mercedes, and one can itself too with a small, older VW, Fiat, Renault or Ford sensible of A to B on 4 Rädern moving.

To to one Dreivierteljahr have I in a city council worked, and there was supreme the feelings windows 2000 been. too in Lauta having we only 4 XP-PCs, and the remainder are ältere boxes with Win 2000 and Win 9.x.

for standard-Office-programs, Branchenprogramme and internet reicht the too nowadys yet always fat from. I find it anyway lovely, that one with XProfan Tools develop can, also on such Oldies yet sensible walk.

Also have I mean XProfan-Lehrbücher not first line only for children and adolescent konzipiert, The initially oftmals with demented überzüchteten and properly teuren Games-PCs on the way are (Thanks Sponsoring through your Ellis). I know etliche people older Semesters (> 60, 70 years), The glad above are, that it a such simply To handhabende windows-Programming-Language How XProfan gives, also on betagteren Systemen yet functions.

Page 34, Pkt. 6.1.1. the Mainwindow Center
... can the XProfan because not already self ??

Dass the Window-commands one Mainwindow meanwhile automatically Centered, if one only The X- and Y-Koordinate angibt, the white I naturally. still with Dialogfenstern functions the of my Wissens to yet not yet. and therefore find I mean completions to that Center of Windows (yet) not yet superfluously.

XProfan X2
Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

with the windows 9.x and Windows 2000 I will for the time being not Change, because too such boxes of XProfan to that Happiness yet supported go. it own finally neither eachone a Mercedes, and one can itself too with a small, older VW, Fiat, Renault or Ford sensible of A to B on 4 Rädern moving.

I see the differently. would be XProfan only ex XP walk, could Roland newer API using, circa More performance To obtain and the Runtime abzuspecken - as example time the cue Bitmap-transparency. the would whom most Benutzern zugute come - so has still only a small minority something of it. The "normale" users is nowadys not any more the 98it-user. there can you yet so humpelnde compare here post.

is for Roland incidentally too only vorteilhaft. what Dou you mean, with which More customers to a Update ready are? with "X3 bid 20% Performance" or "With X3 is still Win95-kompatibel"?

to about 5 years was already one Topic.

then was is yet half-way currently.

Hello together,

I wished here solely my small Tutorial for XProfan-Free as Prerelease with the selected Korrekturlesen reinstellen - and nothing moreover.

as long as XProfan yet compatible To down To Win 9.x is, I will in my Tutorials too prospective hereon come in, because the means Yes under no circumstance, that itself therefore someone absolutely windows 9.x add should or must.

If Frank its programs already since years almost only yet for >= XP develops and with its operating weitestgehend only The users from the category the "Mausschubser" and "Bunte-Bildchen-Anklicker" in the Focus has, then rege I neither big above on (because this is only and alone its decision), separate I personally let such programs crept and simply even left lying!

who here in the Community over The Sinnhaftigkeit or not-Sinnhaftigkeit the Abwärtskompatibilität of XProfan diskutieren would like, the möge Please one own Topic moreover eröffnen!

XProfan X2
Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

i will your Thread neither kaputreden. you had only Stellung to the 98it-things related and hereon related my Posting.

If Frank its programs already since years almost only yet for >= XP develops...

moreover find I Davids Äusserung already very properly:

to about 5 years was already one Topic.
then was is yet half-way currently.

see I likewise. who not the Time goes, goes with the Time...

...and with its operating weitestgehend only The users from the category the "Mausschubser" and "Bunte-Bildchen-Anklicker" in the Focus has...

I Have me in the Fokus, because I programs for me write, The I then but gladly with others pieces. If one me things kind mitteilt, be I but always ready, tappt im dunkeln To respect.
I can even not any items anticipate, if I tappt im dunkeln yourself never so use.
Übrigens have I already since many years no mouse More, separate use a Trackball. I schubse means not.
and the bunten Bildchen are simply schöner to examine as the trostlose, gray Anno-Knusper-Look, and there You compare Yes so like: I look me personally rather young, pretty women on, as old hässliche. You do not?

has itself the Topic "XProfan X2 Free" with the release of XProfan 9.1. and OGL-Basic Done, or comes there yet what?

XProfan X2
Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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