
Email Verification


Hello Profanergemeinde have a customers the deal over internet betreibt, now building itself but its data base though unwahrscheinlich on! it wants to The Emails automatically be checked, whether these yet existent are, circa tappt im dunkeln then from the data base rauszuhauen if not the case is! now my question, sees of/ one of you ne possibility of the profane jeweiligen server abzufragen? everything else have ih already in the handle!

Regards Klaus


function Download or Download.Inc or look WinSock.Inc and gives too Pop3-Include, look time with whom Includes and there's lauter ways.

If it "Handel over internet betreibt", then certainly The DB on the Server - then vlt. still plainer, same on/by Server To Verify.

on what want You Verify?

simply hereon whether The emailadresse yet exestiert, because it collect itself increasingly "Leichen" on, The load Yes einerseitz The data base and on the other hand come x100 fehlermails therefore back, if it its weekly Aktionsmail rausschickt!

and How very want You check, whether a EMail-address yet existing?

Tja the is Yes my trouble, not time ansatzweise NEN plan How I the can make! but it must weg [...]  these Program power the, zb!

sorry was dar incorrect link! there here [...]  is the right!

Nuja, this program testing self not - it uses its Webspace by PHP and shows one create("HTMLWin"... (see Help) - the Result is incidentally from different Found not too serious To take.

If you this means by windows umsetzen want, stay z.B. winsock-Apis and so obig recommended Includes The this utilize.

otherwise, i'd presumably likewise rather my Webspace/ Server benefit, as the client to do so all potential Mail-Domains connections set up To let - where one Server just sooner for there's. ^^

Per PHP Better get going simply(it), You could presumably simply with a own by SMTP-erreichbaren Mailaccount Anmeldungen distinguished, but the dispatching not space.

For this simply time php::fsockopen( googeln, myself have moreover nothing parat - Search sooner a PHP-Mail-Check and load the Result by XProfan:ownload( - imho kompetenteste Solution.

One Test, whether a E-Mail-address objectively existing, is technical imho impossible.

PS: with Click on Beitragsdatum/ Uhrzeit for a small Menu z.B. circa Own Posts To Edit.

Übrigens becomes me with the Program something "komisch" - it erfässt finally any E-Mail-Adressen, The ever someone of these Program absendet or. "prüft". ^^

I can present, this program is too therefore not so integrally rechtskonform. ^^ I faith there missing a Statement, that The inputted Adressen whom computer leave and on a Server transfer go, Specifically too because E-Mail-Adressen-Sammlungen somehow Yes still "privat" are and not clear is, that these versendet go. ^^

Oh the is Yes schick what about me give so at the same time yet The Emailadressen Price! well there werd I this Prog gleichmal again delete! From PHP wished I really foresee so can too much Blödsinn make and on my server would the then simply too slow, de fastest checks I have seen were so to The 5 sec! would be it itself circa 1000 customers deal could the Yes yet manually comb out but we talk of concise 100000! I know the it Solutions gives NEN Nameserver abzufragen, but the appear I do not as meaningfully! I habs on my test server as I can it make it the addresses gives but too the it tappt im dunkeln not gives! gibs not ne possibility whom Mailserver directly anzufragen "gibs The email with you or nicht" Perhaps knows itself Yes here someone qmail with postfix sendmail etc better from as i and can The question answer! And then remaining hold still The question the geziehlen inquire the Mailsservers

Oh thanks for PS. Have me already gewundert the your Posting longer become is, during I my wrote! Yes I meant by the Emailadressen collect the the then very gravely is but one wants Yes first nobody what assume!

>> From PHP wished I really foresee so can too much Blödsinn make

this is "Murks".

>> and on my server would the then simply too slow

the has then imho sooner something with the operation ansich To do, The the Client with usually langsamerer link then neither faster abtät. ^^

snap you vlt. these POP/ WinSock Includes and read The Rückmeldungen from, vlt. reicht already simple EHLO ... AUTH LOGIN circa by feedback to ascertain, whether such address stored is.

Answers but a Mailserver not same separate first to 5 sec, have You nunmal 5 sec duration per Mail for this Thread. ^^

iF, Beitrag=56726, Zeitpunkt=13.04.2010
>> From PHP wished I really foresee so can too much Blödsinn make

>Das is "Murks".


iF, Beitrag=56726, Zeitpunkt=13.04.2010

>> and on my server would the then simply too slow

>Das has then imho sooner something with the operation ansich To do, The the Client with usually >langsamerer link then neither faster abtät. ^^

Yes between comes but yet The request the webservers and the feedback the webservers at least wüßte I no other possibility php on my server To valet, except Maybe with ssl or telnet but where lead the then there!

iF, Beitrag=56726, Zeitpunkt=13.04.2010

>Schnappe you vlt. these POP/ WinSock Includes and read The Rückmeldungen from, vlt. reicht already >einfaches EHLO ... AUTH LOGIN circa by feedback to ascertain, whether such address stored is.

the could one time try! but AUTH LOGIN goes Nich zwangsläufig by Mail take I at times or?
Ausserdem combs the still a forward line same, white not whether I there now correctly. lie!

iF, Beitrag=56726, Zeitpunkt=13.04.2010

>Antwortet but one Mailserver not same separate first to 5 sec, have You nunmal 5 sec >Dauer per Mail for this Thread.

Yes there haste naturally right!


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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