
$errline useless?!

$errline throws in the PRC-mode not The right Zeilennummer from. there some Error only PRC-mode occur...


XPSEs Debugmodus is the best - the help me almost always! unfortunately verfälscht the principle which XPSE uses manches Result - so that sometimes the bow kaschiert becomes - and it then still unfortunately nothing uses.

The PrfDebug.Exe - habs tested - can nothing with begin - if one really a Error seek is the program useless.

it happens me simply over ands over again the itself somewhere one bow einschleicht on whom one simply not herankommt. I faith Roland likes this not listen.

my appeal on Roland: any Debugmöglichkeiten The it to that XProfan moreover gives are beautiful - so beautiful that I self these never use and rather Messageboxen in the Source distribute. it missing simply something integrally Entscheidenes! If one Program crashes - what about me speech not interpreter with the it usually eh everything works - then comes one simply often not on The concerned row heran! its as though one a soap attempts with wet Händen To grab and these over ands over again from the hand flutscht!

I have so many years experience with Profan² and XProfan - I speech here from the practice and not of it the it theoretical still with Messageboxen possible his ought to a Error to find - because the isn't so! often verfälscht The Messagebox on my own the Result - or one print - or one Addstring - or one REM!

could You do not - what about me rutsche here already almost on Knieen - one Runtime produce what gaaaannnnz simply each row before tappt im dunkeln these executing aufschreibt? XPSE machts but already Real cool to - only unfortunately tüttelt it in the Source around what the Ergebnie - How already erwähnt - sometimes verfälscht sodaß it too herewith you don't say so is whom bow to find. (the Topic the same one REM often a bow eliminating)

Please Please Please fleh heul *not*moreover*komm* I had the already X time and one becomes completely hysterisch thereby Have I Real awfully plenty patience at program.

One in the PRC standing no Source which wrote would let I do not count! rotten apology - very something like missing - is still banana How the what wrote becomes letztendlich looks - for may part too The BefehlsIDs aneinandergereiht or anything else - hauptsache ever one definitiv-zurückführbares-Indiz.

OK differently - Gibts it somebody the whom Error finds?

The errorproc.txt becomes of my opinion to with incorrect Errors befüllt - and the program crashes too yet ex.


Do you have it already time with the MAP-File attempts? from this should You detect can, in which Quelltextdatei the Error appears. there the Compilat no Info above contains, which Programmteil from which Quellcodedatei comes, there for Compiler The Possibility, a Mapdatei to create, The whom Zeilennummern the Compilates The ursprünglichen Zeilennummern zuordnet.

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

there's only a File!

my Error - there's naturally not only a File - there are Yes Units in the game.

have now the Mapfile used - The concerned row (too The umliegenden) having nothing with the crash To do.

I Perhaps something To plenty desires - but couldn't time Perhaps someone other look Why the o.G. Program crashes?

I could howl too the ProfanInspektor of Sebastian crashes with the code ex.

I werds today evening test times.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

so, means the Error exit first since the newest RC (8) on.

I find whom Error not - whenever I The Absturzposition with MessageBoxen einkreise can I whom Error delay. If I behind each row a Messagebox set there none crash. ex here are me The Hands tied.

could You do not Perhaps time look Roland? It can Yes his that I somewhere a Parameter forget have - but Why bleats then weder XProfan yet the Compiler? and Why I get whom Error simply not To grasp?

Hello iF,
I Have me whom code time in Notepad respected.
The Zeilenumbrüche shine something strange To his. Perhaps liegts Yes on it (s. Screenshot)


I habs straight tested but on it liegts not

Why have Thou $A as Line break instead of $D?


157 kB
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

In windows are Zeilenumbrüche CR LF, means #13 #10 ,CarriageReturn however isn't really important, #10 was always whom Entscheidungsträger over the new row. I habs well as Unixfile stored.

on it lying But not.

any Problems are How gegepustet - Roland hats geschafft.

one be I relieved!


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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