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Christof Neuß | Hello people,
can someone with this Error Message help on?
Exception EAccessViolation in Module ntdll.dll with 0004A1B. Access violation with address 77A7A41B in Module 'ntdll.dll'. write of address 00000008
on the suitable Programmstelle becomes a CSV-File read and machine. The Einlesevorgang runs over "Blockread" and moreover over "Char$".
can it his, that The File simply To big is (here are it concise 300 MB) or To many Lines contains.
having the already time someone?
Oh, äh...my Signatur is correct not any more. Do I yet Change. the Program watts with XPROFAN X2 prepares. |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | here would a Widergabe Your Codes sure sinnvoller been. so a Error Message can (Perhaps) MS interpret. have You whom area big enough definiert? are You with Char$ over The Bereichsgrenze rausgegangen? |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 09/07/11 ▲ |
Jörg Sellmeyer | I hab's straight tested. on the Size lying not. by me are moreover ca 1,5 mio Lines in the File. CompileMarkSeparationDeclare Datei$,b#,n&
Datei$ = "grossedatei.csv"
Print Datei$
n& = FileSize(Datei$)
Dim b#,n& + 1
Assign #1,Datei$
OpenRW #1
print Blockread(#1,b#,0,n&)
Close #1
Randomize'fehlte noch
WhileLoop 10
Locate 3,1
print Char$(b#,Rnd(n&),1000)'hier könnte es knallen, weil keine Überprüfung, ob über die Bereichgrenze gelesen wird.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 09/07/11 ▲ | |
Christof Neuß | Hello Jörg,
by me sees the about so from: CompileMarkSeparationDatenDatei$=$ProgDir+"Daten\\"+CSV_Datei$+".CSV"
Dim Bereich#, DateiLaenge&
DateiLaenge&=@BlockRead(DatenDatei$, Bereich#, 0, DateiLaenge&)'Damit ist DateiLaenge& = Anzahl gelesener Zeichen
DatenZeilen$=RemoveNull(DatenZeilen$) it go several CSV-Files nacheinander machine. 'RemoveNull' is a nProc, The Nuller and Sonderzeichen from the File removes. whom reason there, that You whom area with n&+1 dimensionierst? must one characters More possible his?
Zusatzfrage : I have now The feedback of a customers, that it The Error Message "Zu little Arbeitsspeicher" get (CSV-File is 660 MB big). yet i was always the opinion, the a) 4 GB Hauptspeicher suffice müssten and b) WindowsVista still Plattenspeicher to that Auslagern uses, unless sufficient Hauptspeicher present is. or could it something other his?
Well. I must well once more on The Einleseroutine ran... Evtl. can I whom BlockRead Yes divide and so small bit reading. there becomes it well difficult, the whole hereafter again correctly. together To settle.
THANK YOU first time and To denne... |
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RGH | it would helpful, if you a short lauffähigen (!) code with of/ one suitable CSV-File available position, with the to the trouble understand can. After one Error, whom I do not by me understand can, can I not search.
"Ein not reproduzierbarer bow can't gefixt go!"
Greeting Roland |
| XProfan X2Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 09/09/11 ▲ |
Christof Neuß | Hello Roland,
Yes, is already clear. I must whom Error first time by me reproduzieren (can). And if I then not weiterkomme, place I here too time a suitable code one.
it had Yes his can (the was my quiet hope), that someone similar Experience made has and z.B. same said had "Klar, the can't functions, there Files over 500 MB none with BlockRead be read can." or "Es lying evtl. none on the Filesize, separate on whom encompassed characters. the Sonderzeichen Ü lead to that crash at reading." or...
nevertheless "Danke". I find's already cool, what here everything on Support get. |
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| the system must The 660 MB too on the Piece vorrätig having. even if the available memory plenty larger is, says not from, that so one large free Piece existing. with so Riesendateien recommend it itself, tappt im dunkeln stückchenweise abzuarbeiten. |
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RGH | here can I Frank only consent:
If already The File binary red go should: a smaller area dial and the File in of/ one Loop in smaller morsel reading and Edit. there a CSV-File but a Textdatei, would I suggest, The File with Assgn/Reset to open and Input# To reading and To Edit.
really have I the DIM-commands so program, that it a tidy Error Message outputs, if the angeforderte memory not provided go can. there's evident but situations, where me windows with a Programmabbruch zuvorkommt.
though can The windows-Message too others causes having.
Greeting Roland |
| XProfan X2Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 09/09/11 ▲ |
| Jo,
Christof Neuß (07.09.11)
write of address 00000008
sees already suspicious z.B. after a failed String- or. Speicheroperation from. Z.B. To GlobalAlloc writes M$: "If the function fails, the return value is NULL".
Übrigens... means windows with "Schreiben of Adresse" about "Schreiben on Adresse" or "Lesen of Adresse"? I can not reproduzieren I strain only Win7 under whom Fingern have and the informations there something nochkomischer are.
@Christof: These nProc The You there uses... if you want then can I you The again explicit optimize so tappt im dunkeln z.B. again 5 time faster is. |
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| RGH (09.09.11)
"Ein not reproduzierbarer bow can't gefixt go!"
Nichtmal through chance? |
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E.T. | |
| Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte... | 09/10/11 ▲ |
| Gib you a Ruck! |
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