
explanation the copy modes


OK, there Create(hPic...) now any Image formats loading can, becomes this commands certainly soon integrally big in fashion come.
as last Parameter gives one whom undertow. Kopiermodus on. 0(normal) and -1(transparency) are so right simply To understand, but here's a short Statement the copy modes 1 To 4 :

1 - bitweises link the Pixel with AND, to German: If the background
Black* is, so remaining the suitable Pixel Black, is it coloured**, so becomes it
2 - bitweises link the Pixel with OR, to German: black Pixel in the To
zeichnenden Bitmap go not drawn, Black is sozusagen The
transparente colour.
3 - bitweises link the Pixel with XOR, the of my opinion to
unverständlichste Kopiermodus. at a place the screen becomes yes a old
Pixel of a new the To zeichnenden Bitmap supplant. The Farbwerte this
both Pixel go with XOR verknüpft. means, if the new Pixel Black is,
remaining the old, is the old boy Black, becomes the new staid. are both coloured, so
becomes the Pixel Black
4 - Zielbereich becomes invertiert, to German: which Bitmap loaded becomes is alike,
important is your Size. The colours the To überschreibenen Bereiches go
invertiert, turned. Probierts in the Paint aus; from Black becomes white, from ruddy becomes green,
from blue becomes orange, etc.

*schwarz= @RGB(0,0,0) **coloured <> @RGB(0,0,0)

Thanks the brilliant Fortschritts must in the Statement the word Bitmap self-evident through Image supplant go.
hopefully have I at least some Personen helped.
Nico Madysa

...I faith the unduchsichtige on XOR becomes durchsichtiger, if you time the image to that 2. time on the same place with the same mode draw.

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

so, now Have I me this XOR-Kopiermodus some evenings respected, and can moreover yet some say.

1. the Image with verdrehten colours pictured. If one it means into right colours UND this Kopiermodus use wants, must his Image with Paint or IrfanView or however invertieren.

2. becomes the image with KM(Kopiermodus) 3 drawn and subsequently the same Image on The same place with the same KM drawn,so delete itself both mutual from. the old boy background might again attend (habs only with weißem background probiert.)

3. See (2.); becomes the new Image not directly over the old drawn, separate for a Pixel moved, arise one toller Skizzen-effect. EinfaCh try!
proc DrawSketch

    parameters pfad$ , x% , y%
    LoadBMP pfad$ , x% , y% ; 3
    LoadBMP pfad$ , (x%+1) , y% ; 3


DrawSketch LoadFile$("Bitmap laden","Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp")
Nico Madysa


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