

Hello Frank
means somehow komm I with the ? Happen? not clear.
should whom not really with the Flag 31 too versteckte
Files showing ????
Ausserdem can I between Flag 31 with/without Flag 512 none Difference check.by me having The Files always your own Icons.

Greeting Klaus

Hello Klaus.

Yes, if You Flag 31 verwendest, go too versteckte Files displayed ((H)idden Flag).

the Hiddenflag has the value 512 ($200).
the Own Icon-Flag has the value 1024 ($400), there have you got you well with the worth vertan, Why using You The Hex-values because not ?

Greeting, Frank

Hello Frank

I had with your Beispielcode rumexperimentiert and having of course The ? Happen? always in the row changed The at first appeal of FileListToCvs vorkommen however not Procedur
GetDir !!!......have for these Erkenntniss a couple hours to the computer spent.
well Yes, if one not reading can...yourself guilt

The Hex-values I had therefore not uses because in the Help of what LongInteger standing what about me among other things thought the could what with the incorrect Ergebnissen concern.

means,SORRY Frank was my Error
Greeting Klaus


such Problems likes I on the dearest, which in breeze dissolve

with Long-Integern (and others variables too) is it completely alike, whether here a dezimale, hexadezimale, binäre, oktale or sonstwie geartete number (The the Compiler understand can) standing, hauptsache the eigentliche worth remaining include...

Greeting, Frank

Hello Frank
well Yes,somehow has not in breeze aufgelöst...........
I have in Your OriginalCode in the procedure LoadDir1 in line 44 time alternately The Parameter changed and then over ands over again LWC: called.
If I the Parameter 256 weglasse then come The Icons confusion z.B. having then Ordner File-Icons and The one or others File Ordner-Icons....i think the ought to so still not his...separate it should without 256 simply The standard-Icons showing...or ?????

means either Have I there what wrong understood or liegts on the Sytem ? or Maybe still one small Error in the Dll ??

Greeting Klaus

Hi,I again
incidentally exit the whole only on if to the drive changes.
means Program Start mitnur Parameter 31 ... everything ok
Laufwerkwechsel without Parameter 256 .... somehow everything strange


ok again I
256 is naturally for Header in the CSV
well I geb me beaten....but Why come since the Icons
confusion ?
Please Frank give me another chance what about me werd for ever silence....or everything 100time reading befor I here write



have you got because mind, that you to the reading another Sorting vornimmst? you can't of it go out, the windows The data always sortiert einliest, The Dateiliste can random and unsortiert his, therefore to the reading SortManual() using...

ex sunday be I for two weeks in the leave, therefore can I me in the Time not report...

Greeting, Frank

thanks for Help and plenty joke in the leave

Greeting Klaus

thanks !!!

Have I had...except for whom day, as me one fish-hooks from the fingers cut[ed] go had to... ...bad luck...

be again from the leave there and ready for eure ask.

Greeting, Frank

Hi Frank
would it possible with this function yet a Dateifilter
incorporate.... means *.* or *.txt etc.

or Gibts the already ?? found Have I nothing

Greeting Klaus


No, gibs not yet.
I look time, what itself make can.

Have momentarily yet arge Problems with the Manifesto Resource and the Sorting of Split, the counts it first To solve...

Greeting, Frank


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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