


Hi Profaner,

have the trouble,that programs which Startpaint Endpaint,or
Global benefit on my middle-aged 1GHz board correct weg,but on my new 2,6 GHz board not any more.

Startpaint Endpaint goes only More in the interpreter mode.as Exe File only yet then, if behind each Endpaint one Waitinput follows.self with one Sleep 1000 behind Endpaint flashing only Bruchteile the Textes short on,before The Programmunterbrechung entering.

Sendkey functions only then, if same hereon one Sleep 200 follows.
without the sleep commands becomes Global simply not carryed out.

have 2,6 GHz Intel CeleronD board with 510 MB RAM
WindowsME and XProfan 8.0.

having someone already similar Problems?

with friendly greet
Georg Dankesreiter
Windows7 Xprofan 8,9,10 [...]  [...] 

Try still time instead of whom SLEEPs the following:
salvo, iF

Hi If

Habs ausprobiert,but settimer won't carryed out,weder in the Interpre- termodus yet Compiliert.

last stood:

objekt&[num%]=Control(STATIC,objekt$[num%],$54001006,xkoor%[num%],ykoor%[num%],wide%[num%],hoehe%[num%],%hwnd,0, %hInstance,$0)
setfont objekt&[num%],font&[1]
startpaint objekt&[num%]
UseFont COURIER,0,12,0,0,0
drawtext 1,1,objekt$[num%]
beep becomes carryed out
Settimer 10000 : waitinput : killtimer won't carryed out
sleep 500 becomes carryed out
Settimer 10000 : waitinput : killtimer won't carryed out

this part goes in the interpreter mode correct,but Why not
as Exe ?

objekt&[num%]=Control(STATIC,objekt$[num%],$54001006,xkoor%[num%],ykoor%[num%],wide%[num%],hoehe%[num%],%hwnd,0, %hInstance,$0)
setfont objekt&[num%],font&[1]
startpaint objekt&[num%]
UseFont COURIER,0,12,0,0,0
drawtext 1,1,objekt$[num%]


with the application with the Sendstring trouble

Settimer 10000 : waitinput : killtimer won't carryed out

too here becomes settimer....... in both Dateimodis ignoring.
Perhaps hängts so together,there in both Make settimer.....
not aufs Mainwindow,separate once on Statics and once on one Richedit apply becomes.
Global becomes only on one Richedit applied.
be the trouble here over again accurate angegangen,with the Result
whether with sleep,settimer,or without => it go simply always some
Sendkey verschluckt.

both programs benefit the new Ereignisbehandlung of Prfellow.
Perhaps must one here what spezieelles mind?then against understand I not,Why it on the middle-aged board without Problems

be with my Anfängerlatein end,hope on friend chance.

with friendly greet
Georg Dankesreiter
Windows7 Xprofan 8,9,10 [...]  [...] 

have You XProfan9?

Hi If

No,Profan 7.5 and XProfan 8.0

will be it with Profan 7.5 time try.
is Yes not so important,I come so zurecht,wished The application as
Anfängerfreeware for Beginner with you in the board offer.
Since I too no WinXP have,had I anyhow first time a volunteers
used,the testing ,whether the program too XP runs.

If the trouble however resolved is, can it Yes still

with friendly greet
Georg Dankesreiter
Windows7 Xprofan 8,9,10 [...]  [...] 

OK habs understood. Schreib still Please How in the Regulars table discussed your Profanversion and Windowsversion in your Signatur. The Signatur can edit in Your Profil (Hauptansicht, right).

If you Prf7 have must You naturally
settimer 1

instead of

settimer 1 : waitinput : killtimer

. Leave

salvo, iF

Hi If

habs unfortunately overlooking,that first XProfan 9 several Commands in of/ one row admits.
goes but nevertheless not.
over again many Thanks for your Help and verbleibe with

friendly greet
Georg Dankesreiter
Windows7 Xprofan 8,9,10 [...]  [...] 

[quote:37c54beb4c=Georg Dankesreiter]Hi If

habs unfortunately overlooking,that first XProfan 9 several Commands in of/ one row admits.[/quote:37c54beb4c]Well, not integrally. who xpse in use has comes ditto into pleasure - independent of the Profanversion.

salvo, iF

Hi If

be one bit moreover

objekt&[num%]=Control(STATIC,objekt$[num%],$54001006,xkoor%[num%],ykoor%[num%],wide%[num%],hoehe%[num%],%hwnd,0, %hInstance,$0)
setfont objekt&[num%],font&[1]
sleep 1000
startpaint objekt&[num%]
UseFont COURIER,0,12,0,0,0
drawtext 1,1,objekt$[num%]
sleep 1000

have with folgendem Probiert,what happens

$54001006 = white Statik with edge

in the Interpretermodus becomes first the Statik created and then described.

as Exe then but komischerweise first one graues Statik created.
then the Text with weißen background inserted and then first the edge and the weiße Statik created.accordingly is then the Text überdeckt.

be as Beginner now utterly überfordert,know You Perhaps another Possibility the Statik To beschriften?thanks.

with friendly greet
Windows7 Xprofan 8,9,10 [...]  [...] 

I must confess now first To remember what it you eigendlich goes.

now is me too clear the your Prob. not by settimer 1 To regulate is.

Beschrifte simply your Static with a BMP.

here  [...]  have I one nice example moreover posted.

helps you the?

salvo, iF

Hi If

thanks for hint.there but the users whom Text certainly should I The Stringvariable before first in a BMP File transfiguring.
the whole Program(dBase Dateigenerator with small Programieroberfläche) arose really only,because I from you known reason my kompletten programs new write must.there me thereby some Profaner helped having whom Dateigenerator hinzukriegen,wished I this now as Freeware for Beginner(but only for hiesige Members
and only on your Forum dull) offer.

the the Dateigenerator as EXE with of/ one Staticsorte not goes,have I
first notice as i the Installationspacket to that Upload herrichtete and over again before Durchtestete.

Perhaps lying the Error too in another Programmteil,whom the Interpreter ignoring and the Compiler not.gray Statics can
komischerweise anstandslos beschriften.
one can I but now 100%ig exclude,on the new board
liegts not.on the middle-aged board having the program yet no weißen
Statics and jetzige Version runs on the middle-aged board not correctly..

resolve now concerned Lines from the Gesamtcode and look what then
happens.Rolf has me too what to that testing skillful,over again ne chance.

Perhaps wars so did i something Vernünftiges on The legs.

with friendly greet from the yet verschneiten Niederbayern
Windows7 Xprofan 8,9,10 [...]  [...] 

Hi If,

copy here simply The Message on Rolf

Hi Rolf

laid a night shift one,there me this thing no silence let.
have it now resolved.

have your code simply Piece for Piece zerlegt,thereby coming the following out:

declare test&
proc font
startpaint test&
UseFont COURIER,0,12,0,0,0
drawtext 1,1,Test
test&=Control(STATIC,Test,$54001006,200,20,100,20,%hwnd,0, %hInstance,$0)

with einmaligen Calling the Procedure Font have I gleiches altes trouble.
there but You in Your example The Procedure number of times Durchlaufen can,have I The Proc. simply time twice one after another called.
If I it neither understand,but then I ment at a single blow.

now let I in my Program Startpaint Endpaint too number of times Durchlaufen and It's all right too.

declare hg%
whilenot hg% > 2
startpaint objekt&[num%]
UseFont COURIER,0,12,0,0,0
drawtext 1,1,objekt$[num%]
inc hg%

without your Sourcecode would I never on The idea come Startpaint Endpaint number of times one after another aufzurufen.over again thanks.

an latest Please had I yet,could someone explain Why this so is,or whether this only under WinME so is.

means over again you both one large Thank you.

with friendly greet

for If

If nothing dagegenspricht would I the Prog. over again run through and on The menace there,that it on other Win.versions except ME not
runs you zukommen let.i want it now still not any more unangesehen on The Members release.
Windows7 Xprofan 8,9,10 [...]  [...] 


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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