
GetControlParas question

Hi Frank,

directly another question.
with GetControlParas becomes well the suitable Click not reset, so How with GetSelectedDbClk.

my question is, How set I it now back ?

I respond with one Double click or Rechtsklick in the list view with the reaction, that one other List view aufgeht.
everything no trouble so far, if I now in the new opened List view The further activities only by keyboard auslöse z.B. something auswähle and Enter press, becomes this closed and directly again opened.
the directly again open is the Error, there if I a Mausaktion in the second List view ausführe, becomes it only closed, as ought to.

in the momentum be I utterly Ratlos How I this trouble solve should.



see I me on.

Greeting, Frank


so, habs tested.
probably make I what wrong, because by me functions everything fine.
One Double click means naturally too always one plainer Linksklicks, Perhaps lying here the dog bury...?
attempt time short to create the new Listviews, or thereafter, GetControlParas aufzurufen.
If the nothing helps, the schick me still one *small* Testprogramm, in the the Error vorkommt.

Greeting, Frank

Hello Frank,

with the *small* demonstration could it something last, there it right difficult is it to To building.

becomes of GetControlParas the Click the List as Done disjointed ?
unless did you know a commands circa this To make ?

your suggestion with the GetControlParas to the construction the times List view works unfortunately not, I in the second List view in which While Loop very this do.
The problem becomes really his, that it first one plainer Linksklick is and then one doppelter, the see I already on it How often The Loop go through becomes. but the latest incident becomes well as long as not deleted, or first after a designed Time, To one other Mausereignis appears. this would too explain Why it only then happens if I by doppelklick the second Window open and then by keyboard moreover make, any others Kombinationen weg.

I had The same function Schonmal with GetSelectedDbClk built, there went everything without Problems. These I had but verworfen because of the Möglickeit whom Rechtsklick with the others function abzufangen.


Hi Frank,

I faith whom Error found to have, its The request whether one Return pressed has.

means, in the itself öffnenden Listviewfenster screen I whether one left twice or right pressed has through GetControlParas and even too whether one, if a row selektiert is, The Enter Button pressing (%Key = 13).
of/ one the few %ScanKeys you through come.
now have I with Using the API GetKeyState The Strg Button as releases taken and see there It's all right.
take I now by API The Return Button goes it again not.
means must it something with the Return Auswertung concern.

there's now two Opportunities for me, The apiece a question raise.
1. I bend The Return Button so circa, that they of List view not as Return recognized becomes, only How?
2. I use not GetControlParas separate GetSelectedDbClk, only How I get out on which row one The rights Mouse button pressed has, there tappt im dunkeln therefore not markiert becomes?

Perhaps have you got Yes a idea,


Hello Georg

GetControlParas() basiert not of/ one API, separate determined inside the Subclassings, whether and which Mausknopf pressed watts. if so, then becomes a scheduler with the Values determined and filled. GetControlParas() copies these scheduler now into Profan-area, thereafter becomes The interne scheduler deleted and first again at next Mausknopf filled.

To your Opportunities:
1) which Message or Tastendruck becomes because to a List view sent ? the List view is still no input-Control (only one reines spending-Control), therefore expects it too none Tastendruck.

2) the goes only with GetControlParas(). it be because, You form the by hand to. But really very tricky, many APIs and Messages and Structures... ought to but really the same hinauslaufen.

Greeting, Frank

Hi again,

having a Timer in the Dll-Sourcecode forget, the some Messages verschluckte.
Perhaps is it indeed for this Error (?) Responsible. More moreover in the ReadMe the Betatests.

Greeting, Frank

Hi Frank,

the was is, It's all right
crazy work !!!



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