which Grafikformt can plainer reading in a Arry, Gif or Png? and how can I the Bildformat, which best is in eienm aray reading?
i want a kollison of Flächen erarbeiten.
I put me the so to.
I have one s/w Image 128x128 Pixel, therein is in the middle one schwarzer circle of d=64Pixel. this would like I into aray Images in PNG 0=weiss or 1=schwarz.
on the Screen have I one Image as Dummy 128x128 Pixel with a blue circle d=64 Pixel, the circle has The same site How supra.
then have I one rotes Viereck which in the circle hike.
now would like I vergleichen over AND whether a schwarzer Pixel and a roter Pixel of Viereck on one designed point To discern is, if so, there's a collision.
the means I make somehow always one photo from the expanse(Bitblt or so)128x128 Pixel and compare so.