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Thomas Freier | I have time a question, How is the following trouble rather (faster) To solve: In of/ one Textdatei, created a PDF through Adobe or PDFtoText.exe, go words zusammengezogen. These would I gladly again separate, if within one Wortes Großbuchstaben come along. is a preparation for Sprachausgabe and it hears not well on, if to one Hauptwort no space is. my previous Solution: CompileMarkSeparationZusammengefasste Wörter bei einem Großbuchstaben trennen
Dim$ 500
declare this$, insideThis$, Nr_B%, Nr_B1%, Such$ , Such%, Edit$, N_Strg%, Ende%
Proc isOneInside von Michael Wodrich
Syntax: isOneInsice( this$, insideThis$ )
Ist eines der Zeichen in this auch in insideThis enthalten?
this wird als eine Aufzaehlung von einzelnen Zeichen betrachtet.
Parameters this$, insideThis$
Declare Ok%
WhileLoop Len(this$)
If InStr(Mid$(this$, &loop, 1), insideThis$)
If &Loop>Nr_B1%
Ok% = 1
Nr_B% = &Loop
Return Ok%
Edit$=WastutLübeckaufdemReisemarktHeute ohneTourismusmanager
Print Edit$
..............Alle Worte trennen und speichern
WhileLoop 50
List$ &Loop = Substr$(Edit$,&Loop, )
IF List$(&Loop) =
N_Strg%= &Loop-1
.............ist innerhalb eines Wortes ein Großbuchstabe?
WhileLoop n_Strg%
Such$= List$(&Loop)
print such$
this$= right$(Such$,len(Such$)-1)
Nr_B1% = 0
..........................suchen ab Wortanfang ohne 1. Buchstaben
WhileLoop 10
if isOneInside( this$, insideThis$ )
Such$= Ins$( ,Such$,(Nr_B% + 1)) gefunden und Leerzeichen vor Großbuchstaben
Nr_B1% = Nr_B% + 1 einsetzen
this$= right$(Such$,len(Such$)-1)
print such$
List$ &Loop = Such$
.............String neu zusammen setzen
Edit$ =
WhileLoop n_Strg%
Edit$ = Edit$ + List$(&Loop)+
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 11/21/07 ▲ |
Jörg Sellmeyer | so to that example: CompileMarkSeparation CompileMarkSeparation On The same point can You yet The whole Präpositionen and Bindewörter freistellen and you have already a half-way lesbaren Text. If you still any Opportunities of his and having as well as some Basisverben (z.B. make) erledigst... Achja, The item yet! with the right Match$-command does it everything in a Loop. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 11/21/07 ▲ |
Thomas Freier | @ Jörg, THANK YOU, sees short and well from. |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 11/21/07 ▲ |
Jörg Sellmeyer | Thomas suitor
@ Jörg, THANK YOU, sees short and well from.
it is short and well |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 11/21/07 ▲ |
Jörg Sellmeyer | Hello Thomas, I answer time here, then having any what of it: Trennstriche on the Zeilenende can slight with Translate$(Text$,- ,) filter out. You can your Text even same in Absätze decompose: CompileMarkSeparationText$ = Hier_die_Funktion_die_den_Text_aus_PDF_liest()
Text$ = Translate$(Text$,-
,) Trennstriche erschlagen
While Match$([!~?~.]
,Text$) >
Text$ = Translate$(Text$,$Match,Left$($Match,1) + |) alle Zeilenumbrüche mit Satzendezeichen zum Sichern umwandeln
Text$ = Translate$(Text$,
,)alle Zeilenumbrüche raus
While Match$([!~?~.]~|,Text$) >
Text$ = Translate$(Text$,$Match,Left$($Match,1) +
) Zeilenumbrüche zurückschreiben
now have You in the principle absatzformatierten Fließtext. whom can You now the Vorleseprogramm transfer, or, if your woman gladly yourself reading would like, in beliebiger Schriftgröße in a MultiEdit unterbringen. with eingestelltem automatischem Line break (negativer worth for Höhe) ought to the then free from problems readable his. In one RTF-Control can You it even yet discretionary format. Greeting Jörg |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 11/22/07 ▲ |
| Hm, would imho something performant there without regexp and without creep too with CompileMarkSeparationvar in$=Hier_die_Funktion_die_den_Text_aus_PDF_liest()
) ich würde hier wahrscheinlich der Optik halber sogar
angeben, unwichtig...
| 11/23/07 ▲ | |
Jörg Sellmeyer | Obs faster is, käme on a attempt on. my first Loop becomes indeed only maximum 3times through. If z.B no ? in the Text present is, even only 2time. The second Loop can itself anyhow give as a present. was one fallacy for may part. CompileMarkSeparation reicht already. Womit I then with five Lines be and evtl. less Durchläufen. Also find I these RegEx-things somehow calm |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 11/23/07 ▲ |
| ok, testing! Steilvorlage for a TestSkelett: [...] (simply into perfproc the present what To testing is)
would be still Real interestingly...
but the Coolnessfaktor is objectively unübersehbar. |
| |
Thomas Freier | cool!!! you are faster as the sonic. a little while ago was here still what about me have me on The Search to software made. will be The hints tommorrow try. Jörg you're right, there are Problems, The many interested could. |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 11/23/07 ▲ |
Thomas Freier | so, I had to it still try. either mach I a Error, or my Solution has The wenigsten. kick-off the action: the attempt, an Zeitungsseite as PDF available, itself vorlesen To let. The whole Page is no trouble, that can Adobe too. but would like I only a item reading or once more vorlesen let, so does it not. and who would like already any Show listen! in the application can the program only over The Keys gesteuert go up to Scannen, but so far be I not yet. to that employment comes one old Laptop with 800*600 dissolution. in the attachment too one of Adobe begot Textdatei (LN-Adobe.txt). where Adobe a fehlende structure, with the newspaper knew The none what under To understand is, bemängelt and then line by line over several Blöcke whom Text created. Grrrrr! |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 11/23/07 ▲ |