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Stephie | I have ausversehen The copy the Originaldatei (with the Kommentaren) deleted. now power the program not any more what it should at the beginning. have well something by mistake deleted. know your moreover ? at that Start appear one Startfenster in the middle the Bildschrims. this Window exists a graphic and one Text. then opens itself the Mainwindow over the whole screen with Comparison txt in the background and the Menu. it funktionierte everything. by the "rumspielen", power Yes nothing if is a Original copy has (if one these dummerweise not deletes), appear now at Start the Mainwindow kurzzeitig the image the Startfensters left supra and then comes first The Hauptgrafik the Mainwindow. there me too The suitable comments now are missing, wisely I yourself not what missing or I made have. ash on my master and hoping the your me help on can before I again everything search must. everything else works again, the have I hinbekommen only here no idea More ......... CompileMarkSeparation'----- Programm -----
'----- Start Fenster -----
WindowStyle 1 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16
Zentriert(750,290)'Zentriert wurde am Anfang mit Proc erzeugt
WindowTitle Titel$'Titel$ wurde am Anfang festgelegt
hdl& = Create("hSizedPic",-1,SBild$,Width(%hwnd),Height(%hwnd),0)'SBild$ ist die Startgrafik
bild& = Create("Bitmap",%hwnd,hdl&,0,0)
TextColor rgb(1,1,1), -1
Drawtext 130,85,"Familie im Netz Version 1.0 portable"
Sleep 5400
'----- Haupt-Programm -----
Ende% = 0
WindowStyle 1 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16
WindowTitle Titel$ + " - [" + Zusatz$ + "]"'Titelzeile = Programmname und am Anfang keine Datei geladen anzeige
'----- Hintergrundbild an Fenster anpassen -----
hdl& = Create("hSizedPic",-1,HGB$,Width(%hwnd),Height(%hwnd),0)'HGB$ ist die Hintergrundgrafik des HAuptfensters
bild& = Create("Bitmap",%hwnd,hdl&,0,0)
'- enu -----
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| Hm your code calls a function "zentriert" on but the lying not.
a couple Notes:
You uses number of times Window Style vlt. around the Style the Mainwindow anew festzulegen -
Window Style around the Hauptfensterstil To define can only once to Erzeugung the Mainwindow apply go.
then uses You sleep presumably in the hope the your "Splash-Screen" a Time long displayed becomes -
the can but to hinten make at there Sleep sooner something like How "ProgrammAnhalten" is and if the window by then not entire painted/ aufgebaut watts then sees one "nix". If the User Waiting should then always rather waitInput there the Thread thereby not stand remaining.
In example. CompileMarkSeparation |
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Stephie | The with Centered begot code, setting the window always center screen. CompileMarkSeparation With the Windowstyle in the master-Program (in the code) is a slip, now where You it write. there ought to not More attend. Yes sleep ought to the window stop circa then later weiterzumachen. will be me but your suggestion To hearts take and times swap. |
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Stephie | Sorry that I me first now login, but one known has attempts me my erased File back To fetch. and he brought home the bacon. now is again everything at middle-aged.
iF, have your code tested and me as not acceptable found. it ought to one startfenster attend, so the users it short reading can and then ought to the Hauptprogramm launched go. with your code goes it same over into Mainwindow without the one The chance has the Startfenster To see and To reading. means must I with of my Variante with sleep stay. thanks nevertheless for Info, have me it time as a precaution abgespeichert. |
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| Regards!
but... ne - then have You it of my opinion to not "richtig" installed.
You must on The function just as How on Sleep as Parameter The Number of To wartenden Millisekunden append.
userWarte 2000 becomes definitiv at least 2 sec Waiting -
with Sleep against can it his - How I already wrote - that it in the Result not always so functions becomes How You you erhoffst where I do not of 1 computer and 1 Betriebssystem write separate even a wide volume. |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 08/23/11 ▲ |
Paul Glatz | for me sees the as an Endlosschleife from |
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Julian Schmidt | is too a Endlosschleife |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | |
| No can not there ne Message reicht around the "Schleife" To durchbrechen instead of ms waited becomes. oO After Deim principle is indeed the While or. The Loop without weight. |
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E.T. | I "baue" so a Splash-Screen mostly so, only to Note: CompileMarkSeparation
Proc Splash
Parameters SplashText$
var Pic&[1] = @Create("hPic",Dll2&,"Splash")
var Splash_Win& = @Create("Bitmap",%Desktop,Pic&[1],(%MaxX/2-280),(%MaxY/2-280))
StartPaint Splash_Win&
TextColor RGB(255,255,0),-1
UseFont "Arial",30,15,1,1,0
DrawText 15,(@Height(Splash_Win&)-50),SplashText$
waitinput 2000'Zeit je nach Wunsch, oder ohne Zeit um auf User zu warten
Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte... | 08/24/11 ▲ | |
| @E.T.: Well, with Your example is it the User possible too less than 2000ms To Waiting z.B. because it clicking. should the Splash but a gewisse Time showing then brings hold The function The I supra written have. |
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