
ideas sought around the VRAM (Bildspeicher) auszulesen


ideas sought around the VRAM (Bildspeicher) auszulesen

If someone one Ansatzmöglichkeit sees please times Post


look time whether You a suitable WMI-class find z.B. by WMICodeCreator.

then simply with the wmi.inc read.

Oh Wmi-classes must I first einarbeiten. The WMICodeCreator sees well from, this knew I not yet
thanks iF

who further ideas has...... are naturally herzlichst erwünscht

Perhaps have I your question too To quick red...

you GEHTS around the Size?!

NE, around the Content ,
and not as Bitmap How z.B. [pressure / s-Abf] Button. i'm still on the 'Jagt' windows whom BildschirmText directly ex To curls. me shining But yet so, that windows there nothing other How a BildschirmTreiber on WinXP? can... hmmm ?!?!?!?! I faith but the it a undokumentierte API, since 2006 gives.

others ways wären naturally too interestingly !!!

Undokomentierte API#s zB here:

I see. has then but with "VRAM" nothing To do.

Wennn You, the Image want then simply time savebmp 0,0 - maxx,maxy try
to Startpaint 0 or make windowstyle 112 and window 0,0 - maxx,maxy and
thereafter savebmp. what You imho not receive can is soetwas as an solid
address on the The Pixeldaten stand, The on all windows-versions and GraKa-
Treibern provided becomes.

I faith we're on different Topics

Jupp, presumably but at least on the same planets.

everything what windows on one screen shows are Pixel and on Printers Vektoren -
very roughly words. too Controls How Buttons etc go gepixelt. so one memory,
in the Klartext standing, which Text on-screen standing, stops I for impossible
with actually Windowsversionen, since the programs so written are, that they
something on the screen pixeln, as they something Show should.

You could The Pixel investigating by OCR ( [...]  ), So one screen-OCR-Program
write or use. this becomes however The CPU not beside the point use.

Here well time of/ one something like gepinselt: [...] 

what too went, but only if it circa Text of Controls (Buttons/ Static/ etc..) goes,
is the control To question by wm_getText. this is the, I in the others
Topic moreover anmerkte. but here müsstest with of/ one Loop whom screen
run out. there could you but a Controls-Map help: [...] 

JA, on the planets xProfan

thanks for your response,
that with the OCR have I letztes weekend tested. The success was naja, How You already noticed CPU last etc. Control-Map I will time standing thanks.

the 'Pixeln' is famous, i think that I me into driver from the Grafikkarte einmische becomes plenty. I screw my proposition in the momentum very down, there me simply The Time lane runs. i'll The next days from whom almost unzähligen Skripten and Programmabschnitten something zusammenbauen the one slight valet can and functions.so to the Motto rather today a good Solution as tommorrow The perfect.
Fehlende Textabschnitte could I into TIF (Temporary internet Files) Files the Content.IE5 turn off. must me only two Programmabschnitte consider:
A: How do I get from a directory any names (Programmnamen,Verzeichnisnamen etc.) warscheinlich with 'AddFiles'. there the IE in different Temp-directories writes, The it cache holds and In any computer a others names carry.
B: an very speedy Suchroutine similar '@FindFirst$(s)' only with the Uhrzeit. there me The abgefragten data under files[1],files[2],files[3]...etc in at least 2 Folders stored go, teils under the same names. see here only over The Uhrzeit a Possibility on The 'zuletzt' gespeicherte File To come...

I bedanke me for the with-tüfteln on new ideas
If a EndVersion is done give I in each drop time Info etc

Jo, AddFiles, but vlt. The addFile.dll with the function AddFilesEx: [...]  -
The supply too Dateiname;Größe;Zeit.

, Games grade with your 'Addfiles.Dll' around, that sees very well from

an idea How one versteckte Files and directories Show could, means with Addfiles.dll ?

has itself Done, have it found


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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