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Rainer Hoefs | Hello together,
have there time again a question.
I use one HTMLWin to display of/ one Bitmap, what Yes super functions, with Scroll bar etc. if one whom way to Bitmap as Parameter commit.
now would like I but not whom way to BMP transfer, separate The BMP as hPic open, I so loaded In BMP of/ one copy in a hNewPic Edit would like.
i want means only whom Return Value the hPic-BMP on the HTMLWin transfer.
The copy becomes in a 2. HTMLWin viewed, and there would like I only whom Return Value the hNewPic on the HTMLWin transfer.
the works but not. has someone for a Solution?
thanks beforehand Rainer |
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Michael W. | I faith, that the WebControl The data not from memory (means by lever) assumes. the Control is a eigenständige DLL, from the internet-Explorer entliehen is. can one Sicherheitsmerkmal sein; or i'm only not yet fündig become. into Unterverzeichnis the Website secure and there change. then one Refresh the Page, so The Changes showing. The pages-cache can deaktiviert go. Then always the new Image displayed.
P.s.: here a couple Info to that "Cache überlisten". eachone has there so its Favoriten.
1. [...] Posting #1 and #4,
2. [...]
, 3. [...] |
| System: Windows 8/10, XProfan X4 Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 05/03/19 ▲ |
Rainer Hoefs | Hello Mchael,
I have it befürchtet. your hints can not applied go, there it Yes only a simple BP-File is no HTML-code. thanks Rainer |
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H.Brill | How see it because with StartPaint...EndPaint from ?
Declare lever hwin, hpic, btn1
Declare Long end
MCls 50, 50
StartPaint -1
DrawIcon "Gesicht", 10, 10
hpic = Create("HPIC", 0, "&MEMBMP")
end = 0
Window 600, 400
btn1 = Create("Button", %HWnd, "Lade", 10, 10, 60, 25)
hwin = Create("HTMLWin", %HWnd, "www.profane.de", 1, 10, 50, 500, 200)
WhileNot end
If Clicked(btn1)
StartPaint hwin
DrawPic hpic, 100, 100; 0
Case %Key = 2 : end = 1
The Bmp becomes time In any drop drawn. mere, if one scrolls, is tappt im dunkeln again lane. Evtl. must to the HTM-Win subclassen and wmpaint to check on.
Perhaps helps you the already time moreover. PS: I have a Button taken, there the loading the Website a little bit longer lasts and accordingly the BMP überschrieben would. |
| Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 05/03/19 ▲ |
Rainer Hoefs | Hi, thanks, I try it. Rainer |
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| Hello Rainer,
with Base64-Kodierung and the URL-Data-Scheme can You one hPic in a HTMLWin Show:
- hPic produce, [hereon draw,] - hPic Save (as JPG or PNG), - whom Dateiinhalt to Base64 code - HTML produce: <img src="data:image/png;base64,...
var data$=dateiinhalt("bilddatei.png") var html$="<img src='data:image/png;base64,"+Encode64(data$)+"'>"
come You so forth? |
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