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![Clemens Meier: 04/17/06](.././../../i/a/16359372644350793491fe.gif) Clemens Meier | i'm thereby, one http-Request with the POST-method to create. really ought to it functions, does it naturally not. The Lines, The the trouble imply are: CompileMarkSeparationhOpen& = InternetOpenA(addr(INET_CallerName$),opentype&,0,0,0)
print "hOpen "+str$(hOpen&)
hConnect& = InternetConnectA(hopen&,addr(server$),port%,addr(username$),addr(password$),INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP&,0,0)
print "hConnect "+str$(hConnect&)pre> The 1. row functions yet, it'll one Long-worth outputted. this worth becomes into InternetConnectA function übernommen. The variables having following values: hopen& = 13369348 as example, get through InternetOpenA server$ = www.einedomain.de (These Domain existing) port% = 80 username$ = (I have it too with 0 attempts) Password$ = (I have it too with 0 attempts) INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP& = 3
still the worth the zurückkommt is 0. an Internetverbindung exists. means have I yet The function internetGetLastResponseInfoA installed, as it in SDK recommended becomes. still The Fehlernummer is 0 and there's no Error Message.
has someone a idea, Why it ggf. lying could or in which direction I the Error search ought to. |
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![iF: 04/17/06](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | I have your Posting moved - in the Regulars table GEHTS not circa such Programmierprobleme. Please use for Codes too the CODE, instead of the BOX - symbol. |
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![iF: 04/17/06](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | Probier time one simple: CompileMarkSeparation and then CompileMarkSeparationdeclare server$,user$,pwdd$,mem#,data#
dim mem#,4
long mem#,0:=12345
dim data#,318
clear data#
chdl&:=InternetConnect(ihdl&,addr(server$),21,addr(user$),addr(pwdd$),1,134217728,0)// 134217728 == 8000000 == INTERNET_FLAG_PASSI on>
then can You look whether You with CompileMarkSeparation a handle get. ![](.././../../i/s/-smile.png)
my example zielt of course not Port80 ex - but the cover the Threads describe indeed one other trouble.
salvo. |
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![Clemens Meier: 04/17/06](.././../../i/a/16359372644350793491fe.gif) Clemens Meier | Sorry, can I not try, I not XPSE install can, because moreover should I The Doku in the chm-File reading can, still The needed whom IE, the itself by me refusing something view (-> For this, Please no comments, have round 200 Euro for a MS-technician outputted, the no Solution knew and a Reinstallation Windows recommended and durchführte, by which further programs damage took Gesamtschaden round 700 Euro, dank on MS, The know, How one The economy ankurbelt)
gives it The XPSE-Documentation still in another stature, doc? html? PDF? or could one your Beispielcode in normalen XProfan run? |
| |
![Rolf Koch: 04/17/06](.././../../i/a/11.gif) Rolf Koch | Hi
nimm simply here The Doppelpunkte lane and already is it normal Profancode. means instead of: CompileMarkSeparation take You CompileMarkSeparation
see it already here on whom boxing. at that downstairs becomes nothing More of XPSE displayed. |
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![: 04/17/06](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | with InternetOpenA should You as OpenType& rather 1 take, not 0 How in iF seinem example. Kannste Yes test times ( 1 = INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT ) whether one whom Agenten simply omit can white I do not, would I simply something ala: XProfan@Inet indicate ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1100084240.gif) |
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![iF: 04/17/06](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | You could The CHM dekompilieren. ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498551.gif)
XPSE becomes but not installs - solely from the IDE your electoral called - with the Filenames as Parameter. ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498478.gif) |
| |
![Clemens Meier: 04/17/06](.././../../i/a/16359372644350793491fe.gif) Clemens Meier | class, same so many Answer, but:
an opentype changes nothing. whom Agenten To Change bring too nothing, can too empty let. I have meanwhile too an example with InternetOpenUrlA attempts, still too with this comes only a 0 out. I wealth, it's located less on the Program, separate something on my system couldn't correctly walk, though any DLLs How onl.dll or online.dll correct functions. And if it with the wininet not works, must I a others lane search.
Mmh on the Tipp The chm simply To dekompilieren had so did i from alone come can. have time a Decompiler down loaded. so becomes it well weg. |
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![Clemens Meier: 04/17/06](.././../../i/a/16359372644350793491fe.gif) Clemens Meier | means, on the system shining not To lying, have a couple hardware- and Softwaretools run, The no Error meldeten. The wininet.dll is ansprechbar and standing available, nevertheless I get always whom lever 0. have it too with the FTPFindFirstFile attempts. InternetOpenA gives seltsamerweise too always The same lever-number back. the can also not normal his. Perhaps has of/ one of you over night another idea, here time the complete code: CompileMarkSeparationdef InternetGetLastResponseInfoA(3) !"wininet.dll","InternetGetLastResponseInfoA"
def InternetCloseHandle(1) !"wininet.dll","InternetCloseHandle"
Benötigt als Parameter hInternetHandle
def InternetConnectA(8) !"wininet.dll","InternetConnectA"
Benötigt werden:
hInternetSession als &
lpszServerName als $
nProxyPort als %
lpszUsername als $
lpszPassword als $
dwService als &
dwFlags als &
dwContext als &
def InternetOpenA(5) !"wininet.dll","InternetOpenA"
Benötigt werden:
lpszCallerName als $
dwAccessType als &
lpszProxyName als $
lpszProxyBypass als $
dwFlags als &
def InternetReadFile(4) !"wininet.dll","InternetReadFile"
Benötigt werden:
hFile als &
sBuffer als $
lNumBytesToRead als &
Bytes als &
HTTP API-Deklarationen:
def HttpAddRequestHeadersA(4) !"wininet.dll","HttpAddRequestHeadersA"
Benötigt werden:
hHttpRequest als &
sHeaders als $
lHeadersLength als &
lModifiers als &
def HttpOpenRequestA(8) !"wininet.dll","HttpOpenRequestA"
Benötigt werden:
hInternetSession als &
lpszVerb als $
lpszObjectName als $
lpszVersion als $
lpszReferer als $
lpszAcceptTypes als &
dwFlags als &
dwContext als &
def HttpSendRequestA(5) !"wininet.dll","HttpSendRequestA"
Benötigt werden:
hHttpRequest als &
sHeaders als $
lHeadersLength als &
sOptional als $
lOptionalLength als &
declare INET_CallerName$
declare INET_ContentType$
declare IOTPreconfig%
declare IOTDirect%
declare IOTProxy%
INET_CallerName$ = "Testzugriff"
INET_ContentType$ = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
IOTPreconfig% = 0
IOTDirect% = 1
IOTProxy% = 3
declare string$,url$,data$
Proc HttpPost
Parameters url$,data$,opentype&,port%,username$,password$
Declare server$,path$,hOpen&,hConnect&,hRequest&,Buffer#,Bytes&,i&,ende%,httppost$
declare errorbuffer#,error&
DIM Buffer#,2048
DIM errorbuffer#,2048
url$ = trim$(url$)
if (lower$(left$(url$,7)) = "https://")
url$ = right$(url$,len(url$)-7)
i& = InStr("/",url$)
if (i& > 0)
server$ = left$(url$,i&-1)
path$ = right$(url$,len(url$)-i&+1)
server$ = url$
path$ = "/"
print "Server: "+server$
print "Pfad: "+path$
hOpen& = InternetOpenA(addr(INET_CallerName$),opentype&,0,0,0)
print "hOpen "+str$(hOpen&)
hConnect& = InternetConnectA(hopen&,addr(server$),port%,addr(username$),addr(password$),INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP&,0,0)
print "hConnect "+str$(hConnect&)
hRequest& = HttpOpenRequestA(hConnect&,"POST",addr(path$),"HTTP/1.0",0,0,INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD&,0)
print "hRequest "+str$(hRequest&)
if (hRequest& = 0)
print str$(error&)
print "Info: "+string$(errorbuffer#,0)
dispose buffer#
dispose errorbuffer#
HttpAddRequestHeadersA(hRequest&,addr(INET_ContentType$),len(INET_ContentType$),HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_REPLACE& | HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD&)
ende% = 1
print "a"
if (bytes& = 0)
ende% = 0
httppost$ = char$(buffer#,0,bytes&)
until ende% = 0
dispose buffer#
dispose errorbuffer#
return httppost$
url$ = "https://www.colored-web.com/httppost/index.php"
data$ = "X=15&Y=29"
string$ = HttpPOST(url$,data$,1,80,"","")
print tring$
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![Rolf Koch: 04/18/06](.././../../i/a/11.gif) Rolf Koch | Hi, Have hither and thither tested. The Bruchstücke Code iF are me famous, there we then together above spoken had.
iFs code was in the principle identical but it running in the Contrast To Your (means built a FTP link on and listete data on).
can it his, that somehow the Server this all not so likes? |
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![Clemens Meier: 04/18/06](.././../../i/a/16359372644350793491fe.gif) Clemens Meier | no, on the Server shining not To lying, have it even with two further Servern on different Standorten probiert, still too with them comes always exakt the same Result out.
has Perhaps someone one working Prog with InternetOpenA means with Api-functions from the wininet.dll, The I then by me time try can? |
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![iF: 04/18/06](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | Have I supra posted? ![](.././../../i/s/icon_redface.gif) |
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